Exportation of Liquors; Recodification of Regulations; Administrative Changes Due to the Homeland Security Act of 2002

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Federal RegisterJan 27, 2004
69 Fed. Reg. 3827 (Jan. 27, 2004)


Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), Treasury.


Final rule; Treasury decision.


The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau is recodifying its regulations pertaining to exportation of liquors. Due to the Homeland Security Act, we are also making administrative changes to these regulations to reflect the Bureau's new name and organizational structure. This document does not include any substantive regulatory changes.


This rule is effective on January 27, 2004.


Lisa M. Gesser, Regulations and Procedures Division, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, P.O. Box 128, Morganza, Maryland 20660; (301-290-1460) or e-mail Lisa.Gesser@ttb.gov.



As a part of our continuing efforts to reorganize title 27, chapter I, Code of Federal Regulations (27 CFR), we are removing all of part 252, Exportation of Liquors, from subchapter M—Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Excise Taxes, and recodifying it as part 28 in subchapter A—Liquor, of that chapter. We are also changing the title of subchapter A to “Subchapter A—Alcohol” and are revising the title of the new part 28 to read “Part 28—Exportation of Alcohol.” These changes better describe the contents of that subchapter and part. The table below shows from which section of part 252 the requirements of part 28 are derived.

In addition, because section 1111 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-296, 116 Stat. 2135) divided the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Department of the Treasury, into two separate agencies, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in the Department of Justice, and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), which remains in the Department of the Treasury, we are making administrative changes to part 28. This reorganization requires us to amend each of the CFR parts under our jurisdiction to reflect our Bureau's new name and organizational structure.

Derivation Table for Part 28

The requirements of section: Are derived from section:
Subpart A
28.1 252.1
28.2 252.2
28.3 252.3
28.4 252.4
Subpart B
28.11 252.11
Subpart C
28.20 252.20
28.21 252.21
28.22 252.22
28.23 252.23
28.25 252.25
28.26 252.26
28.27 252.27
28.28 252.28
28.30 252.30
28.35 252.35
28.36 252.36
28.37 252.37
28.38 252.38
28.40 252.40
28.41 252.41
28.42 252.42
28.43 252.43
28.45 252.45
28.48 252.48
Subpart D
28.51 252.51
28.52 252.52
28.52a 252.52a
28.52b 252.52b
28.53 252.53
28.54 252.54
28.55 252.55
28.56 252.56
28.57 252.57
28.58 252.58
28.59 252.59
28.60 252.60
28.61 252.61
28.62 252.62
28.63 252.63
28.64 252.64
28.65 252.65
28.66 252.66
28.67 252.67
28.70 252.70
28.71 252.71
28.72 252.72
28.73 252.73
28.74 252.74
28.80 252.80
Subpart E
28.91 252.91
28.92 252.92
28.93 252.93
28.94 252.94
28.95 252.95
28.96 252.96
28.97 252.97
28.98 252.98
28.100 252.100
28.101 252.101
28.102 252.102
28.103 252.103
28.104 252.104
28.105 252.105
28.106 252.106
28.107 252.107
28.110 252.110
28.115 252.115
28.116 252.116
28.117 252.117
28.118 252.118
Subpart F
28.121 252.121
28.122 252.122
28.123 252.123
28.124 252.124
28.125 252.125
28.126 252.126
28.127 252.127
28.130 252.130
28.131 252.131
28.132 252.132
28.133 252.133
Subpart G
28.141 252.141
28.142 252.142
28.143 252.143
28.144 252.144
28.145 252.145
28.146 252.146
28.147 252.147
28.148 252.148
28.149 252.149
28.150 252.150
Subpart H
28.151 252.151
28.152 252.152
28.153 252.153
28.154 252.154
28.155 252.155
28.156 252.156
28.160 252.160
28.161 252.161
28.162 252.162
28.163 252.163
Subpart I
28.171 252.171
28.190 252.190
28.191 252.191
28.192 252.192
28.193 252.193
28.194 252.194
28.195 252.195
28.195b 252.195b
28.196 252.196
28.197 252.197
28.198 252.198
28.199 252.199
Subpart J [Reserved]
Subpart K
28.211 252.211
28.212 252.212
28.213 252.213
28.214 252.214
28.215 252.215
28.216 252.216
28.217 252.217
28.218 252.218
28.219 252.219
28.220 252.220
28.220a 252.220a
Subpart L
28.221 252.221
28.222 252.222
28.223 252.223
28.225 252.225
28.226 252.226
28.227 252.227
28.230 252.230
Subpart M
28.241 252.241
28.242 252.242
28.243 252.243
28.244 252.244
28.244a 252.244a
28.245 252.245
28.246 252.246
28.247 252.247
28.250 252.250
28.251 252.251
28.252 252.252
28.253 252.253
Subpart N
28.261 252.261
28.262 252.262
28.263 252.263
28.264 252.264
28.265 252.265
28.266 252.266
28.267 252.267
28.268 252.268
28.269 252.269
28.275 252.275
28.280 252.280
28.281 252.281
28.282 252.282
28.285 252.285
28.286 252.286
28.290 252.290
28.291 252.291
28.295 252.295
Subpart O
28.301 252.301
28.302 252.302
28.303 252.303
28.304 252.304
28.310 252.310
28.315 252.315
28.316 252.316
28.317 252.317
28.318 252.318
28.320 252.320
28.321 252.321
Subpart P
28.331 252.331
28.332 252.332
28.333 252.333
28.334 252.334
28.335 252.335

Paperwork Reduction Act

The provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35, and its implementing regulations, 5 CFR part 1320, do not apply to this final rule because there are no new or revised recordkeeping or reporting requirements.

Regulatory Flexibility Act

Because no notice of proposed rulemaking is required for this rule under the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553), the provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) do not apply.

Executive Order 12866

This final rule is not a significant regulatory action as defined in Executive Order 12866. Accordingly, this final rule is not subject to the analysis this Executive Order requires.

Administrative Procedure Act

Because this final rule merely makes technical amendments to improve the organization of the regulations, no notice of proposed rulemaking and public comment period is required under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B). Similarly, because this final rule makes no substantive changes and is merely a recodification of existing regulations, this final rule is not subject to the effective date limitation of 5 U.S.C. 553(d).

Drafting Information

The principal author of this document is Lisa M. Gesser, Regulations and Procedures Division, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.

List of Subjects

27 CFR Part 4

  • Advertising
  • Customs duties and inspection
  • Imports
  • Labeling
  • Packaging and containers
  • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
  • Trade practices
  • Wine

27 CFR Part 5

  • Advertising
  • Customs duties and inspection
  • Imports
  • Labeling
  • Liquors
  • Packaging and containers
  • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
  • Trade practices

27 CFR Part 13

  • Administrative practice and procedure
  • Alcohol and alcoholic beverages
  • Labeling

27 CFR Part 19

  • Caribbean Basin initiative
  • Claims
  • Electronic funds transfers
  • Excise taxes
  • Exports
  • Gasohol
  • Imports
  • Labeling
  • Liquors
  • Packaging and containers
  • Puerto Rico
  • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
  • Research
  • Security measures
  • Surety bonds
  • Vinegar
  • Virgin Islands
  • Warehouses

27 CFR Part 24

  • Administrative practice and procedure
  • Claims
  • Electronic funds transfers
  • Excise taxes
  • Exports
  • Food additives
  • Fruit juices
  • Labeling
  • Liquors
  • Packaging and containers
  • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
  • Research
  • Scientific equipment
  • Spices and flavorings
  • Surety bonds
  • Vinegar
  • Warehouses
  • Wine

27 CFR Part 25

  • Beer
  • Claims
  • Electronic funds transfers
  • Excise taxes
  • Exports
  • Labeling
  • Packaging and containers
  • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
  • Research
  • Surety bonds

27 CFR Part 28

  • Aircraft
  • Alcohol and alcoholic beverages
  • Armed forces
  • Beer
  • Claims
  • Excise taxes
  • Exports
  • Foreign trade zones
  • Labeling
  • Liquors
  • Packaging and containers
  • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
  • Surety bonds
  • Vessels
  • Warehouses
  • Wine

27 CFR Part 70

  • Administrative practice and procedure
  • Claims
  • Excise taxes
  • Freedom of information
  • Law enforcement
  • Penalties
  • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
  • Surety bonds

27 CFR Part 194

  • Alcohol and alcoholic beverages
  • Claims
  • Excise taxes
  • Exports
  • Packaging and containers
  • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements

27 CFR Part 252

  • Aircraft
  • Alcohol and alcoholic beverages
  • Armed forces
  • Beer
  • Claims
  • Excise taxes
  • Exports
  • Foreign trade zones
  • Labeling
  • Liquors
  • Packaging and containers
  • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
  • Surety bonds
  • Vessels
  • Warehouses
  • Wine

Authority and Issuance

For the reasons discussed in the preamble, we amend title 27, chapter I, Code of Federal Regulations as follows:


1. Revise the heading of subchapter A to read as set forth above.


2. The authority citation for 27 CFR part 4 continues to read as follows:

Authority: 27 U.S.C. 205, unless otherwise noted.

§ 4.5

3. Amend § 4.5 by removing the reference to “ 27 CFR Part 252—Exportation of Liquors” and adding, in part number order, a reference to “27 CFR Part 28—Exportation of Alcohol.”


4. The authority citation for 27 CFR part 5 continues to read as follows:

Authority: 26 U.S.C. 5301, 7805; 27 U.S.C. 205.

§ 5.2

5. Amend § 5.2 by removing the reference to “ 27 CFR Part 252—Exportation of Liquors” and adding, in part number order, a reference to “27 CFR Part 28—Exportation of Alcohol.”


6. The authority citation for 27 CFR part 13 continues to read as follows:

Authority: 27 U.S.C. 205(e), 26 U.S.C. 5301 and 7805.

§ 13.3

7. Amend § 13.3 by removing the reference to “ 27 CFR Part 252—Exportation of Liquors” and adding, in part number order, a reference to “27 CFR Part 28—Exportation of Alcohol.”


8. The authority citation for 27 CFR part 19 continues to read as follows:

Authority: 19 U.S.C. 81c, 1311; 26 U.S.C. 5001, 5002, 5004-5006, 5008, 5010, 5041, 5061, 5062, 5066, 5081, 5101, 5111-5113, 5142, 5143, 5146, 5171-5173, 5175, 5176, 5178-5181, 5201-5204, 5206, 5207, 5211-5215, 5221-5223, 5231, 5232, 5235, 5236, 5241-5243, 5271, 5273, 5301, 5311-5313, 5362, 5370, 5373, 5501-5505, 5551-5555, 5559, 5561, 5562, 5601, 5612, 5682, 6001, 6065, 6109, 6302, 6311, 6676, 6806, 7011, 7510, 7805; 31 U.S.C. 9301, 9303, 9304, 9306.

§ 19.3

9. Amend § 19.3 by removing the reference to “ 27 CFR Part 252—Exportation of Liquors” and adding, in part number order, a reference to “27 CFR Part 28—Exportation of Alcohol.”

§§ 19.46, 19.396, 19.397, 19.531, 19.540, 19.605, 19.606, 19.607, 19.608, 19.685, 19.686, 19.687, and 19.769

10. Amend the above referenced sections as follows:

§ 19.396§ 19.606(c)§ 19.607(a)(6)§ 19.685(a)§ 19.685(a)§ 19.687
Amend: By removing the reference to: And replacing it with:
§ 19.46 27 CFR part 252 27 CFR part 28.
27 CFR part 252 27 CFR part 28.
§ 19.397 27 CFR part 252 27 CFR part 28.
§ 19.397 27 CFR 252.195b 27 CFR 28.195b.
§ 19.397 27 CFR 252.92 27 CFR 28.92.
§ 19.531(h) 27 CFR part 252 27 CFR part 28.
§ 19.540(a) Part 252 Part 28.
§ 19.605(a)(1) 27 CFR part 252 27 CFR part 28.
27 CFR part 252 27 CFR part 28.
27 CFR part 252 27 CFR part 28.
§ 19.608(a)(7) 27 CFR part 252 27 CFR part 28.
27 CFR part 252 27 CFR part 28.
27 CFR part 20, 22, or 252 27 CFR part 20, 22, or 28.
§ 19.686(a) (two times) 27 CFR part 252 27 CFR part 28.
27 CFR 252.197 through 252.199 27 CFR 28.197 through 28.199.
§ 19.769 (introductory text) Part 252 Part 28.


11. The authority citation for 27 CFR part 24 continues to read as follows:

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 26 U.S.C. 5001, 5008, 5041, 5042, 5044, 5061, 5062, 5081, 5111-5113, 5121, 5122, 5142, 5143, 5173, 5206, 5214, 5215, 5351, 5353, 5354, 5356, 5357, 5361, 5362, 5364-5373, 5381-5388, 5391, 5392, 5511, 5551, 5552, 5661, 5662, 5684, 6065, 6091, 6109, 6301, 6302, 6311, 6651, 6676, 7011, 7302, 7342, 7502, 7503, 7606, 7805, 7851; 31 U.S.C. 9301, 9303, 9304, 9306.

§ 24.4

12. Amend § 24.4 by removing the reference to “ 27 CFR Part 252—Exportation of Liquors” and adding, in part number order, a reference to “27 CFR Part 28—Exportation of Alcohol.”

§§ 24.67 and 24.292

13. Amend the above referenced sections as follows:

Amend: By removing the reference to: And replacing it with:
§ 24.67(a) 27 CFR part 252 27 CFR part 28.
§ 24.292(a) Part 252 Part 28.
§ 24.292(b) Part 252 Part 28.


14. The authority citation for 27 CFR part 25 continues to read as follows:

Authority: 19 U.S.C. 81c; 26 U.S.C. 5002, 5051-5054, 5056, 5061, 5091, 5111, 5113, 5142, 5143, 5146, 5222, 5401-5403, 5411-5417, 5551, 5552, 5555, 5556, 5671, 5673, 5684, 6011, 6061, 6065, 6091, 6109, 6151, 6301, 6302, 6311, 6313, 6402, 6651, 6656, 6676, 6806, 7011, 7342, 7606, 7805; 31 U.S.C. 9301, 9303-9308.

§ 25.4

15. Amend § 25.4 by removing the reference to “ 27 CFR Part 252—Exportation of Liquors” and adding, in part number order, a reference to “27 CFR Part 28—Exportation of Alcohol.”

§§ 25.145, 25.203, and 25.261

16. Amend the above referenced sections as follows:

Amend: By removing the reference to: And replacing it with:
§ 25.145(b)(4) Part 252 Part 28.
§ 25.203 Part 252 Part 28.
§ 25.261(a)(4) Part 252 Part 28.


17. The authority citation for 27 CFR part 70 continues to read as follows:

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 552; 26 U.S.C. 4181, 4182, 5146, 5203, 5207, 5275, 5367, 5415, 5504, 5555, 5684(a), 5741, 5761(b), 5802, 6020, 6021, 6064, 6102, 6155, 6159, 6201, 6203, 6204, 6301, 6303, 6311, 6313, 6314, 6321, 6323, 6325, 6326, 6331-6343, 6401-6404, 6407, 6416, 6423, 6501-6503, 6511, 6513, 6514, 6532, 6601, 6602, 6611, 6621, 6622, 6651, 6653, 6656-6658, 6665, 6671, 6672, 6701, 6723, 6801, 6862, 6863, 6901, 7011, 7101, 7102, 7121, 7122, 7207, 7209, 7214, 7304, 7401, 7403, 7406, 7423, 7424, 7425, 7426, 7429, 7430, 7432, 7502, 7503, 7505, 7506, 7513, 7601-7606, 7608-7610, 7622, 7623, 7653, 7805.

§§ 70.411, 70.414, and 70.462

18. Amend the above referenced sections as follows:

§ 70.462
Amend: By removing the reference to: And replacing it with:
§ 70.411(c)(28) Part 252 Part 28.
§ 70.414(f)(2) Part 252 Part 28.
§ 70.414(f)(2) Parts 19 and 252 Parts 19 and 28.
27 CFR part 252 27 CFR part 28.


19. The authority citation for 27 CFR part 194 continues to read as follows:

Authority: 26 U.S.C. 5001, 5002, 5111-5114, 5116, 5117, 5121-5124, 5142, 5143, 5145, 5146, 5206, 5207, 5301, 5352, 5555, 5613, 5681, 5691, 6001, 6011, 6061, 6065, 6071, 6091, 6109, 6151, 6311, 6314, 6402, 6511, 6601, 6621, 6651, 6657, 7011, 7805.

§ 194.281

20. Amend § 194.281 as follows:

a. Remove the reference to “§ 252.171” and add, in its place, a reference to “§ 28.171”.

b. Remove the reference to “Parts 19 and 252” and add, in its place, a reference to “Parts 19 and 28”.


21. Transfer 27 CFR part 252 from chapter l, subchapter M, to chapter l, subchapter A and redesignate as 27 CFR part 28.


22. The authority citation for the newly redesignated 27 CFR part 28 continues to read as follows:

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 19 U.S.C. 81c, 1202; 26 U.S.C. 5001, 5007, 5008, 5041, 5051, 5054, 5061, 5111, 5112, 5114, 5121, 5122, 5124, 5201, 5205, 5207, 5232, 5273, 5301, 5313, 5555, 6302, 7805; 27 U.S.C. 203, 205; 44 U.S.C. 3504(h).


23. Revise the heading of the newly redesignated part 28 to read as set forth above.

§§ 28.2 and 28.4

24. Amend the above referenced sections as follows:

Amend: By removing the reference to: And adding in its place:
§ 28.2(a) ATF TTB.
§ 28.2(b) ATF Web site ( http://www.ATF.treas.gov/ ) TTB Web site ( http://www.ttb.gov ).
§ 28.4 (section heading) Director Administrator.
§ 28.4 Director Administrator.
§ 28.4 (two times) Part 252 Part 28.
§ 28.4 (two times) ATF officers TTB officers.
§ 28.4 (two times) ATF Order 1130.27 TTB Order 1135.28.
§ 28.4 Director's Administrator's.
§ 28.4 ATF delegation TTB delegation.
§ 28.4 ATF Distribution Center, P.O. Box 5950, Springfield, Virginia 22150-5950 Distribution Center, P.O. Box 5950, Springfield, Virginia 22150-5950.
§ 28.4 ATF Web site ( http://www.ATF.treas.gov/ ) TTB Web site ( http://www.ttb.gov/).
§ 28.11

25. Amend § 28.11 as follows:

a. Remove the definition of “Appropriate ATF officer” and add, in its place, the definition of “Appropriate TTB officer” to read as follows: “ Appropriate TTB officer. An officer or employee of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) authorized to perform any functions relating to the administration or enforcement of this part by TTB Order 1135.28, Delegation of the Administrator's Authorities in 27 CFR part 28, Exportation of Alcohol.”

b. Remove the definition of “Director” and add, in alphabetical order, the definition of “Administrator” to read as follows: “ Administrator. The Administrator, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC.”

c. Remove the definition of “District Director.”

26. Amend part 28 as follows:

Amendment Table for Part 28

§ 28.92(b)§ 28.195b(a)§ 28.195b(b)§ 28.195b(c)
Amend: By removing the reference to: And adding in its place:
§ 28.20(a)(1) (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.20(a)(2) (introductory text heading) ATF TTB.
§ 28.20(a)(2) (introductory text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.20(a)(3) ATF TTB.
§ 28.20(a)(4) ATF TTB.
§ 28.20(b)(1) ATF TTB.
§ 28.20(b)(2) (introductory text heading) ATF TTB.
§ 28.20(b)(2) (introductory text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.20(b)(3) ATF TTB.
§ 28.20(c) (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.21(b) § 252.22 § 28.22.
§ 28.21(e) § 252.22 § 28.22.
§ 28.22 § 252.21 § 28.21.
§ 28.22 (five times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.22 (Note:) ATF TTB.
§ 28.23 ATF TTB.
§ 28.25 § 252.63 or § 252.64 § 28.63 or § 28.64.
§ 28.26(a)(1) § 252.27 § 28.27.
§ 28.26(b) § 252.28 § 28.28.
§ 28.27 § 252.122(a) § 28.122(a).
§ 28.27 § 252.28 § 28.28.
§ 28.28 § 252.26(a) or (b) and § 252.27 § 28.26(a) or (b) and § 28.27.
§ 28.28 §§252.26(a)(2) and 252.27 §§ 28.26(a)(2) and 28.27.
§ 28.30(a) ATF TTB.
§ 28.35 ATF TTB.
§ 28.36 (introductory text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.36(c) (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.36 (concluding text) (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.37 (section heading) ATF TTB.
§ 28.37 (three times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.38 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.40(a) § 252.250 § 28.250.
§ 28.40(b) § 252.251 § 28.251.
§ 28.40(c) § 252.252 § 28.252.
§ 28.40(d) § 252.250 § 28.250.
§ 28.40(e) § 252.253 § 28.253.
§ 28.41 § 252.268 § 28.268.
§ 28.42 § 252.250 § 28.250.
§ 28.43(a)(2) § 252.275 § 28.275.
§ 28.43(a)(3) § 252.250 § 28.250.
§ 28.43(a)(3) § 252.251 § 28.251.
§ 28.43(a)(3) § 252.252 § 28.252.
§ 28.43(a)(4) § 252.253 § 28.253.
§ 28.43(a)(6) ATF TTB.
§ 28.43(b)(1) § 252.23 § 28.23.
§ 28.43(b)(2) §§ 252.264 or 252.282 §§ 28.264 or 28.282.
§ 28.43(b)(3) ATF TTB.
§ 28.45 ATF TTB.
§ 28.52a ATF TTB.
§ 28.55 ATF TTB.
§ 28.56 (introductory text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.57 (section heading) Director Administrator.
28.57 ATF TTB.
§ 28.57 (two times) Director Administrator.
§ 28.58(a) § 252.91 § 28.91.
§ 28.58(b) § 252.121 § 28.121.
§ 28.58(c) § 252.151 § 28.151.
§ 28.58(c) ATF TTB.
§ 28.59 § 252.121 § 28.121.
§ 28.60 § 252.141 § 28.141.
§ 28.61 § 252.91(a)(1), (2), (3), (5), or § 252.121(a), (b), (c), or (d) 28.91(a)(1), (2), (3), (5), or § 28.121(a), (b), (c), or (d).
§ 28.61 ATF TTB.
§ 28.61 § 252.51 § 28.51.
§ 28.62(a) § 252.91(a)(1), (2), (3), (5), or § 252.121(a), (b), (c), or (d) § 28.91(a)(1), (2), (3), (5), or § 28.121(a), (b), (c), or (d).
§ 28.62(a) ATF TTB.
§ 28.62(a) § 252.51 § 28.51.
§ 28.62(b) ATF TTB.
§ 28.62(c) ATF TTB.
§ 28.62(d) § 252.54 § 28.54.
§ 28.63 § 252.25 § 28.25.
§ 28.63 § 252.51 § 28.51.
§ 28.64(a) § 252.25 § 28.25.
§ 28.64(a) § 252.51 § 28.51.
§ 28.65 §§ 252.171 and 252.211 §§ 28.171 and 28.211.
§ 28.65 ATF TTB.
§ 28.65 § 252.51 § 28.51.
§ 28.65 § 252.171(d) § 28.171(d).
§ 28.67 ATF TTB.
§ 28.67 § 252.72 § 28.72.
§ 28.70 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.71 §§ 252.171 and 252.211 §§ 28.171 and 28.211.
§ 28.71 § 252.72 § 28.72.
§ 28.71 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.71 § 252.70 § 28.70.
§ 28.72 (three times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.72 § 252.73(b) § 28.73(b).
§ 28.73(a) § 252.70 § 28.70.
§ 28.73(b) § 252.72 § 28.72.
§ 28.74 § 252.53 § 28.53.
§ 28.74 (three times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.91(a)(2) § 252.21 § 28.21.
§ 28.91(a)(5) § 252.26 § 28.26.
§ 28.92 (section heading) ATF TTB.
§ 28.92(a) (three times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.95 ATF TTB.
§ 28.96 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.98 (four times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.103(b) ATF TTB.
§ 28.104 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.105 ATF TTB.
§ 28.107 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.115 (introductory text) § 252.116 § 252.116.
§ 28.116 (introductory text) § 252.115 § 28.115.
§ 28.116 (introductory text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.116 (introductory text) § 252.117 § 28.117.
§ 28.116(e) ATF TTB.
§ 28.117 § 252.116 § 28.116.
§ 28.117 (four times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.117 § 252.115 § 28.115.
§ 28.121(b) § 252.21 § 28.21.
§ 28.121(d) § 252.27 § 28.27.
§ 28.122 (section heading) ATF TTB.
§ 28.122(a) (three times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.122(b) ATF TTB.
§ 28.122(c) (four times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.122(d) (four times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.123(b) ATF TTB.
§ 28.125 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.125 § 252.122 § 28.122.
§ 28.126 ATF TTB.
§ 28.131 (introductory text) § 252.130 § 28.130.
§ 28.131 (introductory text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.131(c) ATF TTB.
§ 28.131 (concluding text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.132 § 252.131 § 28.131.
§ 28.132 (seven times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.132 § 252.130 § 28.130.
§ 28.133 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.141(a)(2) § 252.21 § 28.21.
§ 28.141(c) § 252.60 § 28.60.
§ 28.146 ATF TTB.
§ 28.146 § 252.142 § 28.142.
§ 28.147 § 252.262 § 28.262.
§ 28.147 ATF TTB.
§ 28.151 (concluding text) § 252.58(c) § 28.58(c).
§ 28.152 (section heading) ATF TTB.
§ 28.152 § 252.151 § 28.151.
§ 28.152 ATF TTB.
§ 28.153 §§ 252.93, 252.94, 252.98, 252.105, and 252.117 §§ 28.93, 28.94, 28.98, 28.105, and 28.117.
§ 28.160 (introductory text) § 252.161 § 28.161.
§ 28.161 (introductory text) § 252.160 § 28.160.
§ 28.161 (introductory text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.161 (introductory text) § 252.162 § 28.162.
§ 28.161(c) ATF TTB.
§ 28.162 § 252.161 § 28.161.
§ 28.162 (four times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.162 § 252.160 § 28.160.
§ 28.171(b) § 252.21 § 28.21.
§ 28.171(d) § 252.26(b) § 28.26(b).
§ 28.171 (concluding text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.190 (section heading) ATF TTB.
§ 28.190 ATF TTB.
§ 28.192 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.195b(a) § 252.171 § 28.171.
§ 28.195b(b) § 252.250 § 28.250.
§ 28.197 (introductory text) § 252.198 § 28.198.
§ 28.197 (introductory text) § 252.171 § 28.171.
§ 28.198 (introductory text) § 252.197 § 28.197.
§ 28.198 (introductory text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.198 (introductory text) § 252.199 § 28.199.
§ 28.198(b) ATF TTB.
§ 28.199 § 252.198 § 28.198.
§ 28.199 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.199 § 252.197 § 28.197.
§ 28.211(b) § 252.21 § 28.21.
§ 28.211 (concluding text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.214 § 252.211 and § 252.212 § 28.211 and § 28.212.
§ 28.215 ATF TTB.
§ 28.218 ATF TTB.
§ 28.218 § 252.214 § 28.214.
§ 28.219 (introductory text) § 252.220 § 28.220.
§ 28.219 (introductory text) § 252.211 § 28.211.
§ 28.220 (introductory text) § 252.219 § 28.219.
§ 28.220 (introductory text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.220 (introductory text) § 252.220a § 28.220a.
§ 28.220a § 252.220 § 28.220.
§ 28.220a (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.220a § 252.219 § 28.219.
§ 28.221(b) § 252.21 § 28.21.
§ 28.221 (concluding text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.225 (introductory text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.226 ATF TTB.
§ 28.226 § 252.221 § 28.221.
§ 28.226 § 252.225 § 28.225.
§ 28.227 § 252.221 § 28.221.
§ 28.227 § 252.225(a), (b), or (c) § 28.225(a), (b), or (c).
§ 28.227 ATF TTB.
§ 28.246 §§ 252.241 through 252.245 §§ 28.241 through 28.245.
§ 28.247 §§ 252.241-252.245 §§ 28.241-28.245.
§ 28.247 ATF TTB.
§ 28.250 (introductory text) (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.250(a)(4) ATF TTB.
§ 28.250 (concluding text) § 252.253 § 28.253.
§ 28.250 (concluding text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.252 § 252.250 § 28.250.
§ 28.261 ATF TTB.
§ 28.262 ATF TTB.
§ 28.264 § 252.261 § 28.261.
§ 28.264 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.264 § 252.291 § 28.291.
§ 28.265 (four times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.266 § 252.265 § 28.265.
§ 28.266 ATF TTB.
§ 28.267 ATF TTB.
§ 28.268 ATF TTB.
§ 28.268 § 252.22 § 28.22.
§ 28.269(a) ATF TTB.
§ 28.269(b) ATF TTB.
§ 28.269(c) (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.275 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.281 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.282 ATF TTB.
§ 28.285 (seven times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.285 § 252.291 § 28.291.
§ 28.286 ATF TTB.
§ 28.290 (introductory text) (three times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.290 (introductory text) § 252.291 § 28.291.
§ 28.291 (introductory text) §§ 252.264, 252.285, or 252.290 §§ 28.264, 28.285, or 28.290.
§ 28.291(f) § 252.264 § 28.264.
§ 28.291(g) § 252.285 § 28.285.
§ 28.291(h) § 252.290 § 28.290.
§ 28.295 § 252.43 § 28.43.
§ 28.301 ATF TTB.
§ 28.302 (introductory text) (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.302 (concluding text) § 252.301 § 28.301.
§ 28.302 (concluding text) (three times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.302 (concluding text) § 252.303 § 28.303.
§ 28.303 (introductory text) § 252.301 § 28.301.
§ 28.303 (introductory text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.304 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.304 § 252.303 § 28.303.
§ 28.310 ATF TTB.
§ 28.310 §§ 252.302 through 252.304 §§ 28.302 through 28.304.
§ 28.315 ATF TTB.
§ 28.316 (introductory text) (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.316 (concluding text) § 252.315 § 28.315.
§ 28.316 (concluding text) (three times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.316 (concluding text) § 252.317 § 28.317.
§ 28.317 (introductory text) § 252.315 § 28.315.
§ 28.317 (introductory text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.317 (concluding text) ATF TTB.
§ 28.318 § 252.317 § 28.317.
§ 28.318 § 252.304 § 28.304.
§ 28.320(a) (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.320(b) (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.321 ATF TTB.
§ 28.331 § 252.40 § 28.40.
§ 28.331 § 252.41 § 28.41.
§ 28.331 § 252.42 § 28.42.
§ 28.331 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.331 § 252.65 § 28.65.
§ 28.332 § 252.331 § 28.331.
§ 28.332 (four times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.333 (two times) ATF TTB.
§ 28.333 § 252.40 § 28.40.
§ 28.333 § 252.41 § 28.41.
§ 28.333 § 252.42 § 28.42.
§ 28.334 ATF TTB.
§ 28.335 ATF TTB.

Signed: October 2, 2003.

Arthur J. Libertucci,


Approved: December 24, 2003.

Timothy E. Skud,

Deputy Assistant Secretary, Tax, Trade, and Tariff Policy.

[FR Doc. 04-1508 Filed 1-26-04; 8:45 am]