(a) Act No. 59 of April 30, 1928, shall continue in force, as provided in this section, as said act was modified by the Reorganization Plan No. 10 of 1950, except as hereinafter provided in subsection (d).
(b) Except as hereinafter provided in subsection (d) and with the exception of the provisions in conflict herewith and the penal clauses for the same offenses herein defined and punished, the following sections of Act No. 59 of April 30, 1928, shall continue transitorily in force until the rules or regulations that the Administrator may approve on the same matter become effective as provided in this chapter: § 2 to § 22, both inclusive, § 24, § 25, § 30, § 31, § 35 to § 37A, both inclusive, § 43 and § 45 to § 51, both inclusive. Those provisions shall be known and may be cited while in force as the Regulation of the Docks and Harbors of Puerto Rico of 1928. Notwithstanding, the Administrator is hereby empowered to adopt and promulgate said provisions totally or partially and with or without amendments, in accordance with the provisions of § 2109 of this title. If so promulgated by the Administrator, said provisions shall govern with force of law as promulgated until amended or repealed by the Administrator.
(c) The provisions of the regulations approved under Act No. 59 of April 30, 1928, not in conflict herewith, shall continue in force until amended or repealed by the Administrator as provided in § 2109 of this title.
(d) With the exception of the provision of this chapter as to all parts of the terrestrial maritime zone included in the harbor zone, the Secretary of Transportation and Public Works (formerly the Commissioner of the Interior) shall have over the terrestrial maritime zone and over the lands added to it or reclaimed from the sea the same powers and functions of vigilance, maintenance and granting of permits which were conferred to be exercised directly or through the port captains by §§ 18 and 47 of Act No. 59 of April 30, 1928, notwithstanding as otherwise provided by the Reorganization Plan No. 10 of 1950; and shall retain, with the same exception, the powers and functions as conferred by Act No. 22 of April 13, 1916, for the permission of extracting sand, gravel and stone from the maritime zone and from the beds of unnavigable streams, and by §§ 18 and 19 of Title 28, to make grants for the development and utilization of particular sections of beaches. §§ 18, 47, 49 and 51 of Act No. 59 of April 30, 1928, shall continue in force as herein provided, in everything relative to the said functions and powers of the Secretary of Transportation and Public Works; and said provisions, with regard to said functions and powers, shall not form a part of the Regulation of Docks and Harbors of Puerto Rico of 1928, as provided in subsection (b) of this section.
(e) Nothing herein provided shall be construed in detriment of the powers vested in the Public Service Commission of Puerto Rico by §§ 1001—1282 of Title 27.
History —June 28, 1968, No. 151, p. 459, § 1, art. 1.10, eff. 90 days after June 28, 1968.