P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 1526

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§ 1526. Executive Director—Appointment

The Executive Director is the person who is responsible for the general management of the Corporation and shall be appointed by the Governing Board, which shall fix his/her compensation, taking into consideration the salary earned by other officials of similar rank and nature and shall establish any other working conditions. The Executive Director shall hold office at the will of the Governing Board. He/she shall have ample experience and knowledge as a business administrator or manager in government or the private sector.

The Director shall be the chief executive of the Corporation and shall represent it in all acts and contracts that must be executed. Said official shall execute all duties and powers that are conferred on the Corporation as well as those responsibilities, faculties and authority conferred on him/her by this [chapter], or any other statute.

The Director may appoint a Deputy Director and fix the corresponding remuneration pursuant to the customary practice for positions of a like or similar nature. The Deputy Director shall perform the functions, duties and responsibilities assigned by the Director, and shall act as his/her substitute in case of his/her absence, illness or temporary disability.

If perchance the Director dies, resigns or is removed or separated from office, the Deputy Director shall assume his/her functions, responsibilities, powers and duties as Acting Director until a successor is appointed and takes office.

The Director may avail him/herself of the benefits of §§ 761 et seq. and 862 et seq. of Title 3.

History —Aug. 6, 1991, No. 47, § 7; Jan. 4, 2010, No. 4, § 4.