P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 1527

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 1527. Executive Director—Functions and powers

The Director shall have the following functions and powers, in addition to those conferred in other provisions of this chapter, and those inherent to his/her office, without this being understood as a limitation:

(a) Organize the operation of the Corporation and regulate the internal procedures and norms.

(b) Appoint the Corporation’s employees, assign their responsibilities and functions, fix and pay their corresponding remuneration, and administer a personnel system based on the merit principle without being subject to Act No. 5 of October 14, 1975, known as “Public Service Personnel Act of Puerto Rico”.

(c) Delegate any of his/her functions and powers on any official or employee under his/her orders, when circumstances warrant it.

(d) Assign administrative tasks according to the criteria that will produce integrated and efficient operations and allow a more effective use of the components, activities and programs of the Corporation.

(e) Approve, amend and repeal regulations for the operation of the Corporation subject to the provisions and procedures of §§ 2101 et seq. of Title 3, known as Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Uniform Administrative Procedures Act. The regulations thus adopted shall include the necessary norms to complement the provisions of this chapter. They shall establish, without it being considered as a limitation, what is related to the organization and operation of the Corporation’s programs and activities, eligibility requirements, permanence, and termination of the participants in the Corporation’s programs and activities, the conditions, incentives and other benefits to be received by the participants, in addition to the manner that the resources, products, goods and services generated by its activities and programs are to be disposed of.

(f) Contract professional and consulting services to perform highly-specialized functions which cannot be rendered by the Corporation’s personnel, or when it is impossible to attend to personnel needs through regular recruiting procedures.

(g) Administer the Corporation’s functional expense budget and perform a complete and detailed recording and accounting of all its expenses, disbursements and income, pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.

(h) Appoint committees, commissions, councils, advisory boards and nonprofit associations or bodies of any other sort, to channel the broadest participation of the citizenry in the Corporation’s programs and activities.

(i) Acquire in any legal way, lease, assign, sell or otherwise dispose of assets when needed, in order to perform the purposes of this chapter, subject to any applicable laws and regulations.

(j) Acquire any materials, supplies, equipment, parts, services, or any improved or unimproved real property or chattels, by gift, lease, or purchase, it deems necessary for its operations, subject to the provisions of regulations adopted to such ends, without being subject to §§ 931 et seq. of Title 3, known as “General Services Administration Act”. Regulations shall contain adequate standards to protect the use of the funds in the manner most compatible with the public interest, and among other measures for this purpose, shall include the requirement of public bidding in the purchase or other acquisition of materials, supplies machinery, equipment, parts or services that exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000), and construction of public works and improvements contracts, and nonprofessional services that exceed thirty thousand dollars ($30,000).

(k) Create subsidiary corporations when needed to fully comply with the mission entrusted by this chapter.

History —Aug. 6, 1991, No. 47, § 8, eff. 30 days after Aug. 6, 1991.