P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 1525

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 1525. Corporation—Governing Board, creation and duties

The Employment and Training Enterprises Corporation Governing Board is hereby created with the purpose of constituting a task force composed of the heads of government agencies mainly responsible for rendering direct services to the Corporation’s clients, and by citizens who represent the public interest. In attaining the objectives of this chapter, the Board shall promote coordinated efforts between the agencies mostly concerned with the rehabilitation and resocialization of the clientele.

The Board shall evaluate those matters related to the operation and functioning of the Corporation referred by the Director, and draft the recommendations that it deems proper to ensure compliance with this chapter and any other applicable laws.

The Board shall be constituted by the Secretary of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, who shall preside, the Administrator of the Corrections Administration, the Administrator of the Juvenile Institutions Administration, the Secretary of the Department of Justice, the Administrator of the Puerto Rico Cooperative Development Commission, the Administrator of the Mental Health and Addiction Services Administration, the Secretary of the Department of Education, the Administrator of the Right to Employment Administration, the Executive Director of the Industrial Development Company, the Administrator of the Future Workers and Employees Training Administration, the Chairperson of the Occupational Development and Human Resources Council, or their authorized representatives, who shall have the capacity, knowledge and decision-making power to effectively represent the executive official they represent. The designees shall be responsible directly to the Head of the Agency, who shall in turn be responsible for the determinations reached by the Board. Furthermore, the board members may delegate their decision making power regarding administrative and operating aspects of the corporation to the Chairperson.

The citizens of the public interest shall be persons of known interest, professional prestige and experience in the areas of finance, management and business administration who have shown an interest in the rehabilitation and reeducation of the clients the Corporation is concerned with.

The initial appointments of the members of the Advisory Board who are citizens of the public interest, shall be one for the term of two (2) years and three (3) years, respectively. Successive appointments shall be for terms of four (4) years.

In case of resignation, removal, death or disability of the public interest representatives, the Governor shall appoint the members to succeed them who meet the above qualifications.

The Governing Board shall approve bylaws for its internal operations.

In addition to the duties and responsibilities entrusted to the Governing Board in this chapter, it shall have the following functions:

(a) Receive and attend to all matters related to the operation and functioning of the Corporation referred by the Executive Director and draft those recommendations it deems are proper, pursuant to the purposes of this chapter.

(b) Evaluate the operations of the Corporation in order to draft recommendations to the Executive Director to achieve the objectives of this chapter.

(c) Be responsible for facilitating and permanently maintaining the needed coordination between the government agencies represented on the Board, and the Corporation.

(d) Promote direct preferred purchasing of products, goods and services produced by the Corporation in all agencies, departments, instrumentalities and public corporations as well as in the municipalities.

(e) Collaborate with the Executive Director in collecting money and accounts receivable from the public and private sector which have been transferred by this chapter to the Corporation, or that arise as a result of the Corporation’s operations as created by this chapter.

It shall be the duty of the Governing Board to hold meetings to tend to and evaluate the matters within its competence, at least once a month.

The Executive Director shall provide the facilities and technical and administrative assistance required by the Governing Board to carry out its functions.

History —Aug. 6, 1991, No. 47, § 6; July 31, 1992, No. 43, § 5; Aug. 11, 1996, No. 115, § 1; Dec. 25, 2002, No. 302, § 1; Sept. 28, 2007, No. 133, § 4; Oct. 7, 2009, No. 118, § 2; Jan. 4, 2010, No. 4, § 3.