P.R. Laws tit. 15, § 802

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 802. Authorization

An Additional Lottery System is hereby authorized and established in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, which allows to execute the active modes of said game, whereby each player may choose the combination of digits or numbers he prefers. An interactive computer system is likewise authorized to allow the wagers to be registered as they are made. The winning numbers shall be determined by public drawings according to the procedure expressly determined by the Secretary, by regulations.

The Secretary is hereby empowered to carry out all necessary acts to establish the operation of the Additional Lottery authorized herein.

It is also provided that the Director of the Bureau of the Lottery shall be in charge of supervising the operations of the Additional Lottery.

History —May 24, 1989, No. 10, p. 44, § 3.