Utah Admin. Code 317-3-8

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R317-3-8 - Disinfection
8.1. General
A. All wastewaters containing pathogens or coliform bacteria must be disinfected before discharge to a water course. The disinfection procedures must consider any effect on the natural aquatic habitat and biota of the receiving water course. Effectiveness of disinfection also varies with BOD5 and suspended solids in the effluent. If chlorination is utilized, it may be necessary to dechlorinate if the residual chlorine level would otherwise impair the receiving water course. The applicant must submit justification to the Director for the determination of the acceptability of any disinfection system other than chlorination or ultraviolet irradiation.
B. If effluent to be discharged meets applicable bacteriologic standards before disinfection, the Director may waive the disinfection process. However, all plants must have an ability to introduce a disinfectant in the effluent with proper reaction time before discharge. An example could be multi-celled (more than three cells) lagoon discharge following extended storage in excess of 150 days.
C. The disinfection method should be selected after due consideration of wastewater flow rates, application rates, demand rates and effects, pH of the wastewater, cost of equipment, availability, maintenance, reliability and safety problems.
D. Chlorine is the most commonly used chemical for wastewater disinfection. The forms most often used are liquid-gaseous chlorine and sodium and calcium hypochlorite. The Director may review and accept other disinfection methods based on the information submitted.
8.2. Design
A. Capacity of System
1. Required disinfection capacity will vary, depending on the uses and points of application of the disinfectant, e.g., prechlorination, post chlorination, odor and process control uses, etc.
2. For disinfection of the wastewater before its discharge to a water course, the disinfection system capacity shall be sufficient to produce an effluent that will meet the coliform bacteria limits specified for that installation at all times. This condition must be attainable when maximum flow rates occur and during emergency conditions. For non-chemical disinfecting systems, an equivalent installed capacity shall be provided. Normal dosage requirements for disinfection will vary with the quality of effluent to be treated.
3. Duplicate disinfection systems shall be provided. Where only two units are installed, each shall be capable of feeding the expected maximum dosage rate.
4. Disinfection system equipment should be provided with necessary changeable parts to permit operation of system at initial anticipated flows at mid-scale on flow meters and other devices. Spare parts shall be provided for all disinfection equipment to replace parts which are subject to wear and breakage. Operation and maintenance data for all equipment shall be furnished.
5. Dosage control based on effluent flow rate should be provided because of the diurnal variations in the disinfectant demand of the wastewater. A residual disinfectant concentration must be maintained to insure the pathogen destruction, and subsequent reactivation, if any.
B. Contact Period
1. For a chlorination system, a minimum contact period is required after a thorough mixing of disinfectant with the effluent. The minimum contact period shall be greater of:
a. 30 minutes at the maximum design rate of flow (peak daily rate of flow) or the maximum pumping rate, or
b. 60 minutes at the average design rate of flow.
2. This contact period shall normally be provided in the contact tank. Contact period in pipeline or outfalls before discharge into a water course, may be credited towards the contact time if the effluent discharge point can be sampled.
C. Contact Chambers
1. The contact chambers must be designed such that:
a. effectiveness of disinfection is maximized;
b. accumulation of solids is minimized;
c. maintenance and cleaning is facilitated; and
d. short circuiting of flow is reduced to a practical minimum by installation of baffles.
2. Two tanks are required for all plants treating more than 1 million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day). Means of removal of solids from the tank bottom shall be provided. Solids and drainage water must be returned to the head end of the plant. Skimming devices should be provided in all contact tanks. Covered tanks must have means of access for maintenance and cleaning.
3. Pipelines and outfall sewers may be acceptable as effective plug-flow contact chambers.
4. The applicant must incorporate all of the above process and design features in devices using other disinfecting methods.
D. Point of Application
1. The design shall provide for application of chlorine or other disinfectants to all fully treated, partially treated, or untreated wastewater discharged from the treatment plant. Other points of application shall be incorporated in the design for process considerations such as prechlorination, odor control, control of sludge bulking, etc. All application points shall be submerged below the wastewater surface.
2. Chlorine shall be positively mixed as rapidly as possible, with a complete mix being effected in three seconds. This may be accomplished by either the use of turbulent flow regime or a mechanical flash mixer.
8.3. Disinfection Methods
A. Chlorination (Liquid or Gaseous Chlorine)
1. Equipment
a. The installed capacity of a chlorine feed system shall be sufficient to provide a dosage of 25 milligrams per liter at the maximum design rate of flow. Procedures recommended by the Chlorine Institute and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the US Department of Labor, and succeeding organizations should be carefully followed in handling, installation, operation and maintenance of chlorination equipment. The requirements, procedures and recommendations from these organizations take precedence over the requirements stated herein, if more stringent.
b. Liquid chlorine lines from tank cars to evaporators shall be buried and installed in a conduit and shall not be exposed in below grade spaces. Systems shall be designed for the shortest possible pipe transportation of liquid chlorine. When chlorine cylinders are used, two scales, indicating and recording type, should be used for weighing the cylinders in use. Each scale should be sized to accommodate the maximum number of cylinders required to deliver chlorine at the maximum chlorine feeding rate. Adequate means for supporting cylinders on the scales should be provided. Scales shall be of corrosion-resistant material.
c. Separate manifolds shall be provided for the bank of cylinders on each scale. The manifolds shall be properly valved so that one bank of cylinders may be replaced while chlorine is being withdrawn from the other bank of cylinders. Provision should be made for automatically changing the withdrawal of chlorine from one bank of cylinders to the second when the chlorine in the first bank of cylinders has been exhausted.
d. Gas chlorinators shall be of the solution feed type. The design capacity of evaporators must correspond to gaseous chlorine demand, where several cylinders or ton containers are manifolded to evaporate sufficient chlorine. Chlorine gas systems and piping should be of vacuum type.
2. Housing and Storage
a. Local, state and federal safety requirements, including fire code, shall be carefully followed in storing and handling of chlorine containers, cylinders or tank cars.
b. Gaseous chlorine and chlorination equipment rooms shall be isolated from other sections of the building by gas-tight partitions. Separation of the chlorine storage room and the chlorination equipment room is required for safety. All doors and rooms containing gas chlorination equipment and rooms used for chlorine gas storage should open only to the outside of the building, and all doors should be equipped with panic hardware and a viewing window. Multiple exits to the outside should be provided for each room in which chlorine gas is stored or used. Rooms housing chlorination equipment should be heated to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Centigrade), but never in excess of normal summer temperatures. Rooms containing chlorine cylinders from which chlorine is being withdrawn should be heated to above 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Centigrade), but never above the temperature of the equipment room. Where chlorine containers are stored out of doors, the storage area shall be provided with a canopy. Similar precautions should be taken for tank cars. Also, if containers are stored out of doors, cylinders and containers must be allowed to reach room temperature before being placed in use. Floor drains from chlorine rooms must not be connected to floor drains from other rooms.
c. Chlorine rooms shall be at ground level, and should permit easy access to all equipment. The storage area should be separated from the feed area. Chlorination equipment should be situated as close to the application point as reasonably possible.
3. Ventilation and Heating
a. With chlorination systems, forced, mechanical ventilation shall be installed which will provide one complete air change per minute when the room is occupied.
b. When unoccupied, facilities in the ventilation system may be provided with means to reduce the number of air changes to twenty per hour to conserve energy. Whenever such a two-speed ventilation system is used, adequate provisions shall be made to insure that one complete air change per minute is provided when the room is occupied.
c. The entrance to the air exhaust duct from the room shall be near the floor and the point of discharge shall be so located as not to contaminate the air inlet to any buildings or inhabited areas.
d. Air inlets shall be so located as to provide cross ventilation with air and at such temperature that will not adversely affect the chlorination equipment. The vent hose from the chlorinator shall discharge to the outside atmosphere above grade or to the scrubbing system.
e. Switches for exhaust fans and cylinders shall be kept at essentially room temperature.
f. Chlorine scrubbing systems should be incorporated in the design of handling and storage areas where required by the state or local codes.
4. Ancillary Services
a. Water Supply. An ample supply of water meeting a minimum of secondary effluent quality, R317-1, Definitions and General Requirements, shall be available for operating the chlorinator. All in-plant use of effluent shall be taken from downstream of the sampling point for effluent quality monitoring and permit compliance. Where a booster pump is required, a standby booster pump shall be provided, and standby power shall be available.
b. Other Equipment. All electrical fixtures and drainage conduits in chlorination equipment rooms and chlorine storage rooms shall be gas-tight to prevent the spread of chlorine gas in the event of a leak.
5. Piping and Material. Piping systems should be as simple as possible, specifically selected and manufactured to be suitable for chlorine service, with a minimum number of joints. Piping should be well supported and protected against temperature extremes. Low pressure lines made of hard rubber, saran-lined, rubber-lined, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or Uscolite materials are satisfactory for wet chlorine or aqueous solutions of chlorine.
6. Reliability. The design of the system must include the necessary provisions that will either prevent failures or allow immediate corrective action to be taken. Standby power, duplicate equipment and water storage shall be incorporated in the design to prevent interruption of feed, water supply and backup to power and equipment failures.
7. Residual Monitoring
a. An indicating and recording type residual chlorine analyzer using accepted test procedures shall be installed to monitor residual chlorine as required in the discharge permit.
b. Where dechlorination is used, residual chlorine analyzers shall be equipped with audible and visual alarms to indicate discharge of chlorine in the effluent.
8. Safety
a. At least two complete sets of respiratory air-pac protection equipment, meeting the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), shall be available where chlorine gas is handled, and shall be stored at a convenient location, but not inside any room where chlorine is used or stored. Instructions for using the equipment shall be posted near the equipment. The equipment shall, using compressed air, have at least 30-minute capacity, and be compatible with the equipment used by the fire department responsible for the plant.
b. Where ton containers or tank cars are used, a leak repair kit approved by the Chlorine Institute shall be provided. Caustic soda solution reaction tanks for absorbing the contents of leaking ton containers must be provided where such containers are in use. The installation of automatic gas detection and related alarm equipment must be provided.
B. Ultraviolet Irradiation
1. The Director will consider and approve the use of ultraviolet irradiation for disinfection of wastewater treatment plant effluent based on the information submitted. Effectiveness of this system depends upon shallowness of depth or contact volume at the point of application and relative absence of suspended solids.
a. The applicant must submit supporting data describing the proposed system and including such items as contact geometry between the ultraviolet light source and water, reliability, and suitability of the effluent for this process. Designs should be investigated for sound application of the fundamentals of UV disinfection theory.
b. The design shall be based on factors such as, plug-flow hydraulics, intimate contact with the UV light for a sufficient period, short-circuiting, illumination. Tracer test results are helpful in assessment of hydraulic characteristics.
c. Materials of construction should be consistent with the wastewater and environment.
2. The design of ultraviolet disinfection systems shall be based on on-site testing and the following considerations:
a. Wastewater characteristics. Concentration of total suspended solids (TSS), calcium, magnesium, iron, etc., should be such that UV disinfection is effective. The wastewater should contain low levels of total suspended solids, preferably 20 milligrams per liter or below, and must transmit at least 50 percent of UV light through a wastewater depth of one (1) centimeter.
b. Layout
(1) Adequate space around the UV units to accommodate maintenance activities is required.
(2) Easy removal and replacement of lamps without the use of special tools by one man should be a feature of the equipment design.
(3) The ballasts should be arranged for ready and unhindered access for removal or replacement of any ballast without having a need to remove others.
(4) The layout design must provide adequate floor space for any separate components of the UV system in addition to the UV reactor itself, including requirements for power supply cabinets or cleaning equipment.
(5) Modular design with multiple units to allow uninterrupted service when performing maintenance must be specified.
3. Electrical Requirements
a. power consumption of this process alone should be separately metered.
b. UV lamps and ballasts must be properly matched. The proper matching of lamp and ballast will improve the lamps output and extend its useful life.
c. arrangements for shutting off banks of lamps within a single unit must be provided for lamp replacement or maintenance.
d. power controls should be provided for matching output of lamps with the rate of flow, and system maintenance by the plant staff.
e. minimum electrical standards of construction shall conform to the National Electrical Code, and other applicable codes and standards, consistent with the location or environment surrounding the UV unit and associated equipment.
4. Ventilation. Adequate ventilation to the structure housing the electrical components of the system must be provided to prevent failures from overheating.
5. Cleaning
a. The various means of chemical cleaning available must be evaluated. The evaluation must cover methods required for the unit to be drained; volume of cleansing agent required per cleaning; disposition of spent cleaning solution; manpower requirements to accomplish a cleaning cycle; capital costs of the cleaning and equipment; cleaner cost availability; and special storage and handling needs.
b. The system design must provide for complete draining and easy cleaning.
c. Ultrasonic cleaning must be considered for prevention of biofilm growth on non-illuminated quartz sleeves.
6. Monitoring and Instrumentation
i. Adequate staffing and resources to conduct the data collection and monitoring required for assessing performance must be provided.
ii. Each individual lamp output shall be measured and recorded.
8.4. Dechlorination
A. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
1. Sulfur dioxide is most readily available in liquid (gaseous) form in ton containers similar to chlorine. Approximately, 1 milligram per liter of sulfur dioxide is required to dechlorinate 1 milligram per liter of chlorine residual (free or combined).
2. The dechlorination reaction between sulfur dioxide and both free and combined chlorine is a rapid reaction and requires only a few seconds of contact. The design of sulfur dioxide system must be based on the following considerations:
a. Equipment. Generally sulfur dioxide shall be fed as a gas similar to chlorine gas, as described in R317-3-8. The sulfur dioxide header should be heated to prevent re-liquefaction.
b. Housing and Storage. These requirements are same as to those for chlorine, as described in R317-3-8.
c. Ventilation. These requirements are same as to those for chlorine, as described in R317-3-8.
d. Ancillary Services. These requirements are same as to those for chlorine, as described in R317-3-8.
e. Piping and Material. Pipe material (plastics) inside the sulfonator must be compatible with continuous exposure to sulfur dioxide gas.
f. Reliability. These requirements are same as to those for chlorine, as described in R317-3-8.
g. Residual Monitoring. Control is critical when sulfur dioxide is used as the dechlorinating agent because excess sulfur dioxide consumes excess dissolved oxygen in the wastewater or receiving waters. The dechlorination reaction between sulfur dioxide and both free and combined chlorine is rapid, a few seconds at the most, so sampling can be performed immediately downstream of good mixing. The system should be monitored with a residual chlorine analyzer.
h. The design shall incorporate reaeration of the effluent to be in compliance with the dissolved oxygen requirement, if any, of the discharge permit.
i. Safety
(1) Adequate precautions must be taken for storing sulfur dioxide as it is a potentially hazardous chemical to store.
(2) Provide the same amount of air changes per hour as would be required for chlorine, together with a sulfur dioxide sensing and alarm detector.
B. Other Dechlorinating Agents. The Director may review and approve other methods and chemicals for dechlorination based on the information submitted.

Utah Admin. Code R317-3-8