Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R317-3-7 - Biological Treatment7.1. Trickling Filters A. General. Trickling filters shall be preceded by effective settling tanks equipped with scum and grease collecting devices, or other suitable pretreatment facilities.B. Hydraulics 1. Distribution. The sewage may be distributed over the filter by rotary distributors or other suitable devices which will ensure uniform wastewater distribution to the surface area. Uniform hydraulic distribution of sewage on the filters is required.2. For reaction type distributors, a minimum head of 24 inches (61 centimeters) between low water level in the siphon chamber and center of the arms is required. Similar allowance in design shall be provided for added pumping head requirements where pumping to the reaction type distributor is used. The applicant should evaluate other types of drivers and drives.3. A minimum clearance of 6 inches (15 centimeters) between media and distributor arms shall be provided. Larger clearance than 6 inches (15 centimeters) must be provided where ice buildup may occur.C. Wastewater Application. Application of the sewage shall be continuous. The piping system shall be designed for recirculation. The design must provide for routine flushing of filters by heavy dosing at intermittent intervals.D. Piping System. The piping system, including dosing equipment and distributor, shall be designed to provide capacity for the peak design rate of flow, including recirculation.E. Media 1. Quality a. The media may be crushed rock, slag, or specially manufactured material. The media shall be durable, resistant to spalling or flaking and insoluble in sewage. The top 18 inches (46 centimeters) shall have a loss by the 20-cycle, sodium sulfate soundness test of not more than 10 percent. The balance is to pass a ten-cycle test using the same criteria. Slag media shall be free from iron.b. Manufactured media shall be resistant to ultraviolet degradation, disintegration, erosion, aging, all common acids and alkalies, organic compounds, and fungus and biological attack. Such media shall be structurally capable of supporting a man's weight or a suitable access walkway shall be provided to allow for distributor maintenance.2. Depth. The filter design shall provide for a depth of: a. not less than 5 feet (1.5 meters) above the underdrains, but not more than 10 feet (3 meters) when rock or slag media is used in the filters.b. not less than 10 feet (3 meters) above the underdrains to provide adequate contact time with the wastewater, but not more than 30 feet (9 meters) unless additional structural construction and aeration are provided, when manufactured media is used in the filters.3. Size and Grading of Media a. Rock, Slag and Similar Media (1) Rock, slag, and similar media shall not contain more than 5 percent by weight of pieces whose longest dimension is three times the least dimension.(2) Media shall be free from thin, elongated and flat pieces, dust, clay, sand or fine material and shall conform to the size and grading when mechanically graded over vibrating screens with square openings, as shown in Table R317-3-7.1(E) (3(a)(2).b. Manufactured Media. The applicant must evaluate suitability of manufactured media on the basis of experience with installations handling similar wastes and loadings.c. Handling and Placing of Media. Material delivered to the filter site shall be stored on wood- planked or other approved clean, hard-surfaced areas. All material shall be rehandled at the filter site and no material shall be dumped directly into the filter. Crushed rock, slag and similar media shall be washed and rescreened or forked at the filter site to remove all fines. Such material shall be placed by hand to a depth of 12 inches (30 centimeters) above the tile underdrains. The remainder of material may be placed by means of belt conveyors or equally effective methods approved by the design engineer. All material shall be carefully placed so as not to damage the underdrains. Manufactured media shall be handled and placed as approved by the engineer. Trucks, tractors, and other heavy equipment shall not be driven over the filter during or after construction.F. Underdrain System 1. Arrangement. Underdrains with semicircular inverts or equivalent should be provided and the underdrainage system shall cover the entire floor of the filter. Inlet openings into the underdrains shall have an unsubmerged gross combined area equal to at least 15 percent of the surface area of the filter.2. Hydraulic Capacity and Ventilation. a. The underdrains shall have a minimum slope of 1 percent. Effluent channels shall be designed to produce a minimum velocity of two (2) feet per second (0.61 meters per second) at average daily rates of application to the filter.b. The underdrainage system, effluent channels, and effluent pipe shall be designed to permit a free passage of air preventing septicity within the filter. The size of drains, channels, and pipe should be such that not more than 50 percent of their cross-sectional area will be submerged under the design peak hydraulic loading, including proposed or possible future recirculated flows. Forced air ventilation must be provided for deep or covered filters using manufactured media. The design of filters should be compatible for the installation of odor control equipment such as covers, forced air ventilation, scrubber, etc., as a retrofit.3. Flushing. The design should include means for flushing of the underdrains. In small filters, use of a peripheral head channel with vertical vents is acceptable for flushing purposes. Means or facilities of inspection of underdrainage should be provided.G. Special Features 1. Flooding. Appropriate valves, sluice gates, or other structures shall be provided to enable flooding of filters comprised of rock or slag media.2. Freeboard. A freeboard of not less than 4 feet (1.2 meters) should be provided for tall filters using manufactured media, to maximize the containment of windblown spray.3. Maintenance. All distribution devices, underdrains, channels, and pipes shall be installed so that they may be properly maintained, flushed or drained.4. Freeze Protection. When climatic conditions are expected to result in operational problems due to cold temperatures, the filters may be covered for protection against freezing; maintaining operation and treatment efficiencies.5. Recirculation. The piping and pumping systems shall be designed for recirculation rates as required to achieve sufficient wetting of biofilm and the design efficiency.6. Recirculation Measurement. Recirculation rate to the filters shall be measured using flow measurement and recording devices. Time lapse meters and pump head recording devices are acceptable for facilities treating less than 1 million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day).H. Rotary Distributor Seals. Mercury seals are not permitted. The design of the distributor support septum shall provide for convenient and easy seal replacement to assure continuity of operation.I. Multi-Stage Filters. The foregoing standards in this rule also apply to all multi-stage filters.J. Unit Sizing 1. Required volumes of rock or slag media filters shall be based upon the following equations: For Single or First stage of Trickling Filter: E = 100 - ((100 / ( 3 + 2 ( R/I))) + ( 0.4 x ( W / V) - 10)). For Second stage of Trickling Filter: E = 100 x (( 1 + ( R2 / I)) / ( 2 + ( R2 / I))) where, E = Efficiency, percent R = recirculated flow through trickling filter, mgd I = raw sewage flow, mgd W = pounds of BOD5 per day in raw sewage V = volume of filter media in 1000 cubic feet R2 = recirculated flow through second-stage trickling filter, mgd.2. The required volume of media may be determined by pilot testing or use of any of the various empirical design equations that have been verified through actual full scale experience. Such calculations must be submitted if pilot testing is not utilized. Pilot testing is recommended to verify performance predictions based upon the various design equations, particularly when significant amounts of industrial wastes are present.3. Expected performance of filters packed with manufactured media shall be determined from documented full scale experience on similar installations or through actual use of a pilot plant on site.K. Nitrification 1. Trickling filters may be used for nitrification. The design should be based as shown in Table R317-3-7.1(K)(1).2. Nitrification is affected by variations in flow, loadings and temperature, and other factors. Therefore, the applicant must conduct pilot studies before developing the design criteria.L. Design Safety Factors. Trickling filters are affected by diurnal load conditions. The volume of media determined from either pilot plant studies or use of acceptable design equations shall be based upon organic loading at the maximum design rate of flow rather than the average design rate of flow. 7.2. Activated Sludge A. General. The activated sludge process and its several modifications may be used to accomplish varied degrees of removal of suspended solids, and reduction of carbonaceous and nitrogenous oxygen demand. The degree and consistency of treatment required, type of waste to be treated, proposed plant size, anticipated degree of operation and maintenance, and operating and capital costs determine the choice of the process to be used. The design shall provide for flexibility in operation. Plants over 1 million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day) shall be designed to facilitate easy conversion to various operational modes. In severe climates, protection against freezing shall be provided to ensure continuity of operation and performance.B. Aeration 1. Capacities and Permissible Loadings a. The design of the aeration tank for any particular adaptation of the process shall be based on full scale experience at the plants receiving wastewater of similar characteristics under similar climatic conditions, pilot plant studies, or calculations based on process kinetics parameters reported in technical literature. The size of treatment plant, diurnal load variations, degree of treatment required, temperature, pH, and reactor dissolved oxygen when designing for nitrification, influence the design. Calculations using values differing substantially from those in the table shown below must reference actual operational data.b. The applicant must substantiate capability of the aeration and clarification systems in the processes using mixed liquor suspended solids levels greater than 5,000 milligrams per liter.c. The applicant shall use the values shown in Table R317-3-7.2(B)(1)(c) to determine the aeration tank capacities and permissible loadings for the several adaptations of the processes, when process design calculations are not submitted. These values are based on the average design rate of flow, and apply to plants receiving peak to average diurnal load ratios ranging from about 2:1 to 4:1.2. Arrangement of Aeration Tanks a. Dimensions. Effective mixing and utilization of air must be the basis of dimensions of each independent mixed liquor aeration tank or return sludge reaeration tank. Liquid depths should not be less than 10 feet (3 meters) or more than 30 feet (9 meters) unless the applicant justifies the need for shallower or deeper tanks.b. Short-circuiting. The shape of the tank and the installation of aeration equipment should provide for positive control of short-circuiting through the aeration tank.c. Number of Units. Total aeration tank volume shall be divided among two or more units, capable of independent operation, to meet applicable effluent limitations and reliability guidelines.d. Inlets and Outlets. Inlets and outlets for each aeration tank unit shall be suitably equipped with valves, gates, stop plates, weirs, or other devices to permit controlling the flow to any unit and to maintain reasonable constant liquid level. The hydraulic properties of the system shall permit the maximum instantaneous hydraulic load to be carried with any single aeration tank unit out of service.e. Conduits. Channels and pipes carrying liquids with solids in suspension shall be designed to maintain self-cleaning velocities or shall be agitated to keep such solids in suspension at all rates of flow within the design limits. Drains shall be installed in the aeration tank to drain segments or channels which are not being used due to alternate flow patterns.f. Freeboard. All aeration tanks should have a freeboard of not less than 18 inches (46 centimeters). Additional freeboard or windbreak may be necessary to protect against freezing or windblown spray.3. Aeration Requirements a. Oxygen requirements must be calculated based on factors such as, maximum organic loading, degree of treatment, level of suspended solids concentration (mixed liquor) to be maintained, and uniformly maintaining a minimum dissolved oxygen concentration in the aeration tank, at all times, of two milligrams per liter.b. When pilot plant or experimental data on oxygenation requirements are not available, the design oxygen requirements shall be calculated on the basis of: (1) 1.2 pounds 02 per pound of maximum BOD5 applied to the aeration tanks (1.2 kilograms 02 per kilogram of maximum BOD5), for carbonaceous BOD5 removal in all activated sludge processes with the exception of the extended aeration process,(2) 2 pounds 02 per pound of maximum BOD5 applied to the aeration tanks (two kilograms 02 per kilogram of maximum BOD5) for carbonaceous BOD5 removal in the extended aeration process,(3) 4.6 pounds 02 per pound of maximum total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) applied to the aeration tanks (1.2 kilograms 02 per kilogram of maximum TKN), for oxidizing ammonia in the case of nitrification, and(4) oxygen demand due to the high concentrations of BOD5 and TKN associated with recycle flows such as, digester supernatant, heat treatment supernatant, belt filter pressate, vacuum filtrate, elutriates, etc.c. Oxygen utilization should be maximized per unit power input. The aeration system should be designed to match the diurnal organic load variation while economizing on power input.4. Diffused Air Systems a. The design of the diffused air system to provide the oxygen requirements shall be done using data derived from pilot testing or an empirical approach.b. Air requirements for a diffused air system may be determined by use of any of the recognized equations incorporating such factors as: (2) alpha factor of waste;(3) beta factor of waste;(4) certified aeration device transfer efficiency;(5) minimum aeration tank dissolved oxygen concentrations;(6) critical wastewater temperature; andc. In the absence of experimentally determined alpha and beta factors by an independent laboratory for the manufacturer or at the site, wastewater transfer efficiency shall be assumed to be 50 percent of clean water efficiency for plants treating primarily (90 percent or greater) domestic sewage. Treatment plants where the waste contains higher percentages of industrial wastes shall use a correspondingly lower percentage of clean water efficiency and shall submit calculations to justify such a percentage.d. The design air requirements shall be calculated on the basis of: (1) 1,500 cubic feet per pound of maximum BOD5 applied to the aeration tanks (94 cubic meters per kilogram of maximum BOD5), for carbonaceous BOD5 removal in all activated sludge processes with the exception of the extended aeration process,(2) 2,000 cubic feet per pound of maximum BOD5 applied to the aeration tanks (125 cubic meters per kilogram of maximum BOD5) for carbonaceous BOD5 removal in the extended aeration process,(3) 5800 cubic feet per pound of maximum total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) applied to the aeration tanks (360 cubic meters per kilogram of maximum TKN), for oxidizing ammonia in the case of nitrification,(4) corresponding air quantities for satisfaction of oxygen demand due to the high concentrations of BOD5 and TKN associated with recycle flows such as, digester supernatant, heat treatment supernatant, belt filter pressate, vacuum filtrate, elutriates, etc., and(5) air required for channels, pumps, aerobic digesters, or other uses.e. The capacity of blowers or air compressors, particularly centrifugal blowers, must be calculated on the basis of air intake temperature of 40 degrees Centigrade (104 degrees Fahrenheit) or higher and the less than normal operating pressure. The capacity of drive motor must be calculated on the basis of air intake temperature of -30 degrees Centigrade (-22 degrees Fahrenheit) or less. The design must include means of controlling the rate of air delivery to prevent overheating or damage to the motor.f. The blowers shall be provided in multiple units, so arranged and in such capacities as to meet the maximum air demand with the single largest unit out of service. The design shall also provide for varying the volume of air delivered in proportion to the load demand of the plant. Aeration equipment shall be easily adjustable in increments and shall maintain solids suspension within these limits.g. Diffuser systems shall be capable of providing for the maximum design oxygen demand or 200 percent of the average design oxygen demand, whichever is larger. The air diffusion piping and diffuser system shall be capable of delivering normal air requirements with minimal friction losses.h. Air piping systems should be designed such that total head loss from blower outlet (or silencer outlet where used) to the diffuser inlet does not exceed 0.5 pounds per square inch (0.04 kilogram per square centimeter) at average operating conditions.i. The spacing of diffusers should be in accordance with the oxygen requirements through the length of the channel or tank, and should be designed to facilitate adjustment of their spacing without major revision to air header piping. Removable diffuser assemblies are recommended to minimize downtime of aeration tanks.j. Individual assembly units of diffusers shall be equipped with control valves, preferably with indicator markings for throttling, or for complete shutoff. Diffusers in any single assembly shall have substantially uniform pressure loss.k. Air filters shall be provided in numbers, arrangements, and capacities to furnish, at all times, an air supply sufficiently free from dust to prevent damage to blowers and clogging of the diffuser system used.5. Mechanical Aeration Systems a. Oxygen Transfer Performance. The mechanism and drive unit shall be designed for the expected conditions in the aeration tank in terms of the power performance. The mechanical aerator performance shall be verified by certified testing.b. Design Requirements. The design requirements of a mechanical aeration system shall accomplish the following: (1) Maintain a minimum of 2.0 milligrams per liter of dissolved oxygen in the mixed liquor at all times throughout the tank or basin;(2) Maintain all biological solids in suspension;(3) Meet maximum oxygen demand and maintain process performance with the largest unit out of service; and(4) Provide for varying the amount of oxygen transferred in proportion to the load demand on the plant.c. Winter Protection. Due to high heat loss and the nature of spray-induced agitation, the mechanism, as well as subsequent treatment units, shall be protected from freezing where extended cold weather conditions occur.6. Return Sludge Equipment a. Return Sludge Rate (1) The minimum permissible return sludge rate of withdrawal from the final settling tank is a function of the concentration of suspended solids in the mixed liquor entering it, the sludge volume index of these solids, and the length of time these solids are retained in the settling tank. Since undue retention of solids in the final settling tanks may be deleterious to both the aeration and sedimentation phases of the activated sludge process, the rate of sludge return expressed as a percentage of the average design flow of sewage should be between the limits set forth in Table R317-3-7.2(B)(6)(a)(1).(2) The rate of sludge return shall be varied by means of variable speed motors, drives, or timers (in plants designed for less than one million gallons per day - 3,785 cubic meters per day) to pump sludge at the above rates.b. Return Sludge Pumps (1) If motor driven return sludge pumps are used, the maximum return sludge capacity shall be with the largest pump out of service. A positive head should be provided on pump suctions. Pumps should have at least 3 inch (7.6 centimeters) suction and discharge openings.(2) If air lifts are used for returning sludge from each settling tank hopper, no standby unit is required provided the design of the air lifts are such to facilitate their rapid and easy cleaning and provided standby air lifts are provided. Air lifts should be at least 3 inches (7.6 centimeters) in diameter.c. Return Sludge Piping. Discharge piping shall not be less than 4 inches (10 centimeters) in diameter, and should be designed to maintain a velocity of not less than two (2) feet per second (0.61 meters per second) when return sludge facilities are operating at normal return sludge rates. Sight glasses, sampling ports and rate of flow controllers for return activated sludge flow from each settling tank hopper shall be provided.7. Waste Sludge Facilities a. The design of waste sludge control facilities should be based on a logically developed solids mass balance at the maximum design flow. Otherwise, a maximum capacity of not less than 25 percent of the average design flow shall be provided, and function satisfactorily at rates of 0.5 percent of average sewage flow or a minimum of 10 gallons per minute (0.63 liters per second), whichever is larger.b. Sight glasses, sampling ports and rate of flow controllers for waste activated sludge flow shall be provided.c. Waste sludge may be discharged to the concentration or thickening tank, primary settling tank, sludge digestion tank, vacuum filters, other thickening equipment, or any practical combination of these units. 7.3. Flow Measurement. Instrumentation should be provided in all plants for indicating flow rates of raw sewage or primary effluent, return sludge, and air to each tank unit. For plants designed for the average design rate of flow of 1 million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day) or more, these devices should total, record, and indicate the rate of flow. Where the design provides for all return sludge to be mixed with the raw sewage (or primary effluent) at one location, then the mixed liquor flow rate to each aeration unit should be measured.7.4. Other Biological Systems. The Director may consider and approve new biological treatment processes with promising applicability in wastewater treatment. The approval will be based on the required engineering data for new process evaluation as provided in this rule.7.5. Packaged Plants. The Director may consider and approve packaged biological treatment plants only when there are no other and appropriate alternatives for waste treatment. These type of plants shall be designed for handling large flow variations and to meet all requirements contained in this rule. The applicant must consider the need for close attention and competent operating supervision, including routine laboratory control, when proposing a packaged plant.Utah Admin. Code R317-3-7