Utah Admin. Code 317-3-9

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R317-3-9 - Sludge Processing and Disposal
9.1. Design Considerations
A. Process Selection
1. The selection of sludge handling and disposal methods must be based on the following considerations:
a. Energy requirements;
b. Efficiency of equipment for sludge thickening;
c. Complexity and costs of equipment and operations;
d. Staffing requirements;
e. Toxic effects of heavy metals and other substances on sludge stabilization and disposal alternatives;
f. Treatment and disposal of side-stream flows, such as digester and thickener supernatant;
g. Process considerations and good house keeping procedures for minimum waste stream generation;
h. A back-up method of sludge handling and disposal; and
i. The long term effects and regulatory requirements on methods of ultimate sludge disposal.
2. The selected process shall be designed to result in stabilized sludge prior to disposal. Significant reduction of odors, volatile solids and reduction or deactivation of pathogenic organisms can be achieved by chemical, physical, thermal or biological treatment processes; thereby reducing public health hazards and nuisance conditions.
B. Sludge Quantities
1. The sludge treatment system shall be designed to accommodate the quantities of sludge generated through the design period. Individual process sizing shall consider the sludge generation peaking factors appropriate for the size and type of facility, with allowance for: seasonal variations, industrial loads, and type of collection system. Reserve capacity in the form of off-line storage, standby units or use of extended hours of operation should be considered to handle peak sludge loads.
2. In plants treating less than one million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day), sludge dewatering equipment may operate for less than 35 hours per week. Sludge processing equipment must be designed to operate efficiently over the range of sludge characteristics expected from the preceding unit process. The design engineer shall submit to the Director, copies of design sizing calculations and relevant information to include:
a. average and maximum sludge quantities;
b. number and size of units;
c. equipment characteristics, conditioning chemical requirements and basic sizing parameters;
d. hours of operation;
e. expected capture efficiency;
f. expected percent solids yield.
C. Recycle loads. The sludge system as well as the liquid handling system shall be designed to take into consideration the recycle BOD5, suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus from the solids processing units. The magnitude of such recycle loads and resulting additional sludge will normally range from 5 to 30 percent of the influent loads. Solids balances to account for the additional solids must be calculated.
D. Sludge Storage
1. Design Considerations
a. When the plant design, except for the lagoons, does not include aerobic or anaerobic digesters, or gravity thickeners, etc., a minimum sludge storage for the entire sludge production over a two week period must be provided.
b. In-line storage by increasing mixed liquor solids concentration in aeration tanks or increasing retention in settling tanks is not permitted.
c. Aerated off-line sludge storage of not less than seven days shall be provided for oxidation ditch type activated sludge plants without a sludge digestion process.
2. Equipment Design. The sludge storage system should be equipped with mixing devices to prevent separation of solids and provide a more uniform feed to dewatering devices. Provision for adding lime, chlorine or air to prevent septicity and resulting odors is desirable. Decanting systems to provide thicker solids and flushing water to clean out tankage are necessary. Covering and odor control devices should be provided to minimize nuisance conditions.
9.2. Sludge Pumps and Piping
A. Design Basis
1. Pump Capacity. Capacity shall be adequate to cover the full range of solid concentrations and sludge production. Variable speed or other rate control systems should be provided for all sludge pumps. Maximum operating pressure should be calculated to account for the high friction factor when pumping thixotropic sludges in low velocity laminar ranges.
2. Duplicate Units. Duplicate units shall be provided where failure of one unit would seriously hamper plant operation. Pump suction and discharge manifolds should be interconnected so that one pump discharge can be used to backflush other suction piping.
3. Minimum Head. A minimum positive static head of 24 inches (61 cm) shall be provided at the suction side of centrifugal type pumps and is desirable for all types of sludge pumps. Maximum suction lift should not exceed 10 feet (3 meters) for plunger or diaphragm pumps.
4. Piping
a. Size. Sludge withdrawal piping shall have a minimum diameter of 8 inches (20 cm) for gravity withdrawal and 6 inches (15 cm) for pump suction and discharge lines. Where withdrawal is by gravity, available head shall be adequate to provide sufficient velocity in pipe; thereby preventing solids deposition in pipe.
b. Slope. Gravity flow piping should be laid on a uniform grade and alignment. The slope of gravity discharge lines should not be less than 3 percent.
c. Lining. Scum and primary sludge conveying piping should be lined with a low roughness material such as, glass lining, to reduce friction and to aid in cleaning and maintenance.
B. Equipment Features
1. Plunger type, screw feed type, rotary lobe type, recessed-impeller centrifugal type, progressive cavity type or other types of pumps with demonstrated solids handling capability shall be provided for handling raw sludge. Plunger pump backup for centrifugal pumps is recommended. The abrasive nature of sludges, especially those containing grit, must be considered in the selection of pump type and materials of construction.
2. Sludge grinders should be used where downstream process equipment, such as frame and plate presses, centrifuges, heat exchangers, sludge mixing devices or progressive cavity pumps, is susceptible to rag or trash build-up.
3. Valves. The piping system shall be equipped with isolation valves to allow for repairs and replacement of equipment or metering devices.
4. Piping Layout. Provisions should be made for cleaning, draining and flushing sludge piping. Flanges tees and crosses and cleanouts to allow rodding of suction line are desirable. Provision for back flushing with positive displacement pump discharge is desirable. Provision for cleaning by hot water, steam injection, in-line pigging or chemical degreasing should be considered in long lines containing raw sludge or scum.
C. Control Devices
1. Flow meters should be provided on all process and ancillary lines such as feed, withdrawal, gas, transfer, recirculation, hot water etc. Provision should be made for equipment isolation, cleaning and calibrating.
2. Sludge pumps used on intermittent withdrawal service should be equipped with variable timer equipment.
3. Quick-closing sampling valves shall be installed at the sludge pump, unless sludge sampling is provided separately elsewhere. The size of the valve and piping shall be at least 1 1/2 inches in diameter (3.8 centimeters).
9.3. Sludge Thickeners
1. The design of thickeners (gravity, dissolved-air flotation, centrifuge, and others) should consider the type and concentration of sludge, the sludge stabilization processes, the method of ultimate sludge disposal, chemical needs, and the cost of operation. The pumping rate and piping of the concentrated sludge should be selected such that anaerobic conditions are prevented.
2. No credit towards sludge storage or digestion, if any, in thickeners shall be permitted.
A. Gravity Thickening
1. Design Basis
a. Typical loading rates and resulting solids concentration for gravity thickening are as shown in Table R317-3-9.3(A)(1)(a).
b. Equipment and piping must be designed to deliver sufficient dilution water to gravity thickeners. Flow rate of dilution water shall be measured and recorded. Hydraulic loading to produce overflow rates of 400 to 800 gallons per day per square foot (16-33 cubic meter per day per square meter) shall be maintained to prevent septicity.
2. Equipment Features
a. Heavy duty scrapers capable of withstanding extra heavy torque loads should be provided.
b. Sidewater depths of 10-14 feet (3-4.2 meters) are recommended.
c. Ability to add chlorine solution should be provided to prevent septicity.
d. Tank covers and odor control systems should be considered depending on adjacent land use.
B. Co-Settling. Trickling filter or activated sludge may be returned to primary clarifiers for co- settling. If this method is utilized:
1. Peak design overflow rates for the primary clarifier shall not exceed 1,500 gallons per day per square foot (61 cubic meters per day per square meter), including recirculated sludge flow, and
2. Minimum sidewater depth in the primary clarifier must not be less than 12 feet (3.7 meters).
9.4. Anaerobic Digestion
A. Design Basis
1. The anaerobic digestion system shall provide for active digestion, supernatant separation, sludge concentration and storage. Heating and gas collection systems are required. Mixing systems for primary digesters shall be provided, and are recommended for secondary digesters.
2. Multiple digestion units shall be provided in all plants designed for more than 1 million gallons per day (3,7854 cubic meter per day) rate of flow. For plants designed for less than one million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day), alternative methods of sludge stabilization and emergency storage must be available if only one unit is available.
3. The total digestion tank capacity should be determined by rational calculations based upon the following factors:
a. sludge characteristics - volume and percent solids,
b. the temperature to be maintained in the digesters,
c. the degree and extent of mixing in the digesters, and
d. the degree of volatile solids reduction desired.
4. Calculations shall be submitted to justify the basis of design. Otherwise, the following assumptions shall be used:
a. sludge characteristics - domestic wastewater sludge volume generated as shown in Table R317-3-9.4(A)(4)(a).
b. the temperature to be maintained in the digesters: 90 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (32-38 degrees Centigrade).
c. the degree and extent of mixing in the digesters: 40 horsepower per million gallons (8 watts per cubic meter).
d. volatile solids in digested sludge: 50 percent.
5. Completely-mixed systems, mixed at an intensity such that digester contents are completely turned over every 30 minutes, may be loaded at a rate up to 120 pounds of volatile solids per 1,000 cubic feet of volume per day (1.92 kilograms per cubic meter per day) in the active digestion units. When grit removal facilities are not provided, the digester volume must be increased to accommodate grit accumulation.
6. Moderately mixed digestion systems, mixed by circulating sludge through an external heat exchanger, may be loaded at a rate up to 40 pounds of volatile solids per 1,000 cubic feet of volume per day (0.64 kilograms per cubic meter per day) in the active digestion units. This loading may be modified upward or downward depending upon the degree of mixing provided.
7. For those units intended to serve as supernatant separation tanks, the depth should be sufficient to allow for the formation of a reasonable depth of supernatant liquor. A minimum sidewater depth of 20 feet (6.1 meters) is recommended.
B. Tank Covers
1. All anaerobic digestion tanks shall be covered. Primary tanks may be equipped with gas-tight, fixed steel or concrete covers or floating steel covers made gas-tight by extended rims. Secondary tank covers may be of the fixed type or floating steel type, including gas storage type units.
2. Floating covers shall be equipped with a guide rail system to prevent tipping and lower-landing ridges, and cover restraints.
C. Sludge Inlets and Outlets
1. Multiple recirculation, withdrawal and return points, should be provided, to enhance flexible operation and effective mixing, unless mixing facilities are incorporated within the digester. The returns, in order to assist in scum breakup, should discharge above the liquid level and be located near the center of the tank.
2. Raw sludge feed to the digester should be through the sludge heater and recirculation return piping, or directly to the tank if internal mixing facilities are provided.
3. Sludge withdrawal to disposal should be from the bottom of the tank. This pipe should be interconnected with the recirculation piping, if such piping is provided, to increase versatility in mixing the tank contents. Additional alternative withdrawal lines should be provided.
D. Supernatant Withdrawal
1. Supernatant piping should not be less than 6 inches (15 centimeters) in diameter. Piping should be arranged so that withdrawal can be made from three or more levels in the digester. A positive, unvalved, vented overflow shall be provided with a drop leg for a liquid seal and downstream vent.
2. If a supernatant selector is provided, provisions shall be made for at least one other draw-off level, located in the supernatant zone of the tank, in addition to the unvalved emergency supernatant draw-off pipe. High pressure back-wash facilities shall be provided.
3. Multiple supernatant draw-offs should be provided for sampling at different levels. Sampling pipes must be at least 1 1/2 inches (3.8 centimeters) in diameter, and should terminate at a suitably-sized sampling sink or basin.
E. Sampling. Sampling hatches shall be provided in all tank covers with water seal tubes extending to beneath the liquid surface.
F. Gas Collection, Piping and Appurtenances
1. General. All portions of the gas system, including the space above the tank liquor, storage facilities and piping, shall be so designed that under normal operating conditions, including sludge withdrawal, the gas will be maintained under positive pressure. All enclosed areas where any gas leakage might occur shall be adequately ventilated.
2. Safety Equipment. All safety equipment shall be provided where gas is produced. Pressure and vacuum relief valves, flame traps, gas detectors, and automatic safety shut off valves, shall be provided.
3. Gas Piping and Condensate. Gas piping shall be of adequate diameter for gas flow rate and shall slope to condensate traps at low points. The use of float-controlled condensate traps is not permitted.
4. Gas Utilization Equipment.
a. Gas-fired boilers for heating digesters shall be located in a separate room not directly connected to the digester gallery. Gas lines to these units shall be provided with flame traps.
b. Dual fuel engines on major pumps or blowers, should be installed with possible recovery of exhaust and jacket cooling heat for use in heating digester or building spaces. An alternate system would consist of direct electric power generation. Gas cleaning and storage may be desirable.
5. Electrical Fixtures. Electrical fixtures and controls in enclosed places where hazardous gases may accumulate shall comply with the National Electrical Code for Class I, Division I Group D locations. Digester galleries must be isolated from normal operating areas to avoid an extension of the hazardous location.
6. Waste Gas.
a. Waste gas burners shall be readily accessible and should be located at least 25 feet (7.6 meters) away from any plant structure if placed at ground level, or they may be located on the roof of the control building at a height of not less than three feet (0.9 meter) from the top of the roof.
b. All waste gas burners shall be equipped with automatic ignition, such as a pilot light or a device using a photoelectric cell sensor. Consideration should be given to the use of natural or propane gas to insure reliability of the pilot light.
c. Necessary approvals from the Director, shall be obtained for burning any waste gas and any other emissions from the treatment plant.
7. Ventilation. Any underground enclosures connecting with digesters or containing sludge or gas piping or equipment shall be forced ventilated. The piping gallery for digesters should not be connected to other passages.
8. Metering. Gas meters, with by-pass, shall be provided to meter total and waste gas production.
G. Digester Heating
1. Insulation. Wherever possible, digesters should be constructed above ground water level and should be suitably insulated to minimize heat loss.
2. Heating Facilities
a. External Heating. Sludge may be heated by circulating the sludge through external heaters. Piping should be designed to provide for the preheating of feed sludge before introduction to the digesters, especially if sludge thickeners are not used, or if feed is a batch feed resulting in high intermittent feed rates. Provisions shall be made in the lay-out of the piping and valving to facilitate cleaning of these lines. Heat exchanger sludge piping should be sized for heat transfer requirements.
b. Other Heating Methods. The Director may approve review other types of heating facilities based on the information submitted by the applicant.
3. Heating Capacity. Heating capacity sufficient to consistently maintain the design sludge temperature shall be provided. Where digester tank gas is used for sludge heating, an auxiliary fuel supply is required.
4. Hot Water Internal Heating Controls
a. A suitable automatic mixing valve shall be provided to temper the boiler water with return water so that the inlet water to the heat jacket can be held below a temperature at which caking will be accentuated. Manual control should also be provided by suitable by-pass valves.
b. The boiler should be provided with suitable automatic controls to maintain the boiler temperature at approximately 180 degrees Fahrenheit (82.2 degrees Centigrade), to minimize corrosion, and to shut off the main gas supply in the event of pilot burner or electrical failure, low boiler water level, or excessive temperatures.
c. Thermometers shall be provided to show temperatures of the sludge, hot water feed, hot water return, and boiler water.
H. Mixing Systems. Sludge mixing systems shall be gas recirculation, draft tube mixing, mechanical mixer or pump recirculation types. The mixing system should be designed such that routine maintenance can be performed without taking the digester out of service.
I. Operational Considerations
1. Piping Flexibility. Where two stage digestion is practiced, provision shall be made to feed and heat the secondary digester. Mixing systems should be installed in secondary digestion units.
2. Provision to pump secondary sludge to primary units for reseeding and extending sludge detention time is recommended.
3. When digested sludge is pumped to the dewatering unit, piping shall be laid out so as to prevent uncontrolled gravity flow.
4. Provisions to adjust pH and alkalinity by addition of chemicals shall be made.
J. Maintenance Features for draining, cleaning, and maintenance must be considered in the design of the digesters.
1. Slope. The tank bottom should slope to drain toward the withdrawal pipe. For tanks equipped with a suction mechanism for withdrawal of sludge, a bottom slope of 1:12 or greater is recommended. Where the sludge is to be removed by gravity alone, 1:4 slope is recommended.
2. Access Manholes. At least two 36 inch (91 centimeters) diameter access manholes should be provided in the top of the tank in addition to the gas dome. There should be stairways to reach the access manholes. A separate sidewall manhole shall be provided. The opening should be large enough to permit the use of mechanical equipment to remove grit and sand.
3. Safety. Local, state and federal safety requirements, including those in applicable fire code, the Uniform Building Code etc., must be reviewed and complied with. Those requirements take precedence over the requirements stated herein, if more stringent, and should be incorporated in the design. Nonsparking tools, safety lights, rubber-soled shoes, safety harness, gas detectors for inflammable and toxic gases, and at least two self-contained breathing units shall be provided for emergency use.
9.5. Aerobic Digestion
A. General. Aerobic digestion may be used for stabilization of primary sludge, and activated or trickling filter sludge. Digestion may take place in single or multiple tanks designed to provide effective air mixing, reduction of the organic matter, supernatant separation, and sludge concentration under controlled conditions.
B. Tank Capacity. The digestion tank capacity shall be based on such factors as, quantity of sludge produced, sludge concentration and related characteristics, time of aeration, sludge temperature, etc.
1. Volatile Solids Loading. Volatile suspended solids loading shall not exceed 100 pounds per 1,000 cubic feet of volume per day (1.60 kilograms per cubic meter per day) in the digestion units.
2. Detention Time. The minimum detention time of 15 days shall be provided for aerobic digestion. The detention time may vary with sludge characteristics. Where sludge temperature is lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Centigrade) additional detention time should be considered. Covering of the aerobic digesters may be considered to prevent heat losses to atmosphere.
3. Multiple Units. Multiple tanks are required for plants designed to treat more than 1 million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day). Adequate provision must be made for sludge handling and storage for the plants treating less than 1 million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day). When multiple units are provided, ability to utilize them in serial operation is recommended.
4. Mixing and Air Requirements
a. Aerobic sludge digestion tanks shall be designed for effective mixing. Sufficient air shall be provided to keep the solids in suspension and maintain dissolved oxygen between 1 to 2 milligrams per liter.
b. A minimum air volume of 30 cubic feet per minute per 1,000 cubic feet of tank volume (0.51 liters per cubic meter per second) shall be provided with the largest blower out of service for the mixing and aeration requirements. For the diffused aeration systems, the nonclog type air diffusers are recommended, and shall be designed to permit continuity of service.
c. A minimum of 75 horsepower per million gallon of tank volume (15 watts per cubic meter) shall be provided for mechanical aeration systems. Mechanical aerators must be protected where freezing temperatures are expected. Submerged turbine units or floating surface aerators may be considered to allow for liquid level variation.
5. Supernatant Separation. Facilities shall be provided for effective separation and withdrawal of supernatant and for effective collection and removal of scum and grease. Multiple level decant withdrawal lines should be provided.
6. Foam Spray. Foam suppression spray water piping and nozzles should be provided.
9.6. Sludge Dewatering
A. Belt Filter Press
1. Design Basis
a. Hydraulic and solids loading rates, conditioning requirements, and performance shall be based on pilot unit performance or operational results on similar sludges.
b. Multiple units are required unless storage capacity or alternate dewatering methods are available to handle sludge during prolonged power outage.
c. In plants designed for 1 million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day), the operational period should not usually exceed 35 hours per week which allows one shift operation with time for chemical makeup, cleanup and delays. In plants designed for over 1 million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day), the operational period may approach 20 hours per day.
2. Equipment Features
a. The facility should provide for chemical storage, feed equipment, belt wash water, and filtrate return and for conveying and loading sludge cake onto transport vehicles.
b. Belt alignment and tensioning should be regulated automatically.
c. If a single unit is provided, standby equipment should be provided for the sludge feed pump, belt wash, and chemical feed.
d. Facilities or piping for filtrate and wash water sampling should be provided.
3. Operational Considerations. Good house keeping and maintenance features should include press housing, ventilation, safe and convenient access for cleanup and maintenance, floor drains, minimum splashing of filtrate or wash water, etc.
9.7. Sludge Drying Beds
A. Design Basis
1. The area of sludge drying beds is determined by factors such as, climatic conditions, the character and volume of the sludge to be dewatered, the method and schedule of sludge removal, and other methods of sludge disposal.
2. The applicant or the design engineer must submit the basis of design including calculations for review. When the basis of design is not submitted, the drying bed area shall be determined on the basis of 4 square feet per population equivalent (0.38 square meter per population equivalent) when the drying bed is the primary method of dewatering, and 2.0 square feet per population equivalent (0.19 square meter per population equivalent) if it is to be used as a backup dewatering unit. An increase of bed area by 25 percent is required for paved beds. Sludge storage or alternate dewatering methods should be considered for winter weather.
3. A ground water discharge permit may be required for beds without an impervious base. Hydraulic conductivity shall not be greater than 1 x 10-6 centimeters per second or as required for compliance with the provisions of R317-6 (Ground Water Quality Protection Regulations).
B. Design Features
1. Gravel. The lower course of gravel around the underdrains should be properly graded and not less than 12 inches (30.5 centimeters) in depth, extending at least 6 inches (15.2 centimeters) above the top of the underdrains. It is desirable to place this in two or more layers. The top layer of at least 3 inches (7.6 centimeters) must consist of gravel 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch (3.18 to 6.35 millimeters) in size. The remaining layer of gravel below the top 3-inch (7.6 centimeters) layer may be 3/4 to 1 inch (1.9 to 2.5 centimeters) in size.
2. Sand. The top course placed above the gravel should consist of at least 6 to 9 inches (15.2 to 22.9 centimeters) of clean coarse sand. The finished sand surface should be level.
3. Underdrains. Underdrains should be clay pipe or concrete drain tile at least 4 inches (10.2 centimeters) in diameter laid with open joints. Underdrains should be spaced not more than 20 feet (6.1 meters) apart. Underdrainage should be returned to the process with raw or settled sewage.
4. Partially Paved Type. The partially paved drying bed should be designed with consideration for the space requirement to operate mechanical equipment for removing the dried sludge. Paving must positively slope to the underdrains.
5. Containment Walls. Walls should be water-tight and extend 15 to 18 inches (38 to 46 centimeters) above and at least 6 inches (15 centimeters) below the surface of the drying bed. Outer walls should be curbed to prevent soil from washing onto the beds.
6. Sludge Removal. Not less than two beds should be provided and they should be arranged to facilitate sludge removal. Paved truck tracks should be provided for all percolation-type sludge beds.
7. Sludge Feed Line. The sludge pipe to the drying beds should terminate at least 12 inches (30.5 centimeters) above the floor surface and be so arranged that it will drain into the bed. Concrete splash blocks should be provided at sludge discharge points.
9.8. Other Sludge Treatment Methods. Other methods for sludge dewatering, treatment, and stabilization will be considered by the Director based on such factors as the need, suitability of application and process, reliability and flexibility, etc.

Utah Admin. Code R317-3-9