Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R317-3-3 - Sewage Pumping Stations3.1. General. Sewage pumping station structures, and electrical and mechanical equipment shall be protected from physical damage that would be caused by a 100-year flood. Sewage pumping stations must remain fully operational and accessible during a 25-year flood.3.2. Design A. Pumping Rates. The pumps and controls of main pumping stations, and especially pumping stations pumping to the treatment works or operated as part of the treatment works, should be selected to operate at varying delivery rates to permit discharging sewage at approximately its rate of delivery to the pump station.B. System - Head Calculation 1. The design engineer shall submit system-head calculations and curves. System-head curves for C values of 100, 120 and 140 in the Hazen William's equation for calculating head loss corresponding to minimum, median and maximum water levels shall be developed.2. A system-head curve for C value of 120 corresponding to median (normal operating) water level shall be used to make preliminary selection of motor and pump. The pump and motor must operate satisfactorily over the entire range of system-head curves for C values of 100 and 140 corresponding to minimum and maximum water levels intersected by the head-discharge relationship of a given pump.3. Pumps and motors shall be sized for the 10-year peak flows; preferably the 20-year sewage flow requirements. These operating points shall be shown on the system-head curves.C. Accessibility. The pumping station shall be readily accessible by maintenance vehicles during all weather conditions. The facility should be located off the traffic way of streets and alleys.D. Grit. Where it is necessary to pump sewage before grit removal, the design of the wet well and pump station piping shall be such that operational problems from the accumulation of grit are avoided.E. Odor and Corrosion Control. The pumping station design should incorporate measures for: 1. mitigating the effects of sulfide corrosion to structure and equipment; and2. effective odor control when a populated area is within close proximity.F. Structures 1. Dry wells, including their superstructure, shall be completely separated from the wet well.2. Provision shall be made to facilitate maintenance and removal of pumps, motors, and other mechanical and electrical equipment.3. Safe means of access and proper ventilation shall be provided to dry wells and to wet wells containing either bar screens or mechanical equipment requiring inspection or maintenance. a. For built-in-place pump stations, a stairway with rest landings shall be provided at vertical intervals not to exceed 12 feet (3.7 meters). For factory-built pump stations over 15 feet (4.6 meters) deep, a rigidly fixed landing shall be provided at vertical intervals not to exceed 10 feet (3.0 meters). Where a landing is used, a suitable and rigidly fixed barrier shall be provided to prevent an individual from falling past the intermediate landing to a lower level.b. Where space requirements are insufficient, the design may provide for a manlift or elevator in lieu of landings in a factory-built station if the design includes an emergency access or exit.c. Local, state and federal safety requirements, including those in applicable fire code, the Uniform Building Code, etc., must be reviewed and complied with. Those requirements, if more stringent than the ones stated above, shall be incorporated in the design.4. Construction Materials. The materials selected in construction and installation must be safe and able to withstand adverse operating environmental conditions caused by presence of hydrogen sulfide and other corrosive gases, greases, oils, and other constituents frequently present in sewage. 3.3. Pumps and Pneumatic Ejectors A. Multiple Units 1. At least two pumps or pneumatic ejectors shall be provided. A minimum of three pumps shall be provided for stations handling flows greater than 1 million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day).2. If only two units are provided, they should have the same capacity. Each shall be capable of handling flows in excess of the expected maximum flow. Where three or more units are provided, they should be designed to fit actual flow conditions and must be of such capacity that with any one of the largest units out of service, the remaining units shall have capacity to handle maximum sewage flows.B. Protection Against Clogging 1. Pumps handling sewage from 30 inch (76 centimeters) or larger diameter sewers shall be protected by readily accessible bar racks from clogging or damage.2. Bar racks should have clear openings not exceeding 1-1/2 inches (6.4 centimeters). The design shall provide for a mechanical hoist.3. The design engineer shall consider installation of mechanically cleaned and duplicate bar racks in the pumping stations handling larger than five million gallons per day (18,900 cubic meters per day) rate of flow.4. Small pumping stations pumping less than one million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day) shall be equipped with bar racks or inline grinding devices, etc., to prevent clogging.C. Pump Openings. Except where grinder pumps are used, pumps shall be capable of passing spheres of at least 3 inches (7.6 centimeters) in diameter, and pump suction and discharge piping shall be at least 4 inches (10.2 centimeters) in diameter.D. Priming. The pump shall be so placed that it will operate under a positive suction head under normal operating conditions, except for submersible pumping stations.E. Electrical Equipment. Electrical systems and components (e.g., motors, lights, cables, conduits, switchboxes, and control circuits) in raw sewage wet wells, or in enclosed or partially enclosed spaces where hazardous concentrations of flammable gases or vapors may be present, shall comply with the National Electrical Code requirements for Class 1 Group D, Division 1 locations. In addition, equipment located in the wet well shall be suitable for use under corrosive conditions. Each flexible cable shall be provided with watertight seal and separate strain relief. A fused disconnect switch located above ground shall be provided for all pumping stations. When such equipment is exposed to weather, it shall as a minimum, meet the requirements of weatherproof equipment (NEMA 3R).F. Intake. Each pump should have an individual intake. Turbulence should be avoided near the intake in wet wells. Intake piping should be as straight and short as possible.G. Dry Well Dewatering. A separate sump pump equipped with dual check valves shall be provided in dry wells to remove leakage or drainage. Discharge shall be located as high as possible. A connection to the pump suction is also recommended as an auxiliary feature. Water ejectors connected to a potable water supply will not be approved. All floor and walkway surfaces should have an adequate slope to a point of drainage. Pump seal water shall be piped to the sump.H. Controls 1. Type. Control systems for liquid level monitoring shall be of the air bubbler type, the capacitance type, the encapsulated float type, or the non-contact type. The selection of type of controls must be based on wastewater characteristics and other site related conditions. The Director may approve the existing float-tube control systems on pumping stations being upgraded. The electrical equipment shall comply with the National Electrical Code requirements for Class I, Group D, Division 1 locations.2. Location. The level control system shall be located away from the turbulence of incoming flow and pump suction.3. Alternation. The design engineer must consider automatic alternation of the sequencing of pumps in use.I. Valves 1. Suction Line. An isolation valve shall be placed on the suction line of each pump except on submersible pumps.2. Discharge Line a. Isolation and check valves shall be placed on the discharge line of each pump. The check valve shall be located between the isolation valve and the pump.b. Check valves shall not be placed in the vertical run of discharge piping unless the valve is designed for that specific application.c. Ball valves may be permitted in the vertical runs.d. All valves shall be suitable for the material being handled, and capable of withstanding normal operating pressure and water hammer.e. Where limited pump backspin will not damage the pump and low discharge head conditions exist, a short individual force main for each pump, may be approved by the Director in lieu of a discharge manifold.3. Location. Valves shall not be located in wet well. They shall be located in a dry well adjacent to the pumps or in an adjacent isolated pit appropriately protected from physical, weather or freezing damage, with proper access for operation and maintenance.J. Wet Wells 1. Divided Wells. Wet well should be divided into multiple sections, properly interconnected, to facilitate repairs and cleaning, and non-turbulent hydraulic operating condition to each pump inlet.2. Size. The wet well size and level control settings shall be appropriate to avoid heat buildup in the pump motor due to frequent starting (short cycling), and septic conditions due to excessive detention time.3. Floor Slope. The wet well floor shall have a minimum slope of one to one to the hopper bottom. The horizontal area of the hopper bottom shall be not greater than necessary for proper installation and function of the pump inlet.K. Ventilation. All pump stations must be ventilated to maintain safe operating environment. Where the pump pit is below the ground surface, mechanical ventilation is required, so arranged as to independently ventilate the dry well and the wet well if screens or mechanical equipment requiring maintenance or inspection are located in the wet well. There shall be no interconnection between the wet well and dry well ventilation systems. In pits over 15 feet (4.6 meters) deep, multiple inlets and outlets are recommended. Dampers should not be used on exhaust or fresh air ducts. Fine screens or other obstructions in air ducts should be avoided to prevent clogging. Switches for operation of ventilation equipment should be marked and located for convenient operation from outside of the enclosed environment. All intermittently operated ventilating equipment shall be interconnected with the respective pit lighting system. Automatic controls are recommended for intermittently ventilated pump stations. Fan parts should be of non-corrosive material. All parts adjacent to moving ones should be of non-sparking materials. Consideration should be given to installation of automatic heating and dehumidification equipment. 1. Wet Wells. Ventilation may be either continuous or intermittent. Ventilation, if continuous, shall provide at least 12 complete air changes per hour; if intermittent, at least 30 complete air changes per hour. Ventilating equipment should force air into wet well rather than exhaust it from wet well.2. Dry Wells. Ventilation may be either continuous or intermittent. Ventilation, if continuous, shall provide at least 6 complete air changes per hour; if intermittent, at least 30 complete air changes per hour.L. Flow Measurement. Continuous measuring and recording of sewage flow shall be provided at all pumping stations with a design pumping capacity greater than one million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day).M. Water Supply. There shall be no physical connection between any potable water supply and a sewage pumping station which under any condition might cause contamination of the potable water supply. The potable water supply to a pumping station shall be protected against cross connection or backflow. 3.4. Self-Priming Pumps. Self-priming pumps shall be capable of rapid priming and repriming at the lead pump on elevation. Such self-priming and repriming shall be accomplished automatically under design operating conditions. Suction piping should not exceed the size of the pump suction and shall not exceed 25 feet (7.6 meters) in total length. Priming lift at the lead pump on elevation shall include a safety factor of at least 4 feet (1.2 meters) from the maximum allowable priming lift for the specific equipment at design operating conditions. The combined total of dynamic suction lift at the pump off elevation and required net positive suction head at design operating conditions shall not exceed 22 feet (6.7 meters).3.5. Submersible Pump Stations. Submersible pump stations may be used for flows less than 0.25 million gallons per day (946 cubic meters per day). The Director may approve submersible pump stations for flows greater than 0.25 million gallons per day (946 cubic meters per day), based on operational, reliability and maintenance considerations. The submersible pumps stations shall meet the design requirements stated above, except as modified in this section. A. Construction. Submersible pumps and motors shall be designed specifically for raw sewage use, including totally submerged operation during a portion of each pumping cycle. An effective method to detect shaft seal failure or potential seal failure shall be provided, and the motor shall be of squirrel-cage type design without brushes or other arc-producing mechanisms.B. Pump Removal. Submersible pumps shall be readily removable and replaceable without dewatering the wet well or disconnecting any piping in the wet well.C. Electrical 1. Power Supply and Control. Electrical supply, control and alarm circuits shall be designed to allow for disconnection of the equipment from outside and inside of pumping station. Terminals and connectors shall be protected from corrosion by location outside of wet well or through use of watertight seals. If located outside of the pumping station, weatherproof equipment shall be used.2. Controls. The motor control center shall be located outside of the wet well and be protected by a conduit seal or other appropriate measures meeting the requirements of the National Electrical Code, to prevent the atmosphere of the wet well from gaining access to the control center. The seal shall be so located that the motor may be removed and electrically disconnected without disturbing the seal.3. Power Cord. Pump motor power cords shall be designed for flexibility and serviceability under severe service conditions and shall meet the requirements of the Mine Safety and Health Administration for trailing cables. Ground fault interruption protection shall be used to deenergize the circuit in the event of any failure in the electrical integrity of the cable. Power cord terminal fittings shall be corrosion-resistant and constructed in a manner to prevent the entry of moisture into the cable, shall be provided with strain relief appurtenances, and shall be designed to facilitate field connecting. 3.6. Valves. Valves shall be located in a separate valve pit. Accumulated water shall be drained to the wet well or the soil. If the valve pit is drained to the wet well, an effective method shall be provided to prevent sewage gases and liquid from entering the pit during surcharged wet well conditions.3.7. Alarm Systems. A. Alarm systems shall be provided for pumping stations. The alarm shall be activated in cases of power failure, high water level in dry or wet well, pump failure, use of the lag pump, air compressor failure, or any other pump malfunction.B. Pumping station alarms shall be telemetered, including identification of the alarm condition, to the operating agency's facility that is manned 24 hours a day. If such a facility is not available and 24-hour holding capacity is not provided, the alarm shall be telemetered to the operating agency's facility during normal working hours and to the home of the person(s) responsible for the lift station during off-duty hours.C. The Director may approve audio-visual alarm systems with a self-contained power supply in lieu of the telemetering system outlined above, depending upon location, station holding capacity and inspection frequency. 3.8. Emergency Operation A. Pumping stations and collection systems shall be designed to prevent bypassing of raw sewage and backup into the sewer system. For use during possible periods of extensive power outages, mandatory power reductions, or uncontrolled storm events, a controlled high-level wet well overflow or emergency power generator shall be provided. Where a high level overflow is utilized, storage or retention tanks, or basins, shall be provided having at least a 2-hour retention capacity at the anticipated overflow rate.B. The applicant must review the requirements of R317-6 (Ground Water Quality Protection Rule) for compliance with the said rule for earthen retention basins.C. The operating agency shall provide: 1. an in-place or portable pump, driven by an internal combustion engine or an emergency generator capable of pumping from the wet well to the discharge side of the station for pump stations with a capacity in excess of one million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day), and2. an engine-driven generating equipment or an independent source of electrical power or emergency generators capable of pumping from the wet well to the discharge side of the station for pump stations with a capacity in excess of five million gallons per day (18,925 cubic meters per day). 3.9. Auxiliary and Emergency Equipment Requirements A. General. The following general requirements shall apply to all internal combustion engines used to drive auxiliary pumps, service pumps through special drives, or electrical generating equipment. 1. Engine Protection. The engine must be protected from damaging operating conditions. Protective equipment shall shut down the engine and activating an alarm on site unless continuous manual supervision is planned. Protective equipment shall monitor for conditions of low oil pressure and overheating, Oil pressure monitoring is not required for engines with splash lubrication.2. Size. The engine shall have adequate rated power to start and continuously operate all connected loads.3. Fuel Type. The type of fuel must be carefully selected for maintaining reliability and ease of starting, especially during cold weather conditions. Unused fuel from the fuel storage tank should be removed annually, and the tank refilled with fresh fuel.4. Engine Ventilation. The engine shall be located above grade with adequate ventilation of fuel vapors and exhaust gases.5. Routine Start-up. All emergency equipment shall be provided with instructions indicating the need for regular starting and running of such units at full loads.6. Protection of Equipment. Emergency equipment shall be protected from damage at the restoration of regular electrical power.B. Engine-Driven Pumping Equipment. Where permanently installed or portable engine-driven pumps are used, the following requirements in addition to general requirements apply: 1. Pumping Capacity. Engine-driven pump(s) shall be capable of pumping at the design pumping rates unless storage capacity is available for flows in excess of pump capacity. Pumps shall be designed for anticipated operating conditions, including suction lift if applicable.2. Operation. Provisions shall be made for automatic and manual start-up and load transfer. The pump must be protected against damage from adverse operating conditions. Provisions should be considered to allow the engine to start and stabilize at operating speed before assuming the load. Where manual start-up and transfer is justified, storage capacity and alarm system must meet the requirements stated hereinabove.3. Portable Generating Equipment. Where portable generating equipment or manual transfer of power to the pumping equipment is provided, sufficient storage capacity shall be provided in the design of pumping station, to allow time for detection of pump station failure and transportation and connection of generating equipment. The use of special electrical connections and double throw switches are recommended for connecting portable generating equipment.3.10. Instructions and Equipment A. Sewage pumping stations and their operators must be supplied with a complete set of operational instructions, including emergency procedures, maintenance schedules, special tools, and necessary spare parts.B. Local, state and federal safety requirements, including those in applicable fire code, the Uniform Building Code etc., must be reviewed and complied with. Those requirements take precedence over the foregoing requirements, if more stringent, and should be incorporated in the design.3.11. Force Mains A. Velocity. A velocity of not less than 2 feet per second (0.61 meter per second) shall be maintained at the average design flow, to avoid septic sewage and resulting odors.B. Air Relief Valve. An automatic air relief valve shall be placed at high points in the force main to prevent air locking.C. Termination. Force mains should enter the gravity sewer system at a point not more than 2 feet (30 centimeters) above the flow line of the receiving manhole.D. Design Pressure. The force main and fittings, including reaction blocking, shall be designed to withstand normal pressure and pressure surges (water hammer).E. Special Construction. Force main construction near streams or used for aerial crossings shall meet the requirements stated in Sewers.F. Design Friction Losses 1. Friction losses through force mains shall be based on the Hazen and Williams formula or other hydraulic analysis to determine friction losses. When the Hazen and Williams formula is used, the design shall be based on the value of C equal to 120; for unlined iron or steel pipe the value of C equal to 100 shall be used.2. When initially installed, force mains will have a significantly higher C factor. The higher C factor should be considered only in calculating maximum power requirements.G. Separation from Water Main. The applicant or the design engineer must review the requirements stated in R309-112.2 - Distribution System rules, Drinking Water and Sanitation Rules, to assure compliance with the said rule.H. Identification. A clearly labelled tracer location tape shall be placed two feet above the top of force mains less than or equal to 24 inch (61 centimeters) in diameter, along its entire length.Utah Admin. Code R317-3-3