Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R317-3-2 - Sewers2.1. General. Construction of a new sewer system project may not begin unless the applicant has submitted an engineering report detailing the design, and construction plans to the Director for review and approval evidenced by a construction permit. The Director will not normally review construction plans for extensions of the existing sewer systems to new areas or replacement of sanitary sewers in the existing sewer systems unless requested or required by state or federal funding programs. Rain water from roofs, streets, and other areas, and ground water from foundation drains must not be allowed to enter the sewer system through planning, design and construction quality assurance and control measures.2.2. Basis of Design A. Planning Period. Sewers should be designed for the estimated ultimate tributary population or the 50-year planning period, whichever requires a larger capacity. The Director may approve the design for reduced capacities provided the capacity of the system can be readily increased when required. The maximum anticipated capacity required by institutions, industrial parks, etc. must be considered in the design.B. Sewer Capacity. The required sewer capacity shall be determined on the basis of maximum hourly domestic sewage flow; additional maximum flow from industrial plants; inflow; ground water infiltration; potential for sulfide generation; topography of area; location of sewage treatment plant; depth of excavation; and pumping requirements. 1. Per Capita Flow. New sewer systems shall be designed on the basis of an annual average daily rate of flow of 100 gallons per capita per day (0.38 cubic meter per capita per day) unless there are data to indicate otherwise. The per capita rate of flow includes an allowance for infiltration/inflow. The per capita rate of flow may be higher than 100 gallons per day (0.38 cubic meter per day) if there is a probability of large amounts of infiltration/inflow entering the system.2. Design Flow a. Laterals and collector sewers shall be designed for 400 gallons per capita per day (1.51 cubic meters per capita per day).b. Interceptors and outfall sewers shall be designed for 250 gallons per capita per day (0.95 cubic meter per capita per day), or rates of flow established from an approved infiltration/inflow study.c. The Director will consider other rates of flow for the design if such basis is justified on the basis of supporting documentation.C. Design Calculations. Detailed computations, such as the basis of design and hydraulic calculations showing depth of flow, velocity, water surface profiles, and gradients shall be submitted with plans. 2.3. Design and Construction Details A. Minimum Size 1. No gravity sewer shall be of less than eight inches (20 centimeters) in diameter.2. A 6-inch (15 centimeters) diameter pipe may be permitted when the sewer is serving only one connection, or if the applicant justifies the need for such diameter on the basis of supporting documentation.B. Depth. Sewers should be sufficiently deep to receive sewage from basements and to prevent freezing. Insulation shall be provided for sewers that cannot be placed at a depth sufficient to prevent freezing.C. Odor and Sulfide Generation. The design shall incorporate features to control and mitigate odor and sulfide generation in sewers. Such features may include steeper slope to achieve higher velocity, reaeration through induced turbulence, etc.D. Slope 1. The pipe diameter and slope shall be selected to obtain velocities to minimize settling problems.2. All sewers shall be designed and constructed to give mean velocities of not less than 2 feet per second (0.61 meter per second), when flowing full, based on Manning's formula using an n value of 0.013.3. Sewers shall be laid with uniform slope between manholes.4. Table R317-3-2.3(D)(4) shows the minimum slopes which shall be provided; however, slopes greater than these are desirable.E. Flatter Slopes. Slopes flatter than those required for the 2-feet-per-second (0.61 meter per second)-velocity criterion when flowing full, may be permitted by the Director provided that: 1. there is no other practical alternative;2. the depth of flow is not less than 30 percent of the diameter at the average design rate of flow;3. the design engineer has furnished with the report the computations showing velocity and depth of flow corresponding to the minimum, average and peak rates of flow for the present and design conditions in support of the request for variance; and4. the operating authority of the sewer system submits a written acknowledgement of the ability to provide any additional sewer maintenance required by flatter slopes.F. Steep Slopes 1. Where velocities greater than 15 feet per second (4.6 meters per second) are attained, special provision shall be made to protect against displacement by erosion and shock.2. Sewers on 20 percent slopes or greater shall be anchored securely against lateral and axial displacement with suitable thrust blocks, concrete anchors or other equivalent restraints, spaced as follows: a. Not over 36 feet (11 meters) center to center on grades 20 percent and up to 35 percent;b. Not over 24 feet (7.3 meters) center to center on grades 35 percent and up to 50 percent;c. Not over 16 feet (4.9 meters) center to center on grades 50 percent and over.G. Alignment. Sewers 24 inches (61 centimeters) in diameter or less shall be laid with a straight alignment between manholes. The alignment shall be checked by either using a laser beam or lamping.H. Changes in Pipe Size. When a smaller sewer joins a large one, the invert of the larger sewer should be lowered sufficiently to maintain the same energy gradient. An approximate method for securing these results is to place the 0.8 depth point of both sewers at the same elevation.I. Materials 1. The material of pipe selected should be suitable for local conditions. The material of sewer pipe should be compatible with factors such as industrial wastewater characteristics, putrecibility, physical and chemical properties of adjacent soil, heavy external loading, etc.2. The material of pipe must withstand superimposed loads without any damage. The design of trench widths and depths should allow for loads. Special bedding, concrete cradle or encasement, or other special construction may be used to withstand extraordinary superimposed loading. 2.4. Curved Sewers. Curved sewers are permitted only under circumstances where conventional sewer construction is not feasible. A conceptual approval must be obtained before beginning the design. A. Design 1. The minimum radius of curvature shall be greater than 200 feet or one-half of the maximum deflection angle for the material of pipe allowed by the manufacturer.2. The design n value for the sewer pipe shall be 0.018.3. Only one horizontal curve in the sewer alignment will be allowed between manholes. No vertical curves shall be permitted.4. Manhole spacing shall not exceed 400 feet (122 meters).5. Manholes must be provided at the beginning and the end of a curved alignment (i.e. change in radius of curvature).6. The design should consider increased erosion potential due to high velocities.B. Other Requirements 1. Maintenance equipment shall be available at all times for inspection and cleaning.2. Horizontal and vertical alignment of the sewer after the construction must be verified and certified by a registered professional engineer. a. Accurate record or as-built drawings must be prepared showing the physical location of the pipe in the ground, and submitted to the division in accordance with the requirements of R317-3-1. 2.5. Installation Requirements A. Standards 1. The technical specifications shall require that installation be in accordance with the requirements based on the criteria, standards and procedures established by: b. recognized industry standards and practices as published in their technical publications;c. the product manufacturer's recommendations and guidance;d. Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code and National Electrical Code;e. American Society of Testing Materials;f. American National Standards Institute; andg. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), US Department of Labor or its succeeding agencies.2. Requirements shall be set forth in the specifications for the pipe and methods of bedding and backfilling thereof so as not to damage the pipe or its joints, impede cleaning operations and future tapping, nor create excessive side fill pressures or ovalation of the pipe, nor seriously impair flow capacity.B. Identification of Sewer Lines. A clearly labelled tracer location tape shall be placed two feet above the top of sewer lines less than or equal to 24 inch (61 centimeters) in diameter, along its entire length.C. Deflection Test 1. Deflection test shall be performed on all flexible pipes. The test shall be conducted after the final backfill has been in place at least 30 days.2. No pipe shall show a deflection in excess of 5 percent.3. If the deflection test is run using a rigid ball or mandrel, it shall have a diameter equal to 95 percent of the inside diameter of the pipe. The test shall be performed without mechanical pulling devices.D. Joints and Infiltration 1. Joints. The installation procedures of joints and the materials to be used shall be included in the specifications. Sewer joints shall be designed to minimize infiltration and to prevent the entrance of roots throughout the life of the system.2. Leakage Tests. Procedures for leakage tests shall be specified. This may include appropriate water or low pressure air testing. The leakage outward or inward (exfiltration or infiltration) shall not exceed 200 gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile per day (0.19 cubic meter per centimeter of pipe diameter per kilometer per day) for any section of the system. An exfiltration or infiltration test shall be performed with a minimum positive head of 2 feet (0.61 meter). The air test, if used, shall, as a minimum, conform to the test procedure described in the American Society of Testing Materials standards. The testing methods selected should take into consideration the range in ground water elevations projected during the test.E. Inspection 1. The specifications shall include requirements for inspection of manholes for water-tightness prior to placing in service, including television inspection.2. Records of television inspection shall be retained for future reference. 2.6. Manholes A. Location. Manholes shall be installed at: 1. the end of each line exceeding 150 feet (46 meters) in length;2. all changes in grade, size, or alignment;3. all intersections; and4. distances not greater than: a. 400 feet (120 meters) for sewers 15 inches (38 centimeters) or less; andb. 500 feet (150 meters) for sewers 18 inches (46 centimeters) to 30 inches (76 centimeters).5. Distances up to 600 feet (180 meters) may be approved in cases where adequate cleaning equipment for such spacing is provided.6. Greater spacing may be permitted in larger sewers.7. Cleanouts shall not be substituted for manholes nor installed at the end of lines greater than 150 feet (46 meters) in length.B. Drop Type Manholes 1. A drop pipe should be provided for a sewer entering a manhole at an elevation of 24 inches (61 centimeters) or more above the manhole invert. Where the difference in elevation between the incoming sewer and manhole invert is less than 24 inches (61 centimeters), the invert should be filleted to prevent solids deposition.2. Drop manholes should be constructed with an outside drop connection. If an inside drop connections is necessary, it shall be secured to the interior wall of the manhole and provide access for cleaning.3. Due to the unequal earth pressures that would result from the backfilling operation in the vicinity of the manhole, the entire outside drop connection shall be encased in concrete.C. Diameter. The minimum diameter of manholes shall be 48 inches (1.22 meters); larger diameter manholes are preferable for large diameter sewers. A minimum diameter of 22 inches (56 centimeters) shall be provided for safe access.D. Flow Channel. The flow channel through manholes should be made to conform in shape and slope to that of the sewers. The depth of flow channels should be up to one-half to three-quarters of the diameter of the sewer. Adjacent floor area should drain to the channel with the minimum slope of 1 inch per foot (8.3 centimeters per meter).E. Watertightness 1. Manholes shall be of the pre-cast concrete or poured-in-place concrete type. Manholes shall be waterproofed on the exterior.2. Inlet and outlet pipes shall be joined to the manhole with a gasketed flexible watertight connection arrangement that allows differential settlement of the pipe and manhole wall to take place.3. Watertight manhole covers shall be used wherever the manhole tops may be flooded by street runoff or high water. Locked manhole covers may be desirable in isolated easement locations or where vandalism may be a problem.F. Electrical. Electrical equipment installed or used in manholes shall conform to appropriate National Electrical Code requirements. 2.7. Inverted Siphons. Inverted siphons shall consist of at least two barrels, with a minimum pipe size of 6 inches (15 centimeters) with an arrangement to exclude debris and solids. The siphon shall be provided with necessary appurtenances for convenient flushing and maintenance. The manholes shall have adequate clearances for rodding; and in general, sufficient head shall be provided and pipe sizes selected to secure velocities of at least 3.0 feet per second (0.92 meter per second) for average flows. The inlet and outlet details shall be so arranged that the normal flow is diverted to 1 barrel, and that either barrel may be cut out of service for cleaning. The vertical alignment should permit cleaning and maintenance.2.8. Sewers In Relation To Streams A. Location of Sewers on Streams 1. The top of all sewers entering or crossing streams shall be at a sufficient depth below the natural bottom of the stream bed to protect the sewer line. In general, the following cover requirements must be met: a. one foot (30 centimeters) of cover is required where the sewer is located in bedrock;b. three feet (90 centimeters) of cover is required in other material;c. cover in excess of 3 feet (90 centimeters) may be required in streams having a high erosion potential; andd. in paved stream channels, the top of the sewer must be placed below the bottom of the channel pavement.2. If the proposed sewer crossing will not interfere with the future improvements to the stream channel, then reduced cover may be permitted.B. Horizontal Location. Sewers shall be located along streams outside of the stream bed and sufficiently removed therefrom to provide for future possible stream widening and to prevent pollution by siltation during construction.C. Structures. The sewer outfalls, headwalls, manholes, gate boxes, or other structures shall be located so they do not interfere with the free discharge of flood flows of the stream.D. Alignment 1. Sewers crossing streams should be designed to cross the stream as nearly at right angles to the stream flow as possible, and shall be free from change in grade.2. Sewer systems shall be designed to minimize the number of stream crossings.E. Construction 1. Materials. Sewers entering or crossing streams shall be constructed of cast or ductile iron pipe with mechanical joints; otherwise they shall be constructed so they will remain watertight and free from changes in alignment or grade. Material used to backfill the trench shall be stone, coarse aggregate, washed gravel, or other materials which will not cause siltation.2. Siltation and Erosion. Construction methods that will minimize siltation and erosion shall be employed. The design engineer shall include in the project specifications the method(s) to be employed in the construction of sewers in or near streams to provide adequate control of siltation and erosion. Specifications shall require that cleanup, grading, seeding, and planting or restoration of all work areas shall begin immediately. Exposed areas shall not remain unprotected for more than seven days.F. Aerial Crossings 1. A carrier pipe shall be provided for all aerial sewer crossings. Support shall be provided for all joints in pipes utilized for aerial crossings. The supports shall be designed to prevent frost heave, overturning and settlement.2. Precautions against freezing, such as insulation and increased slope, shall be provided. Expansion jointing shall be provided between above-ground and below-ground sewers.3. The design engineer shall consider the impact of flood waters and debris for aerial stream crossings. The bottom of the pipe should be placed below the elevation of twenty-five (25) year flood. Crossings, in no case, shall block the channel. 2.9. Protection of Water Supplies. The applicant must review the requirements stated in R309-112-2 - Distribution System Rules, Drinking Water and Sanitation Rules, to assure compliance with the said rule. A. Water Supply Interconnections. There shall be no physical connections between a public or private potable water supply system and a sewer, or appurtenance thereto which would permit the passage of any sewage or polluted water into the potable supply. No water pipe shall pass through or come in contact with any part of a sewer manhole.B. Relation to Water Mains 1. Horizontal Separation a. Sewers shall be laid at least 10 feet (3.0 meters) horizontally from any existing water main. The distance shall be measured edge to edge. In cases where it is not practical to maintain a ten foot separation, a deviation may be allowed based on the supportive data from the design engineer. Such deviation may allow installation of the sewer closer to a water main, provided that the sewer is laid: (1) in a separate trench, or(2) on an undisturbed earth shelf located on one side of the sewer trench, or(3) in the sewer trench which has been backfilled and compacted to not less than 95 percent of the optimum density as determined by the ASTM Standard D-690, as amended, andb. In each of the above cases, the bottom of the water main shall be at least 18 inches (46 centimeters) above the top of the sewer.2. Crossings. Sewers crossing above water mains shall be laid to provide a minimum vertical distance of 18 inches (46 centimeters) between the outside of the water main and the outside of the sewer. The crossing shall be arranged so that the sewer joints will be equidistant and as far as possible from the water main joints. Where a water main crosses under a sewer, adequate structural support shall be provided for the sewer to prevent damage to the water main.3. Special Conditions. When it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and vertical separation as stated above, the sewer shall be designed and constructed of cast iron, ductile iron, galvanized steel or protected steel pipe with mechanical joints for the minimum distance of 10 feet on either side of the point of crossing. The design engineer may use other types of joints if equivalent joint integrity is demonstrated. The lines shall be pressure tested to assure watertightness before backfilling.Utah Admin. Code R317-3-2