Utah Admin. Code 317-3-4

Current through Bulletin 2025-01, January 1, 2025
Section R317-3-4 - Treatment Works
4.1. Plant Location
A. The treatment plant structures and all related equipment shall be protected from physical damage by the 100-year flood. Treatment works must remain fully operational and accessible during the 25-year flood.
B. These conditions shall apply to all new facilities under construction as well as the existing facilities being expanded, upgraded or modified.
4.2. Quality of Effluent. The effluent requirements and water quality standards established in the discharge permit, R317-1 (Definitions and General Requirements), R317-2 (Standards of Quality for Waters of the State) shall be used to determine the required degree of wastewater treatment, and unit processes and operations.
4.3. Design
A. Basis of Design. The plant design shall be based on the higher value of:
1. a moving average of daily rates of flow and wastewater strength as measured by five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and suspended solids determination tests over a period of 30 consecutive days; or
2. an average of values rate of flow and wastewater strength as measured by five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and suspended solids determination tests, over a period of month; or
3. the rate of flow and wastewater strength as measured by five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and suspended solids determination tests, equal to or greater than 92 percent of the daily flow rate and wastewater strength data.
B. Hydraulic Design. The hydraulic capacities of all units and conveyance structures shall be computed and checked for the maximum and average design rates of flow with one largest unit out of service. No overtopping of any structure under any condition shall be permitted.
1. New Systems. The design for sewage treatment plants shall be based upon an average daily per capita flow of 100 gallons (0.38 cubic meter) unless the applicant provides and justifies a better estimate of flow based on water use data. An allowance shall be made in the design for industrial wastewaters and rates of infiltration/inflow.
2. Existing Systems. For an existing system, the applicant may use the data based on both dry- weather and wet-weather conditions. The data over a minimum period of one year shall be taken as the basis for the design.
C. Organic Design
1. New System Design
a. Domestic waste treatment design shall be on the basis of at least 0.17 pounds (0.08 kilogram) or 200 milligrams per liter of BOD5 per capita per day and 0.20 pounds (0.09 kilogram) or 250 milligrams per liter of suspended solids per capita per day, unless information is submitted to justify alternate designs.
b. When garbage grinders are used in areas tributary to a domestic treatment plant, the design basis may be increased to 0.22 pounds (0.10 kilogram) or 260 milligram per liter of BOD5 per capita per day and 0.25 pounds (0.11 kilogram) or 300 milligram per liter of suspended solids per capita per day.
c. An allowance shall be made in the design for industrial wastewaters and rates of infiltration/inflow.
d. Other approved methods for measurement of organic strength of wastewater published in Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, jointly prepared by American Public Health Association (APHA), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), American Water Works Association (AWWA), and Water Pollution Control Federation (WPCF), will be accepted in lieu of the five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) test.
2. Existing Systems
a. For an existing system, the applicant may use the data based on the actual strength of the wastewater as determined by analysis of composite samples for five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and suspended solids. An appropriate increment for growth shall be included in the basis of design.
b. The data over a minimum period of one year shall be taken as the basis for the design.
D. Shock Loadings. The applicant shall consider the shock loadings of high concentrations and diurnal peaks for short periods of time on the treatment process, particularly for small treatment plants.
E. Design by Analogy. The applicant may utilize the data from similar municipalities in the case of new systems, provided that the reliability and applicability of such data is established through thorough investigations and documentation.
F. Flow Conduits. All piping and channels shall be designed to carry the maximum rates of flows. The incoming sewer shall be designed for unrestricted flow. Bottom corners of the channels must be filleted. Conduits shall be designed to avoid creation of pockets and corners where solids can accumulate. Suitable gates shall be placed in channels to seal off unused sections which might accumulate solids. The use of shear gates or stop planks is permitted where they can be used in place of gate valves or sluice gates. Corrosion resistant materials shall be used for these control gates.
G. Arrangement of Process Units. The design should provide for an arrangement of component parts of the plant, for greatest operating and maintenance convenience, reliability flexibility, economy, continuity of maximum effluent quality, and ease of installation of future units.
H. Flow Division Control. The design shall provide for flow division control facilities to insure organic and hydraulic loading control to various process units. Convenient, easy and safe access, change, observation, and maintenance shall be considered in the design of such facilities. Flow division shall be measured using flow measurement devices to assure uniform loading of all unit processes and operations.
4.4. Plant Design Details
A. Mechanical Equipment. The specifications should provide for:
1. services of a representative of the manufacturer to supervise the installation and initial operation of major items of mechanical equipment; and
2. performance tests of the installed equipment before acceptance by the applicant.
B. Unit Bypasses
1. A minimum of two units in the liquid treatment process train shall be provided for all unit processes and operations in all plants rated at over 1 million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day).
2. The Director will approve any exceptions based on reliability and operability of the components.
3. The design shall provide for properly located and arranged bypass structures and piping so that each unit of the plant can be removed from service independently. The bypass design shall facilitate plant operation during unit maintenance and emergency repair so as to minimize deterioration of effluent quality and insure rapid process recovery upon return to normal operational mode.
C. Unit Bypass During Construction. Any bypass during construction or operation must be approved by the Director before such bypass occurs, as provided in this rule.
D. Drains. The design shall incorporate means to completely drain each unit with a discharge to a point within the process or the plant.
E. Protection of Structures. The design shall incorporate hydrostatic pressure relief devices to prevent flotation of structures.
F. Pipe Cleaning and Maintenance. Fittings, valves, and other appurtenances shall be provided for pipes subject to clogging, to facilitate proper cleaning through mechanical cleaning or flushing. Pipes subject to clogging, such as pipes carrying sludge, shall be lined with a material which creates a smooth and nonadhering surface, thereby reducing clogging and resistance to flow.
G. Construction Materials. The materials of construction and equipment shall be resistant to hydrogen sulfide and other corrosive gases, greases, oils, chemicals, and similar constituents frequently present in sewage. This is particularly important in the selection of metals and paints. Contact between dissimilar metals should be avoided to minimize galvanic action, and consequent corrosion.
H. Painting
1. Piping within the plant shall be color coded to facilitate identification of piping, particularly in the plants rated over 5 million gallons per day (18,925 cubic meters per day). Table R317-3-4.4(H)(1) shows color and identification scheme recommended by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI 253.1 and 13.1) shall be used for the purposes of standardization.
2. The labels shall be stenciled in conformance with the ANSI standard A13.1.
3. The Director may approve painting of piping with one color with a labelling scheme in conformance with the ANSI standard A13.1 provided that:
a. labels are color coded as directed above;
b. piping contents and direction of flow are legibly stenciled on the label; and
c. labels are securely on the piping at interval and all locations required in the above referenced standard.
I. Operating Equipment. A complete outfit of tools, accessories, and spare parts necessary for the plant operator's use should be provided. Readily-accessible storage space and workbench facilities should be provided, and consideration be given to provision of a garage for large equipment storage, maintenance, and repair.
J. Erosion Control During Construction. Effective site erosion control shall be provided during construction.
K. Grading and Landscaping. The site should be graded and landscaped upon completion of the plant. Concrete or gravel walkways should be provided for access to all units. Steep slopes should be avoided to prevent erosion. Surface water shall not be permitted to drain into any unit. Particular care shall be taken to protect all treatment plant components from storm water runoff.
4.5. Plant Outfall Lines
A. Discharge Impact Control. The outfall sewer shall be designed to discharge to the receiving stream in a manner not to impair the beneficial uses of the receiving stream and acceptable to the Director. The outfall design should provide for:
1. Free fall or submerged discharge at the site selected;
2. Cascading of effluent to increase dissolved oxygen concentration in the effluent; and
3. Limited or complete dispersion of discharge across stream to minimize impact on aquatic life movement, and growth in the immediate reaches of the receiving stream; and
B. Protection and Maintenance. The outfall sewer shall be so constructed and protected against the effects of floodwater, ice, or other hazards as to reasonably insure its structural stability and freedom from stoppage.
C. Sampling Provisions. All outfall lines shall be designed with a safe and convenient access, preferably using a manhole, so that a sample of the effluent can be obtained at a point after the final treatment process, and before discharge to or mixing with the receiving waters.
4.6. Essential Facilities
A. Emergency Power Facilities
1. General. All plants shall have an alternate source of electric or mechanical power to allow continuity of operation during power failures. Methods of providing alternate sources include:
a. provision of at least two independent sources of power, such as feeders, grid, etc., to the plant;
b. portable or in-place internal combustion engine equipment which will generate electrical or mechanical energy; or
c. portable pumping equipment when only emergency pumping is required.
2. Power for Aeration. Standby power generating capacity normally is not required for aeration equipment used in the activated sludge type processes or aerated lagoons. In cases where a history of long-term (4 hours or more) power outages have occurred, auxiliary power for minimum aeration of the activated sludge type processes or aerated lagoon will be required. Full power generating capacity may be required when discharge is to critical stream segments to protect downstream uses identified in R317-2 (Standards for Quality for Waters of the State).
3. Power for Disinfection. Standby power generating capacity shall include the capacity needed for continuous disinfection of wastewater during power outages.
B. Plant Water Supply
1. General. An adequate supply of potable water under pressure should be provided for use in the laboratory and for general cleanliness around the plant. No piping or other connections shall exist in any part of the treatment works which, under any conditions, might cause the contamination of a potable water supply. The chemical quality of the water should be checked for suitability for its intended uses such as in heat exchangers, chlorinators, etc.
2. Direct Connections
a. Potable water from a municipal or separate supply may be used directly at points above grade for hot and cold supplies in lavatory, water closet, laboratory sink (with vacuum breaker), shower, drinking fountain, eye wash fountain, and safety shower; unless local authorities require a positive break at the property line.
b. The applicant must review the requirements stated in R309-112.2 - Distribution System Rules, Drinking Water and Sanitation Rules, to assure compliance with the said rule.
c. Hot water for any of the above units shall not be taken directly from a boiler or piping used for supplying hot water to a sludge heat exchanger or digester heating unit.
3. Indirect Connections
a. Where a potable water supply is used for any purpose in a plant, a break tank, pressure pump, and pressure tank shall be provided. Water shall be discharged to the break tank through an air gap at least 6 inches (15.2 centimeters) above the maximum flood line or the spill line of the tank, whichever is higher.
b. A sign shall be permanently posted at every hose bib, faucet, hydrant, or sill cock located on the water system beyond the break tank to indicate that the water is not safe for drinking.
4. Separate Potable Water Supply. Where it is not possible to provide potable water from a public water supply, a separate well may be provided. Location and construction of the well shall be in accordance with the requirements of R309, Drinking Water and Sanitation Rules.
5. Separate Non-Potable Water Supply. Where a separate non-potable water supply or plant effluent is to be provided, a break tank will not be necessary, but all system outlets shall be posted with a permanent sign indicating the water is not safe for drinking.
C. Sanitary Facilities. Toilet, shower, lavatory, and locker facilities shall be provided in convenient locations to serve the expected staffing level at the plant.
D. Floor Slope. All floor surfaces shall be sloped adequately to a collection floor drain system.
E. Stairways
1. Stairways shall be installed wherever possible in lieu of ladders. Spiral or winding stairs are permitted only for secondary access where dual means of egress are provided. Stairways shall have slopes between 50 degrees and 30 degrees (preferably nearer the latter) from the horizontal to facilitate carrying samples, tools, etc. Each tread and riser shall be of uniform dimension in each flight. Minimum tread run shall not be less than 8 inches (20.3 centimeters). The sum of the tread run and riser shall not be less than 17 inches (43 centimeters) nor more than 18 inches (46 centimeters). A flight of stairs shall consist of not more than a 12-foot (3.7 meters) continuous rise without a platform.
2. Local, state and federal safety requirements, including those in applicable fire code, the Uniform Building Code, etc., must be reviewed and complied with. Those requirements take precedence over the foregoing requirements, if more stringent, and should be incorporated in the design.
4.7. Flow Measurement. Flow measurement devices, preferably of the primary type (devices which create a hydrodynamic condition that is sensed by the secondary element), shall be provided at the plant to continuously indicate, totalize and record volume of wastewater entering the plant in a unit time.
A. Flumes. Installation of flumes shall be as follows:
1. Flumes with throat widths of less than 6 inches (15 centimeters) shall not be installed. Throat width shall be selected to measure the entire range of anticipated flow rates at all measurement locations.
2. Locations close to turbulent, surging or unbalanced flow, or a poorly distributed velocity pattern shall be avoided. For super-critical upstream flow, a hydraulic jump should be forced to occur in a section upstream of the flume at a distance of at least 30 times maximum upstream operating depth of flume followed by a straight approach section of a length specified in this rule.
3. For flumes with throat width less than half the width of the approach channel, the length of approach channel - straight upstream section - shall be the greater of 20 times the throat width or ten times maximum upstream operating depth in flume.
4. For flumes with throat width greater than half the width of the approach channel, the length of approach channel - straight upstream section - shall be not less than ten times the maximum upstream operating depth in flume.
5. Parshall flumes shall be permitted only in locations where free discharge conditions exists on the downstream side at the average design flow. Submergence must not exceed 60 percent at the maximum design flow.
6. The stilling well, if used, and secondary measuring elements, such as floats, sensors, or gages, shall be protected against extreme weather conditions.
B. Other Flow Measurement Devices. Effluent discharged to receiving waters should be measured using flow measurement devices, such as weirs, sonic or capacitance type, etc.
C. Flow Recorders
1. Clock-wound mechanisms for recording of flow are not permitted.
2. Battery powered flow measurement devices may be permitted at locations where electrical power is not available, and continuous operability of flow measurement devices is demonstrated.
4.8. Safety and Hazardous Chemical Handling. Adequate provision shall be made to effectively protect the operator and visitors from hazards. Local, state and federal safety requirements must be reviewed and complied with. Typical items for consideration are fence, splash guards, hand and guard rails, labeling of containers and process piping, warning signs, protective clothing, first aid equipment, containments, eye-wash fountains and safety showers, dust collection, portable emergency lighting, etc.
4.9. Laboratory.
A. Treatment plants rated in excess of 1 million gallons per day (3,785 cubic meters per day) shall include a laboratory for making the necessary analytical determinations and operating control tests. Otherwise, the applicant shall show availability of services of state-certified laboratories on a continuous contract basis.
B. The laboratory size, bench space, equipment and supplies shall be such that it can perform analytical work for:
1. All self-monitoring parameters required by discharge permits;
2. The process control necessary for good management of each treatment process included in the design; and
3. Industrial waste control or pretreatment programs.

Utah Admin. Code R317-3-4