(3) Priority Point Value (PPV) Formula. The PPV formula assigns numerical points to a specific WWTP project based on the product of the Receiving Stream Hydraulic Factor (RSHF), Severity of Pollution Factor (SPF), and Water Quality Improvement Factor (WQIF), as follows:
(a) The RSHF will be determined based on the ratio of plant discharge to stream flow using the following equation: RSHF=1.0 + Plant Flow / Stream Flow + Plant Flow, where
1. Stream flow is the lowest stream flow measured upstream of the WWTP discharge for any 7 consecutive days in a 10-year period. The Department may allow the use of the dilution flow for impoundments.2. Plant flow is the average daily flow reported on Monthly Operating Reports or Discharge Monitoring Reports submitted to and certified by the Department.(b) The SPF will be determined based upon whether violations of the WWTP's permit limits have occurred. The SPF will be determined using the following equation: SPF=1.0 + the sum of point values from the following effluent parameters:
1. Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-Day (BOD5) and/or Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5) Violation If the actual BOD5 and/or CBOD5 concentration in the WWTP effluent has exceeded the permit limit for BOD5 and/or CBOD5 for two consecutive months or three or more times during the last year, the project receives 1 point
2. Total Nitrogen (N-Total) and/or Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N) Violation If the actual N-Total and/or NH3-N concentration in the WWTP effluent has exceeded the permit limit for N-Total and/or NH3-N for two consecutive months or three or more times during the last year, the project receives 1 point
3. Phosphorous (P) Violation If the actual P concentration in the WWTP effluent has exceeded the permit limit for P for two consecutive months or three or more times during the last year, the project receives 1 point
4. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Violation If the actual DO concentration in the WWTP effluent has been less than the minimum permit limit for DO for two consecutive months or three or more times during the last year, the project receives 0.5 points
5. Fecal Coliform and/or E. coli Violation If the actual fecal coliform and/or E. coli concentration has exceeded the permit limit for fecal coliform and/or E. coli for two consecutive months or three or more times during the last year, the project receives 1 point
(c) The WQIF applies only to a receiving stream that is a water-quality impaired stream segment. The WQIF will be determined based on the receiving stream's designated stream-use classification(s) for recreation, fish and aquatic life, and/or domestic water supply. The WQIF is the number obtained from the equation:
WQIF=1.0 + F + G + H, where
1. Recreation, denoted as F, is assigned a numerical value based upon the following:(i) If the existing effluent violates recreational bacterial standards (Chapter 0400-40-03) and causes a significant adverse impact on the receiving waters beyond the mixing zone or precludes the actual use of the receiving waters for body contact recreation beyond the mixing zone, the recreation factor F will be assigned ................................................................ 2 points(ii) If there is no significant impact on recreation, F will be assigned. .... 0 points2. Fish and Aquatic Life, denoted as G, is assigned a numerical value based upon the following: (i) If the existing effluent contains one or more conventional pollutants in excess of the permit limits established by the Department or contained in the WWTP's NPDES Permit or results in violations of the dissolved oxygen standard for fish and aquatic life (Chapter 0400-40-03) in the receiving waters beyond the mixing zone, G will be assigned ......................... 3 points(ii) If there is no significant impact on fish and aquatic life, G will be assigned. .......................................................................................................... 0 points3. Domestic Water Supply, denoted as H, is assigned a numerical value based upon the following:(i) If the existing effluent contains one or more conventional pollutants in concentrations exceeding the domestic water supply standard (Chapter 0400-40-03) in waters affecting an existing community water treatment plant, H will be assigned ................................................................ 4 points(ii) If there is no significant adverse impact on domestic water supply, H will be assigned ............................................................................................ 0 points4. No WQIF points will be awarded for F, G, and H if the existing treatment facility is not operated and maintained properly, as determined by the Department's evaluation of the facility's operation and maintenance.