Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-46-01-.03

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0400-46-01-.03 - PROGRAM MANAGEMENT
(1) The assigned Project Criteria Points and the calculated Priority Point Value are applicable only to WWTP projects and will be summed to establish a proposed project's Priority Rank. Projects will be placed on the Priority Ranking List in ascending order by Priority Rank, i.e., in descending order by total project priority points.
(2) When the project is placed on the Priority Ranking List, the potential loan recipient is responsible for providing a written detailed project description, a schedule of events, and an up-to-date project cost estimate to the Department. The Department may request adjustments to the cost estimate at its discretion.
(3) The Department will use the project cost estimates on the Priority Ranking List to allocate available funds to as many potential loan recipients as possible in order to protect public health and the environment. The Department may limit the award amount per loan in order to provide funds to more potential loan recipients.
(4) The priority of available funds will be assigned to those projects with the highest Priority Rank on the Priority Ranking List with preference given to those projects that are ready to proceed.
(5) The Department may bypass projects on the Priority Ranking List that are not ready to proceed. The Department may also bypass projects if a completed loan application has not been received within 90 days after notification from the Department to the potential loan recipient that failure to submit the completed application will result in a bypass.
(6) Proposed projects with a lower Priority Rank may be fundable by virtue of bypass. Preference will be given to those lower-ranked projects that are ready to proceed and that will make progress towards compliance with the enforceable requirements of the Clean Water Act and the Tennessee Water Quality Control Act.
(7) Projects may be purged from the Priority Ranking List annually, on April 15. Projects may be reinstated to the Priority Ranking List upon the Department's receipt of a letter requesting the reinstatement. The letter must also include a written, detailed project description and an up-to-date project schedule and cost estimate.
(8) The Department will remove a project from the Priority Ranking List prior to April 15 annually when financial assistance has been awarded or upon receipt of a written request from the potential loan recipient that they no longer want to include their project on the Priority Ranking List.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-46-01-.03

Original rule filed September 16, 2013; effective December 15, 2013. Rule originally numbered1200-22-01.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-801 et seq., 68-221-1001 et seq., and 4-5-201 et seq.