This rule provides definitions of terms, general standards and procedures, and overview information applicable to these rules.
The purpose of these rules is to set forth criteria and procedures for developing and maintaining a Priority Ranking System and List for the financing of wastewater treatment works and wastewater facilities. The Priority Ranking System, as described in this rule, is the basis of eligibility determinations and potential allocations of financial assistance from the Department of Environment and Conservation. Pursuant to T.C.A. Title 68, Chapter 221, Parts 8 and 10, the State of Tennessee is authorized to provide financial assistance to local governments for the construction of wastewater treatment works and wastewater facilities identified on the Department's Project Priority List. Each project's Priority Rank is generated from the Project Criteria Points and the Priority Point Value (PPV) formula according to these rules. A potential applicant's project will be placed on the Project Priority List following its evaluation and the assignment of a Priority Rank. The process of being placed on the Project Priority List may be initiated either by the Department or by written request from the potential applicant. The Department will maintain the Project Priority List.
As used in these rules:
These rules are organized, numbered, and referenced according to the following outline form:
When used in these rules, the following terms have the meanings given below unless otherwise specified:
This definition excludes all facilities that convey wastewater from individual structures or from private property to the public lateral sewer.
All other terms used in this chapter are as defined in Chapter 0400-46-06 unless the context requires otherwise.
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0400-46-01-.01
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 68-221-801 et seq., 68-221-1001 et seq., and 4-5-201 et seq.