Section 3717-1-09 - Criteria for reviewing facility layout and equipment specifications(A) The facility layout and equipment specifications submitted for the approval of the licensor are to clearly confirm that the applicable provisions of Chapter 3717-1 of the Administrative Code can be met. The facility layout and specifications are to be legible, be drawn reasonably to scale, and include:(1) The type of food service operation or retail food establishment proposed and foods to be prepared and served;(2) The total square footage to be used for the food service operation or retail food establishment;(3) A site plan that includes: (a) Location of business in a building such as a shopping mall or stadium;(b) Location of building on site, including alleys, streets, and location of any outside support infrastructure such as dumpsters, potable water source, sewage treatment system; and(c) Interior and exterior seating areas.(5) Location, number and types of plumbing fixtures, including all water supply facilities;(7) A floor plan showing all fixtures and equipment;(8) Building materials and surface finishes to be used; and(9) An equipment list with equipment manufacturers and model numbers.(B) Food equipment that is acceptable for use in a food service operation or retail food establishment is to be approved as specified under paragraph (LL) of rule 3717-1-04.1 of the Administrative Code.(C) The licensor may place restrictions or conditions on a license limiting the types of food that may be prepared or served by the food service operation or retail food establishment based on the equipment or facilities of the food service operation or retail food establishment. Limitations are to be posted on the back of the license.(D) The licensor of a mobile food service operation or mobile retail food establishment is to post on the back of the mobile food service operation license or mobile retail food establishment license pertinent information concerning the operation. This information is to include the menu, the layout of the operation including the location and type of major equipment, and any restrictions or conditions limiting the types of food that may be prepared or served by the license holder based on the equipment or facilities.(E) Prior to opening, the operator of a proposed temporary food service operation or temporary retail food establishment is to provide the licensor a drawing showing the facility layout and a letter of intent providing pertinent information such as: (1) Foods to be prepared and served;(3) Hot holding facilities;(4) Cold holding facilities;(5) Handwashing facilities;(6) Equipment and utensils;(7) Support facilities; and(8) Any other information requested by the licensor.(F) The information specified in paragraphs (A) to (D) of this rule is to be retained by the licensor in the facility file until updated information is submitted.Ohio Admin. Code 3717-1-09
Effective: 9/5/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 6/14/2024 and 08/26/2029
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3717.04, 3717.05
Rule Amplifies: 3717.04, 3717.05
Prior Effective Dates: 03/01/2001, 03/01/2005, 09/01/2010, 01/01/2013, 03/01/2016, 03/01/2019