N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. Qualification.
(1) To qualify as a participant artist in the program, an individual shall be 18 years of age or older, shall be Native American and shall be from a federally recognized tribe or pueblo of New Mexico.
(2) The director may, after consulting with the portal committee, allow in writing for a waiver of the requirement that a participant be a member of a New Mexico pueblo or tribe subject to such conditions as the director deems appropriate. The director, in consultation with the portal committee, shall issue such waivers in writing and grant them only to Native Americans when a waiver is consistent with the purpose of the program to present and preserve the historic Native American cultures of New Mexico.
B. Application process. No one shall sell in the program area until the director has approved the individual to be a participant based on an application, a demonstration, and the portal committee's recommendation.
(1) Application. Qualified individuals shall submit an application. The applicant shall submit the following in the application: name, contact information, emergency contacts, a proposed mark; proof of tribal enrollment; a signed statement of responsibility, release, and agreement to participate in the portal program; and any other information requested by the coordinator.
(2) Demonstration. An applicant shall demonstrate, at the applicant's studio or residence and with the applicant's own tools or equipment, the making of the applicant's product(s), including any add-ons, to establish that the product(s) meet the quality and authenticity standards of NMAC. However, if there is an excess of twenty applicants in backlog, the director, in consultation with the portal committee, has discretion to authorize demonstrations away from an applicant's studio or residence provided the applicant uses the applicant's own tools. An applicant may, however, use borrowed equipment when such equipment cannot be easily transported.
(a) The applicant shall perform the demonstration in the presence of at least two portal committee members who shall evaluate the applicant's products. The portal committee members shall not be persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption, which includes a(n) spouse, parent, legal guardian, grandparent, son or daughter, grandchild, sibling, cousin, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew of the participant. The director or coordinator may also witness the demonstration.
(b) The portal committee members who are present shall prepare, review, and sign a demonstration report before the members depart from the applicant's residence or studio. The demonstration report shall contain the name of the artist, the address where the demonstration occurred, date of demonstration, the observed product(s), methodology and materials, a detailed narrative, and photographs of the applicant making the product, if permitted by the applicant. The portal committee members shall submit the demonstration report to the coordinator by the following portal committee meeting.
(c) Subsequent demonstration(s). The portal committee may require a subsequent demonstration before or after an applicant becomes a participant. Reasons for a subsequent demonstration(s) may include, but are not limited to, a request by the applicant for a demonstration, unclear or missing information from a demonstration report, request for add-on, absence from the program for a year or more, or questions regarding the quality or authenticity of work.
(d) The portal coordinator and the portal committee will maintain a list of those applicants waiting to demonstrate. Only completed applications will be placed on this list and demonstrations will be scheduled in a manner that is most efficient for those who will be witnessing the demonstration.
(e) If the portal committee, portal coordinator or the director is unable to contact an applicant for any reason, the applicant's name will be placed on an inactive status list that may be maintained by the portal committee and portal coordinator. If the applicant contacts the portal committee, portal coordinator or the director at a later date, the applicant's name will be placed at the end of the demonstration waiting list.
(f) Whenever possible, a portal committee member shall not witness a demonstration by a fellow tribal member without the presence of another unaffiliated tribal member, the portal coordinator or the director.
(g) If the portal committee determines that the assistance of former portal committee members is needed with witnessing demonstrations, then with the director or coordinator's approval, those former portal committee members in good standing selected to help may witness demonstrations. However, if former portal committee members are enlisted to assist with witnessing a demonstration, at least one current portal committee member must also be present to witness the demonstration.
(3) No action of any type shall be taken on new applications or applications that require a demonstration during two months prior to the annual meeting. The director may waive this two month moratorium. This moratorium does not apply to actions taken in regard to violations of portal program rules. The portal committee shall begin conducting demonstrations and considering new applications after reviewing waiting list.
(4) The portal committee shall recommend to the director an applicant's approval or disapproval as a participant upon completion of the applicant's demonstration. The director shall approve or deny and sign the application, noting the decision. If an application is denied, the director shall state the reasons on the application. The coordinator shall then notify the applicant and the portal committee of the application's status.
(5) Appeal. An applicant aggrieved by a denial of an application under these rules may appeal the decision to the director. The applicant shall submit the appeal in writing within 10 calendar days of the director's decision and shall clearly and concisely explain why the denial was inappropriate. A decision of the director upholding the denial shall be the department of cultural affairs' final action in the matter.
(6) Participant status. Acceptance into the program does not make a participant an employee or agent of the division.
C. Good standing. Participants must be in good standing to continue to be eligible to vote in elections and run for election to the portal committee.

N.M. Admin. Code §

07/13/95; NMAC - Rn, MNM: Rule 57, Section 2 & A, 9/15/08, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 24, December 27, 2018, eff. 12/27/2018