N.M. Code R. §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 11, June 11, 2024
A. Purpose. The portal committee shall be composed of up to ten active members and four alternates, who shall be appointed and elected pursuant to this section. The purpose of the portal committee includes, but is not limited to, monitoring the daily operations of the program for compliance with these rules, evaluating applications, and presenting participants' concerns and issues to the coordinator. In order to ensure diversity and broad representation, the portal committee shall be comprised of representatives from not less than five tribes or pueblos.
B. Selection.
(1) At the annual meeting, the director or coordinator shall oversee the election of new portal committee members and officers.
(2) Participants shall elect 14 participants who are present at the annual meeting to be portal committee members and alternates. Subject to Subsection A of NMAC, the 10 participants who receive the highest number of votes shall be members of the portal committee. The four participants who receive the highest number of votes after the members of the portal committee have been selected shall serve as alternates.
(3) The membership shall elect three officers (chair, vice-chair, and secretary). The director or coordinator shall accept nominations from the floor for portal committee officers. The director shall close the nominations at the director's discretion. In the case of a tie, the coordinator shall break the tie.
C. Portal committee responsibilities.
(1) Portal committee members shall carry out their duties to the best of their abilities and in a professional manner.
(2) Portal committee members shall agree to abide by the code of conduct in NMAC of these rules and shall carry out their duties and activities in conformity with these rules.
(3) The portal committee shall ensure fair and equitable treatment of all applicants and participants, without regard to tribal affiliation, political affiliation, family relations, age, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or other legally protected status. Members shall not disregard certain rules nor shall they selectively enforce these rules.
(4) Portal committee members shall serve as duty officers on a rotating basis in accordance with the monthly duty officer schedule prepared by the portal committee secretary.
(5) The portal committee may form subcommittees as necessary to address specific issues and to assist the portal committee as a whole.
(6) The chairman shall preside at all portal committee meetings and work with the coordinator to organize and plan the business of the portal committee and the program.
(7) The vice-chairman shall serve as the chair in the chair's absence.
(8) The secretary shall keep the minutes of the portal committee meetings. The secretary shall submit meeting minutes to the coordinator by the next portal committee meeting.
(9) The secretary shall produce a monthly "duty officer schedule" and distribute it to the portal committee before the first day of each month. The secretary shall assign duty days by distributing the days as evenly and equitably as possible and by listing one or more portal committee members for duty each day.
(10) Unless a portal committee member's absence is approved by the portal committee chair, each portal committee member shall attend all portal committee meetings and perform various tasks to enable the portal committee to fulfill its duties and purposes.
(11) In order to allow for new program participants, the portal committee shall conduct at least 10 demonstrations for new applicants each year between portal committee elections if at least 10 applicants submit complete applications, in addition to add-ons.
(12) The portal committee shall assist participants in presenting the traditional and educational aspects of the program to the public.
(13) The portal committee shall monitor the daily operations of the program and assist the division in enforcing these rules and other applicable policies by serving as duty officers on a rotating basis.
(14) In the event of a resignation or removal of a portal committee member, the portal committee shall appoint another participant to serve on the portal committee observing alternate protocol. The appointed participant shall resume any duties of the outgoing member, including assigned duty officer days.
D. Resignation. If a portal committee member is unable to complete the portal committee member's term, the portal committee member shall submit a letter of resignation to the portal committee and the division.
E. Removal.
(1) If a portal committee member fails to fulfill the duties of a portal committee member, the portal committee shall try to assist the member to improve the member's participation and involvement before asking the member to resign. Examples of failing to fulfill a portal committee member's duties include but are not limited to missing two or more portal committee meetings within a one-year term, missing a scheduled duty officer day, failing to enforce or to fairly enforce these rules, failing to conduct inspections while serving as duty officer, and refusing to assist a duty officer.
(2) If a portal committee member is asked but refuses to resign, the portal committee may make a recommendation in writing to the director that the portal committee member be removed from the portal committee.
(3) Participants may make a recommendation in writing to the director through a petition, signed by at least fifty percent or more of the number of participants that attended the prior annual meeting, that a portal committee member be removed from the portal committee.
(4) A portal committee member who is aggrieved by removal from the portal committee may file an appeal in accordance with Subsection C of NMAC.

N.M. Code R. §

07/13/95; NMAC - Rn, MNM: Rule 57, Section 3, 9/15/08, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXIX, Issue 24, December 27, 2018, eff. 12/27/2018