Current through December 31, 2024
Section 687B.230 - Rates: Standards for ratios of loss; filing requirements; adjustments; hearing on certain requested increases1. A policy to supplement Medicare or a certificate must not be delivered or issued for delivery in this State unless the policy form or certificate form can be expected, as estimated for the entire period for which rates are computed to provide coverage, to return to the policyholder or certificate holder the following amounts in the form of aggregate benefits provided under the policy, not including anticipated refunds or credits: (a) In the case of a group policy, at least 75 percent of the aggregate amount of premiums earned.(b) In the case of an individual policy, at least 65 percent of the aggregate amount of premiums earned. For the purposes of this paragraph, a policy issued as a result of any solicitation made by mail or by advertising using the mass media, including any written or broadcasted advertisement, shall be deemed to be an individual policy. The aggregate benefits must be calculated on the basis of incurred claims experience or incurred expenses for health care if coverage is provided by a health maintenance organization on the basis of payments made to the provider of health care rather than reimbursements made to the insured, and must be calculated in accordance with accepted actuarial principles and practices. Incurred health care expenses where coverage is provided by a health maintenance organization must not include:
(1) Home office and overhead costs;(3) Commissions and other acquisition costs;(6) Administrative costs; and(7) Claims processing costs.2. All filings of rates, rating schedules and supporting documentation must demonstrate that expected claims in relation to premiums comply with the requirements of this section when combined with actual experience as of the date of the filing.3. In addition to the requirement set forth in subsection 2: (a) Filing of revisions of rates must demonstrate that the anticipated loss ratio during the period for which the revised rates are computed can be expected to meet the appropriate standards for the loss ratio.(b) Supporting documentation must:(1) Demonstrate in accordance with actuarial standards of practice using reasonable assumptions that the appropriate standards for loss ratios can be expected to be met during the entire period for which the rates are computed; and(2) Exclude active life reserves. An expected third-year loss ratio that is greater than or equal to the applicable percentage must be demonstrated for policies to supplement Medicare or certificates in force less than 3 years.
4. As soon as practicable before the effective date of any enhancements to Medicare benefits, every issuer shall file with the Division in accordance with NRS 687B.120:(a) Appropriate adjustments of premiums necessary to produce loss ratios as anticipated for the current premiums for the applicable policies or certificates, together with such supporting documents as are necessary to justify the adjustment; and(b) Any appropriate riders, endorsements or policy forms needed to accomplish the modifications to the policy to supplement Medicare or the certificate which are necessary to eliminate any duplication of Medicare benefits. Any such riders, endorsements or policy forms must provide a clear description of the benefits to supplement Medicare that are provided by the policy or certificate.5. An issuer shall make such adjustments to premiums pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 4 as are necessary to produce an expected loss ratio that conforms to the minimum standards for loss ratios for policies to supplement Medicare or certificates which are expected to result in a loss ratio that is at least as great as the ratio originally anticipated for the rates used by the issuer to calculate current premiums for the policy to supplement Medicare or the certificate. An adjustment to premiums which modifies the loss ratio, other than an adjustment made pursuant to this section, may not be made at any time other than upon the renewal of the policy or certificate or its anniversary date. If an issuer makes an adjustment to premiums which is not acceptable to the Commissioner, the Commissioner may order an adjustment to premiums, a refund or a credit which he or she deems necessary to achieve the loss ratio required by this section.6. The Commissioner may conduct a hearing to obtain information concerning a request submitted by an issuer for an increase in the rates for a policy to supplement Medicare or a certificate if the experience incurred during the reporting period does not comply with the applicable standard for loss ratios. The Commissioner will determine whether the experience complies with the applicable standard without considering any refund or credit required for the reporting period.7. The provisions of this section apply to any policy to supplement Medicare or any certificate delivered or issued for delivery in this State, regardless of the date of its delivery or issuance.Nev. Admin. Code § 687B.230
Added to NAC by Comm'r of Insurance, 2-21-89, eff. 3-15-89; A 11-16-90; 5-27-92; 7-16-92, eff. 7-30-92; A by Div. of Insurance by R078-05, 11-17-2005, eff. 9-8-2005 for Plans K and L, and 1-1-2006 for Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Benefit; A by R081-16A, eff. 11/2/2016; A by R132-24A, eff. 12/19/2024