Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 687B.200 - Definitions
- Section 687B.2002 - "1990 standardized benefit plan to supplement Medicare" or "1990 standardized benefit plan" defined
- Section 687B.2003 - "2010 standardized benefit plan to supplement Medicare" or "2010 standardized benefit plan" defined
- Section 687B.2004 - "2020 standardized benefit plan to supplement Medicare" defined
- Section 687B.201 - "Applicant" defined
- Section 687B.2014 - "Certificate" defined
- Section 687B.2015 - "Creditable coverage" defined
- Section 687B.2018 - "Eligible organization" defined
- Section 687B.202 - "Employee welfare benefit plan" defined
- Section 687B.2024 - "Issuer" defined
- Section 687B.2028 - "Medicare" defined
- Section 687B.203 - "Medicare Advantage organization" defined
- Section 687B.2034 - "Medicare Advantage plan" defined
- Section 687B.2036 - "Medicare Part D" defined
- Section 687B.2037 - "Medicare select issuer" defined
- Section 687B.2038 - "Newly eligible on or after January 1, 2020" defined
- Section 687B.2039 - "PACE program" defined
- Section 687B.204 - "Policy to supplement Medicare" defined
- Section 687B.2045 - "Standardized benefit plan" defined
- Section 687B.205 - Applicability of provisions
- Section 687B.2053 - Eligible persons: Description; prohibited actions by insurers
- Section 687B.2054 - Eligible persons: Subsequent enrollment deemed to be initial enrollment under certain circumstances
- Section 687B.2055 - Eligible persons: Notification required upon occurrence of certain events
- Section 687B.2056 - Guaranteed issue periods for eligible persons; special enrollment period
- Section 687B.2057 - Policies to supplement Medicare to which eligible persons are entitled
- Section 687B.206 - Eligibility for policy to supplement Medicare offered to new enrollees or for certificate offered to new enrollees following certain disenrollment; required policy or certificate; outpatient prescription drug coverage
- Section 687B.2062 - Eligibility for policy to supplement Medicare offered to new enrollees or for certificate offered to new enrollees following certain disenrollment, enrollment and subsequent disenrollment; required policy or certificate
- Section 687B.2064 - Eligibility for policy to supplement Medicare offered to new enrollees or for certificate offered to new enrollees following certain enrollment and subsequent disenrollment; required policy or certificate
- Section 687B.2068 - Policy to supplement Medicare offered to new enrollees or certificate offered to new enrollees: Prohibition against denial of application, placement of condition on issuance or effectiveness, or discrimination in pricing under certain conditions by issuer
- Section 687B.207 - Coverage if application is submitted before or during first 6-month period in which person is both 65 years of age or older and enrolled under Medicare Part B; availability of coverage to all qualified applicants
- Section 687B.209 - Termination of or disenrollment from plan, certificate or policy to supplement Medicare: Requirements for written notification
- Section 687B.212 - Filing and approval of policy forms and certificate forms
- Section 687B.213 - Availability and discontinuance of policy forms and certificate forms
- Section 687B.215 - Definitions and terms used in policy or certificate
- Section 687B.220 - Exclusions from and limitations on coverage and benefits; duplication of benefits provided by Medicare; benefits for outpatient prescription drugs
- Section 687B.223 - Prohibitions regarding genetic information and genetic testing
- Section 687B.225 - Minimum standards for coverage: Policy or certificate advertised, solicited or issued for delivery before July 16, 1992
- Section 687B.226 - Minimum standards for coverage: Policy or certificate advertised, solicited, delivered, issued for delivery or renewed on or after July 16, 1992, and before July 30, 1992
- Section 687B.227 - Policy or certificate advertised, solicited, delivered or issued for delivery or renewed on or after July 30, 1992, and effective before June 1, 2010: General requirements
- Section 687B.2273 - Policy or certificate advertised, solicited, delivered or issued for delivery on or after June 1, 2010: General requirements
- Section 687B.2275 - Prohibition on issuance or provision of certain policies, plans and benefits to persons newly eligible on or after January 1, 2020; general requirements for policy or certificate advertised, solicited, delivered or issued for delivery on or after January 1, 2020; issuance of High Deductible Plan G to certain persons
- Section 687B.229 - Filing and approval of rates, rating schedule and supporting documentation required
- Section 687B.230 - Rates: Standards for ratios of loss; filing requirements; adjustments; hearing on certain requested increases
- Section 687B.235 - Calculation and payment of refunds and credits
- Section 687B.240 - Provision for renewal or continuation; acceptance of riders and endorsements; prohibited standards for payment of benefits; disclosure and dissemination of information
- Section 687B.243 - Lapse of policy to supplement Medicare or certificate for nonpayment of premium: Notice required before termination of policy or certificate
- Section 687B.245 - Lapse of policy to supplement Medicare or certificate for nonpayment of premium: Designation of person to receive notice of lapse or waiver of designation
- Section 687B.247 - Lapse of policy to supplement Medicare or certificate for nonpayment of premium: Provision for reinstatement of coverage
- Section 687B.250 - Outline of coverage; assistance in understanding health insurance
- Section 687B.255 - Elicitation and dissemination of information regarding existing coverage and its replacement; inclusion of certain statements and questions in application
- Section 687B.258 - Replacement of existing coverage: Limitations on time periods for preexisting conditions, waiting periods, elimination periods and probationary periods
- Section 687B.260 - Policy to supplement Medicare or certificate issued before January 1, 1992: Replacement with standardized benefit plan
- Section 687B.263 - Termination and replacement of coverage under group policy
- Section 687B.265 - Notice of modifications to policy or certificate; compliance with certain notice requirements
- Section 687B.269 - Notice required that certain policies of insurance are not supplementary to Medicare; disclosure of extent to which policy or certificate duplicates coverage of Medicare
- Section 687B.273 - Standards of practice for marketing
- Section 687B.275 - Compensation of agents and other representatives and producers
- Section 687B.280 - Review of proposed advertising
- Section 687B.282 - Recommendations for purchase or replacement; sale of multiple policies or certificates; issuance of policy or certificate to person enrolled in Medicare Part C
- Section 687B.283 - Reporting of multiple policies or certificates (Repealed)
- Section 687B.286 - Compliance with certain provisions of Social Security Act regarding notice and payment of claims