Each IPE must include:
* Needed to achieve a specific employment outcome, including, as appropriate, the provision of assistive technology devices and services, and personal assistance services, including training in the management of such services; and
* Provided in the most integrated setting that is appropriate for the service involved and is consistent with the informed choice of the eligible individual.
* The responsibility the individual will assume in relation to the employment outcome;
* The participation of the individual in paying for the cost of services, if applicable; and
* The responsibility of the individual with regard to applying for and securing comparable benefits.
* The supported employment services to be provided by the agency;
* The expected extended services needed by the individual; and
* The source of extended services or, to the extent that the source of the extended services cannot be identified at the time of IPE development, a description of the basis for concluding that there is a reasonable expectation such a source will become available.
32 Miss. Code. R. 10-7-7.3