Grades 7-8 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-1-M1: using knowledge of word meaning and developing basic and technical vocabulary using various strategies (e.g., context clues, idioms, affixes, etymology, multiple-meaning words) | 1. Develop vocabulary using a variety of strategies, including: * use of connotative and denotative meanings * use of Greek, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon base words, roots, affixes, and word parts (ELA-1-M1) 1. Develop vocabulary using a variety of strategies, including: * use of connotative and denotative meanings * use of Greek, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon roots and word parts (ELA-1-M1) | ES-1/1: Determine the meaning of base/root words with affixes that indicate inflected verbs and nouns, i.e.: * re- * -er | 3. Given an inflected verb or noun, determine its meaning from a known root/base word (e.g., reheat from heat; teacher from teach) 2. Identify a second inflected verb or noun with the same affix 1. Identify an inflected verb (paint/repaint) or an inflected noun (paint/painter) |
ELA-1-M2: interpreting story elements (e.g., mood, tone, style) and literary devices (e.g., flashback, metaphor, foreshadowing, symbolism) within a selection | 2. Explain story elements, including: * the revelation of character motivation through thoughts, words, and actions * plot sequence (e.g., exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution) * conflicts (e.g., man vs. man, nature, society, self) and their effect on plot * effects of first- and third-person points of view * theme development (ELA-1-M2) 2. Interpret story elements, including: * stated and implied themes * development of character types (e.g., flat, round, dynamic, static) * effectiveness of plot sequence and/or subplots * the relationship of conflicts and multiple conflicts (e.g., man vs. man, nature, society, self) to plot * difference in third-person limited and omniscient points of view * how a theme is developed (ELA-1-M2) | ES-2/2: Identify story elements, including: * character * character trait * setting | 3. Identify changes in the setting within one or more stories 2. Identify one setting in a story 1. Identify the main character and one of his/her character traits |
Grades 7-8 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-7-M1: using comprehension strategies (e.g., summarizing, recognizing literary devices, paraphrasing) to analyze oral, written, and visual texts | 9. Demonstrate understanding of information in grade-appropriate texts using a variety of strategies, including: * sequencing events and steps in a process * summarizing and paraphrasing information * identifying stated or implied main ideas and explaining how details support ideas * comparing and contrasting literary elements and ideas * making inferences and drawing conclusions * predicting the outcome of a story or situation * identifying literary devices (ELA-7-M1) 9. Demonstrate understanding of information in grade-appropriate texts using a variety of strategies, including: * sequencing events to examine and evaluate information * summarizing and paraphrasing to examine and evaluate information * interpreting stated or implied main ideas * comparing and contrasting literary elements and ideas within and across texts * making inferences and drawing conclusions * predicting the outcome of a story or situation * identifying literary devices (ELA-7-M1) | ES-9/9: Demonstrate understanding of information in grade appropriate texts, including: * sequencing events * summarizing * identifying main idea * predicting the outcome | 3. Predict the outcome of text 2. Identify the main idea of text 1. Identify the sequence of events in text |
ELA-7-M4: using inductive and deductive reasoning skills across oral, written, and visual texts | 14. Analyze grade-appropriate print and nonprint texts using various reasoning skills, for example: * identifying cause-effect relationships * raising questions * reasoning inductively and deductively * generating a theory or hypothesis * skimming/scanning (ELA-7-M4) 14. Analyze grade-appropriate print and nonprint texts using various reasoning skills, including: * identifying cause-effect relationships * raising questions * reasoning inductively and deductively * generating a theory or hypothesis * skimming/scanning * distinguishing facts from opinions and probability (ELA-7-M4) | ES-14/14: Demonstrate understanding of text by using reasoning skills, including: * skimming and scanning * cause and effect * generating a theory or hypothesis ("If&then" statement) | 3. Complete an "If&then" statement from information found within a given text 2. Identify a cause and effect relationship in text 1. Identify a cause or effect in text |
Grades 7-8 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-2-M1: writing multiparagraph compositions (150200 words) that clearly imply a central idea with supporting details in a logical, sequential order | 15. Write multiparagraph compositions on student- or teacher-selected topics organized with the following: * established central idea * organizational patterns (e.g., comparison/contrast, order of importance, chronological order) appropriate to the topic * elaboration (e.g., fact, examples, and/or specific details) * transitional words and phrases that unify ideas and points * overall structure including an introduction, a body/middle, and a concluding paragraph that summarizes important ideas and details (ELA-2-M1) 15. Write complex, multiparagraph compositions on student- or teacher-selected topics organized with the following: * a clearly stated focus or central idea * important ideas or events stated in a selected order * organizational patterns (e.g., comparison/contrast, order of importance, chronological order) appropriate to the topic * elaboration (anecdotes, relevant facts, examples, and/or specific details) * transitional words and phrases that unify ideas and points * an overall structure (e.g., introduction, body/middle, and concluding paragraph that summarizes important ideas and details) (ELA-2-M1) | ES-15/15: Write a composition that is organized with: · established central idea * organizational patterns (e.g., logical, sequential order, order of importance, chronological order) appropriate to the topic * elaboration (e.g., facts, examples, and or supporting details) * overall structure, including an introduction, a body/middle, and a conclusion Note that "write" may include drawing and dictating. | 3. Given a topic, write a composition that expresses a central/main idea and is organized with a beginning, body/middle, and conclusion 2. Given a topic, write sentences or phrases that express a main idea and some elaboration 1. Given a topic, write related sentences or phrases that express chronological or sequential order |
ELA-2-M6: writing as a response to texts and life experiences (e.g., personal and business letters) | 22. Write for various purposes, including: * letters of complaint supported with complete and accurate information and reasons * evaluations of media, such as television, radio, and the arts * text-supported interpretations of elements of grade-appropriate stories, poems, plays, and novels * applications, such as memberships and library cards (ELA-2-M6) 22. Write for a wide variety of purposes, including: * persuasive letters that include appropriate wording and tone and that state an opinion * evaluations of advertisements, political cartoons, and speeches * text-supported interpretations of elements of grade-appropriate stories, poems, plays, and novels (ELA-2-M6) | ES-22/22: Write for various purposes, including: * informal letter * list * evaluations of media * text-supported interpretations of stories, poems, plays, and novels * applications Note that "write" may include drawing and dictating. | 3. Write an application (e.g., for a library card) 2. Write a letter/note to a friend/parent/teacher 1. Write an evaluation of a medium (e.g., television, radio) |
Grades 7-8 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-4-M2: giving and following directions/procedures | 30. Follow procedures (e.g., read, question, write a response, form groups) from detailed oral instructions (ELA-4-M2) 30. Follow procedures (e.g., read, question, write a response, form groups) from detailed oral instructions (ELA-4-M2) | ES-30/30: Follow instructions and carry out simple procedures/routines | 3. Follow a familiar four-step procedure/routine 2. Follow instructions for an unfamiliar, simple procedure/routine 1. Follow a familiar, simple procedure/ routine (e.g., three-step recipe in Family/ Consumer Science) |
ELA-4-M6: participating in a variety of roles in group discussions (e.g., facilitator, recorder) | 38. Participate in group and panel discussions, including: * explaining the effectiveness and dynamics of group process * applying agreed-upon rules for formal and informal discussions * assuming a variety of roles (e.g., facilitator, recorder, leader, listener) (ELA-4-M6) 38. Participate in group and panel discussions, including: * explaining the effectiveness and dynamics of group process * applying agreed-upon rules for formal and informal discussions * assuming a variety of roles (e.g., facilitator, recorder, leader, listener) (ELA-4-M6) | ES-38/38: Participate in a group discussion, including: * applying agreed-upon rules for formal discussions * assuming a variety of roles (e.g., facilitator, time keeper, leader, listener) Will not be on the state assessment | 3. Act as a leader in a group discussion (e.g., introduce the topic and keep participants on task) 2. Act as a time keeper in a group discussion using a clock to watch the time (e.g., start the clock, stop the clock) 1. Participate in a group discussion (e.g., express opinions and/or concerns about the topic) |
Grades 7-8 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-5-M6: identifying and interpreting graphic organizers (e.g., flowcharts, timelines, tree diagrams) | 46. Interpret information from a variety of graphic organizers including timelines, charts, schedules, tables, diagrams, and maps in grade-appropriate sources (ELA-5-M6) | ES-46/46: Locate and use information, including: * daily schedule * calendar | 3. Locate given information in a calendar (e.g., holidays, special events, birthdays, weather conditions) 2. Recognize changes in daily schedule 1. Refer to schedule for information about sequence of activities |
La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § CXLI-327