Grades 9-12 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade-Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-1-H1: using knowledge of word meaning and extending basic and technical vocabulary, employing a variety of strategies (e.g., contexts, connotations and denotations, word derivations, relationships, inferences) | 1. Extend basic and technical vocabulary using a variety of strategies, including: · use of context clues · use of knowledge of Greek and Latin roots and affixes · use of denotative and connotative meanings · tracing etymology (ELA-1-H1) 1. Extend basic and technical vocabulary using a variety of strategies, including: · use of context clues · use of knowledge of Greek and Latin roots and affixes · use of denotative and connotative meanings · tracing etymology (ELA-1-H1) | ES-1/1: Determine the meaning of base/root words with affixes that indicate negation and comparative/superlative, i.e.: · dis- · -er · -est | 3. Given a word that indicates negation or comparative/superlative, determine its meaning from its root/base 2. Identify a second word with the same affix that indicates negation or comparative/ superlative 1. Identify a word that indicates negation or comparative/ superlative |
ELA-1-H2: analyzing and evaluating the effects of complex elements and complex literary devices (e.g., irony, sarcasm, ambiguity) on the meaning and purpose of a selection | 2. Identify and explain story elements, including: · the author's use of direct and indirect characterization · the author's pacing of action and use of plot development, subplots, parallel episodes, and climax to impact the reader · the revelation of character through dialect, dialogue, dramatic monologues, and soliloquies (ELA-1-H2) 2. Analyze the development of story elements, including: · characterization · plot and subplot(s) · theme · mood/atmosphere (ELA-1-H2) | ES-2/2: Identify story elements, including: · character · character trait · setting · main idea | 3. Identify the main idea in a selection 2. Identify details/event/idea in a selection 1. Describe the setting of a selection |
Grades 9-12 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade-Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-7-H1: using comprehension strategies (e.g., synthesizing, critiquing) to evaluate oral, written, and visual texts | 11. Demonstrate understanding of information in grade-appropriate texts using a variety of strategies, including: · summarizing and paraphrasing information and story elements · comparing and contrasting information in texts, including televised news, news magazines, documentaries, and online information · comparing and contrasting complex literary elements, devices, and ideas within and across texts · examining the sequence of information and procedures in order to critique the logic or development of ideas in texts · making inferences and drawing conclusions · making predictions and generalizations (ELA-7-H1) 11. Demonstrate understanding of information in grade-appropriate texts using a variety of reasoning strategies, including: · summarizing and paraphrasing information and story elements · comparing and contrasting information in various texts, (e.g., televised news, news magazines, documentaries, online information) · comparing and contrasting complex literary elements, devices, and ideas within and across texts · examining the sequence of information and procedures in order to critique the logic or development of ideas in texts · making inferences and drawing conclusions · making predictions and generalizations (ELA-7-H1) | ES-11/11: Demonstrate understanding of information in texts, including: · summarizing information · comparing and contrasting literary elements and ideas within and among texts · sequencing events or procedures · making inferences · drawing conclusions · making predictions about a story | 3. Compare or contrast literary elements (e.g., character, character traits, setting) or ideas either within or among texts 2. Draw a conclusion from information in texts 1. Make an inference from texts |
ELA-7-H4: using analytical reasoning skills in a variety of complex oral, written, and visual texts | 14. Analyze information within and across grade-appropriate texts using various reasoning skills, including: · identifying cause-effect relationships · raising questions · reasoning inductively and deductively · generating a theory or hypothesis · distinguishing facts from opinions and probability (ELA-7-H4) 15. Analyze information within and across grade-appropriate texts using various reasoning skills, including: · identifying cause-effect relationships · raising questions · reasoning inductively and deductively · generating a theory or hypothesis · distinguishing facts from opinions and probability (ELA-7-H4) | ES-14/15: Demonstrate understanding of texts by using reasoning skills, including: · skimming and scanning · generating a theory or hypothesis · distinguishing fact from opinion · cause and effect | 3. Differentiate fact from opinion in texts 2. Identify an opinion in texts 1. Locate a fact in texts |
Grades 9-12 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade-Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-2-H1: writing compositions (250300 words) that employ specific organizational elements (e.g., spatial order, order of importance, ascending/descending order, chronological order) and clearly imply a central idea with supporting details in a logical, sequential order | 16. Develop multiparagraph compositions organized with the following: · a clearly stated central idea or thesis statement · a clear, overall structure that includes an introduction, a body, and an appropriate conclusion · supporting paragraphs appropriate to the topic organized in a logical sequence (e.g., spatial order, order of importance, ascending/descending order, chronological order, parallel construction) · transitional words and phrases that unify throughout (ELA-2-H1) 17. Develop multiparagraph compositions organized with the following: · a clearly stated central idea/thesis statement · a clear, overall structure that includes an introduction, a body, and an appropriate conclusion · supporting paragraphs appropriate to the topic organized in a logical sequence (e.g., spatial order, order of importance, ascending/descending order, chronological order, parallel construction) · transitional words and phrases that unify throughout (ELA-2-H1) | ES-16/17: Write a composition that is organized with: · a clearly stated central idea · a clear, overall structure that includes an introduction, a body with supporting details, and a conclusion · organizational patterns (e.g., logical spatial order, order of importance, ascending/descending order, chronological order) · transitional words and phrases that unify throughout Note that "write" may include drawing and dictating. | 3. Write a composition with a clear introduction, a body with supporting details, and a conclusion 2. Write a composition with a central idea and supporting details 1. Write a composition that clearly states a central idea |
ELA-2-H6: writing as a response to texts and life experiences (e.g., technical writing, rÉsumÉs) | 21. Write for various purposes, including: · formal and business letters, such as letters of complaint and requests for information · letters to the editor · job applications · text-supported interpretations that connect life experiences to works of literature (ELA-2-H6) 24. Write for various purposes, including: · formal and business letters, such as letters of complaint and requests for information · letters to the editor · job applications · text supported interpretations that connect life experiences to works of literature (ELA-2-H6) | ES-21/24: Write for various purposes, including: · informal letter · list · evaluation of media · text-supported interpretation · business letter · job application Note that "write" may include drawing and dictating. | 3. Write a business letter including addresses, date, two sentences or phrases around a central idea, and closing (e.g., letter of complaint) 2. Write a letter of request (e.g., to the principal) 1. Complete a job application |
Grades 9-12 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade-Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-4-H2: giving and following directions/procedures | 29. Listen to oral instructions and presentations, speeches, discussions, and carry out procedures, including: · taking accurate notes · writing summaries or responses · forming groups (ELA-4-H2) 32. Listen to detailed oral instructions and presentations and carry out complex procedures, including: · taking accurate notes · writing summaries or responses · forming groups (ELA-4-H2) | ES-29/32: Follow instructions for complex procedures/routines | 3. Follow detailed instructions for a complex procedure/routine (e.g., a safety drill) 2. Follow detailed instructions for an unfamiliar procedure/routine 1. Follow detailed instructions for a familiar procedure/routine |
ELA-4-H6: participating in a variety of roles in group discussion (e.g., mediator) | 35. Participate in group and panel discussions, including: · identifying the strengths and talents of other participants · acting as facilitator, recorder, leader, listener, or mediator · evaluating the effectiveness of participant's performance (ELA-4-H6) 38. Participate in group and panel discussions, including: · identifying the strengths and talents of other participants · acting as facilitator, recorder, leader, listener, or mediator · evaluating the effectiveness of participants' performances (ELA-4-H6) | ES-35/38: Participate in a group discussion, including: · acting as facilitator, time keeper, leader, listener, or mediator · evaluating the effectiveness of participant's performance Will not be on the state assessment | 3. Act as a facilitator in a group discussion (e.g., point to person who has the next turn to speak) 2. Act as a time keeper in a group discussion (e.g., using a watch, tell each student when to start and stop) 1. Participate in a group discussion as a listener (e.g., turning toward or making eye-contact with each speaker) |
Grades 9-12 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade-Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-5-H6: analyzing and synthesizing graphic organizers (e.g., organizational charts, concept maps, comparative tables) | 43. Analyze information found in a variety of complex graphic organizers, including detailed maps, comparative charts, extended tables, graphs, diagrams, cutaways, overlays, and sidebars to determine usefulness for research (ELA-5-H6) 46. Analyze information found in complex graphic organizers, including detailed maps, comparative charts, extended tables, graphs, diagrams, cutaways, overlays, and sidebars to determine usefulness for research (ELA-5-H6) | ES-43/46: Locate and use: · daily schedule · calendar · timeline | 3. Choose appropriate graphic organizer (daily schedule, calendar, or timeline) to locate information 2. Respond to a question regarding information found on a timeline 1. Locate specified information on a timeline |
La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § CXLI-329