Grades 5-6 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-1-M1: using knowledge of word meaning and developing basic and technical vocabulary using various strategies (e.g., context clues, idioms, affixes, etymology, multiple-meaning words) | 1. Identify word meanings using a variety of strategies, including: * using context clues (e.g., definition, restatement, example, contrast) * using structural analysis (e.g., base words, roots, affixes) * determining word origins (etymology) * using electronic and print dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries (ELA-1-M1) 1. Identify word meanings using a variety of strategies, including: * using context clues (e.g., definition, restatement, example, contrast) * using structural analysis (e.g., roots, affixes) * determining word origins (etymology) · explaining word analogies (ELA-1-M1) | ES-1/1: Identify word meanings using context clues Will not be assessed on the state assessment | 3. Use a homophone correctly 2. Identify the correct meaning of a homophone in a sentence or phrase 1. Identify a multiple-meaning word or a homophone used in text (e.g., fall; sail/sale) |
ELA-1-M1: using knowledge of word meaning and developing basic and technical vocabulary using various strategies (e.g., context clues, idioms, affixes, etymology, multiple-meaning words) | 4. Develop specific vocabulary (e.g., for reading scientific, geographical, historical, and mathematical texts, as well as news and current events) for various purposes (ELA-1-M1) 3. Develop specific vocabulary (e.g., scientific, content specific, current events) for various purposes (ELA-1-M1) | ES-4/3: Develop a vocabulary of common content-specific words | 3. Select the correct content word to complete a simple sentence or phrase 2. Categorize four content-specific words from two content areas 1. Identify a content-specific word |
ELA-1-M2: interpreting story elements (e.g., mood, tone, style) and literary devices (e.g., flashback, metaphor, foreshadowing, symbolism) within a selection | 5. Identify and explain story elements, including: * theme development * character development * relationship of word choice and mood * plot sequence (e.g., exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution) (ELA-1-M2) 4. Identify and explain story elements, including: * theme development * character development * relationship of word choice and mood * plot sequence (e.g., exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution) (ELA-1-M2) | ES-5/4: Identify story elements, including: * character * character trait | 3. Identify a character trait of the main character in a story 2. Identify the main character and a secondary character in a story 1. Identify the main character in a story |
Grades 5-6 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-7-M1: using comprehension strategies (e.g., summarizing, recognizing literary devices, paraphrasing) to analyze oral, written, and visual texts | 12. Demonstrate understanding of information in grade-appropriate texts using a variety of strategies, including: * sequencing events and steps in a process * summarizing and paraphrasing information * identifying stated and implied main ideas and supporting details for each * comparing and contrasting literary elements and ideas * making simple inferences and drawing conclusions * predicting the outcome of a story or situation with reasonable justification * identifying literary devices (ELA-7-M1) 11. Demonstrate understanding of information in grade-appropriate texts using a variety of strategies, including: * sequencing events and steps in a process * summarizing and paraphrasing information * identifying stated or implied main ideas and supporting details * comparing and contrasting literary elements and ideas * making simple inferences and drawing conclusions * predicting the outcome of a story or situation * identifying literary devices (ELA-7-M1) | ES-12/11: Demonstrate understanding of information in texts, including: * sequencing events * identifying main idea * making predictions | A. Sequence of events 3. Identify the beginning, middle, and end of a text 2. Identify the middle of a text 1. Identify the beginning and end of a text B. Make predictions 3. Identify what happened last and predict what will happen next in a text 2. Predict what will happen next in a text 1. Predict what will happen last in a text |
ELA-7-M4: using inductive and deductive reasoning skills across oral, written, and visual texts | 17. Analyze grade-appropriate print and nonprint texts using various reasoning skills, including: * identifying cause-effect relationships * raising questions * thinking inductively and deductively * generating a theory or hypothesis * skimming/scanning * distinguishing facts from opinions and probability (ELA-7-M4) 16. Analyze grade-appropriate print and nonprint texts using various reasoning skills, including: * identifying cause-effect relationships * raising questions * reasoning inductively and deductively * generating a theory or hypothesis * skimming/scanning * distinguishing facts from opinions and probability (ELA-7-M4) | ES-17/16: Demonstrate understanding of text by using reasoning skills, including: * skimming and scanning * cause and effect | 3. Identify a cause and an effect in text 2. Identify a cause or effect in text 1. Skim or scan text to locate specific information |
Grades 5-6 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-2-M1: writing multi-paragraph compositions (150200 words) that clearly imply a central idea with supporting details in a logical, sequential order | 18. Write multiparagraph compositions on student- or teacher-selected topics organized with the following: * an established central idea * important ideas or events stated in sequential or chronological order * elaboration (e.g., fact, examples, specific details) * transitional words and phrases that unify points and ideas * an overall structure including an introduction, a body/middle, and a concluding paragraph that summarizes important ideas (ELA-2-M1) 17. Write multiparagraph compositions on student- or teacher-selected topics organized with the following: * an established central idea * organizational patterns (e.g., comparison/contrast, order of importance, chronological order) appropriate to the topic * elaboration (e.g., fact, examples, and/or specific details) * transitional words and phrases that unify ideas and points * an overall structure including an introduction, a body/middle, and a concluding paragraph that summarizes important ideas (ELA-2-M1) | ES-18/17: Write a composition that is organized with: * central idea * organization patterns (e.g., logical, sequential, or chronological order) * elaboration (e.g., facts, examples, and/or supporting details) Note that "write" may include drawing and dictating. | 3. Given a topic, use "first," "then" or "next," and "last" to sequence the events in writing a composition 2. Given a topic, use "first" and "then" or "next" to write one or two sentences 1. Given a topic, use "first" to write a sequence of two events |
ELA-2-M6: writing as a response to texts and life experiences (e.g., personal and business letters) | 25. Write for various purposes, including: * formal and informal letters that state a purpose, make requests, or give compliments * evaluations of media, such as films, performances, or field trips * explanations of stories and poems using retellings, examples, and text-based evidence (ELA-2-M6) 24. Write for various purposes, including: * business letters that include a heading, inside address, salutation, body, and signature * evaluations, supported with facts and opinions, of newspaper/magazine articles and editorial cartoons * text-supported interpretations of elements of novels, stories, poems, and plays (ELA-2-M6) | ES-25/24: Write for various purposes, including: * informal letter * list * evaluation of media Note that "write" may include drawing and dictating. | 3. Given a topic, evaluate a medium (e.g., film, performance, field trip) 2. Given a topic, write an informal letter (e.g., thank you) 1. Given a topic, write a list of two items |
Grades 5-6 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-4-M2: giving and following directions/procedures | 34. Follow procedures (e.g., read, question, write a response, form groups) from detailed oral instructions (ELA-4-M2) 33. Follow procedures (e.g., read, question, write a response, form groups) from detailed oral instructions (ELA-4-M2) | ES-34/33: Follow multi-step directions | 3. Follow a three-step direction 2. Follow an unfamiliar two-step direction 1. Follow a familiar two-step direction |
ELA-4-M4: speaking and listening for a variety of audiences (e.g., classroom, real-life, workplace) and purposes (e.g., awareness, concentration, enjoyment, information, problem solving) | 38. Demonstrate active listening strategies (e.g., asking focused questions, responding to questions, making visual contact) (ELA-4-M4) 37. Demonstrate active listening strategies for various purposes, including: * viewing a video to interpret the meaning of the story, to determine the speaker's/character's attitude using verbal and nonverbal cues, and to draw conclusions about the presentation * summarizing the main points of a speaker's message, including supporting details and their significance (ELA-4-M4) | ES-38/37: Demonstrate active listening strategies | 3. Respond with three or more words to a question about a multiple-sentence statement (e.g., large black dog) 2. Respond with two words to a question about a multiple-sentence statement (e.g., large dog) 1. Respond with one word to a question about a multiple-sentence statement (e.g., dog) |
ELA-4-M6: participating in a variety of roles in group discussions (e.g., facilitator, recorder) | 41. Participate in group and panel discussions, including: * explaining the effectiveness and dynamics of group process * applying agreed-upon rules for formal and informal discussions * assuming a variety of roles (e.g., facilitator, recorder, leader, listener) (ELA-4-M6) 40. Participate in group and panel discussions, including: * explaining the effectiveness and dynamics of group process * applying agreed-upon rules for formal and informal discussions * assuming a variety of roles (e.g., facilitator, recorder, leader, listener) (ELA-4-M6) | ES-41/40: Participate in a group discussion Will not be on the state assessment | 3. Act as a facilitator in a group discussion (e.g., point to person who has the next turn to speak) 2. Act as a time keeper in a group discussion (e.g., tell para to start clock, stop clock) 1. Participate in a group discussion as a listener (e.g., turn toward or make eye-contact with each speaker, encourage speaker with nod of head) |
Grades 5-6 English Language Arts | |||
Benchmarks | Grade Level Expectations | Extended Standards | Complexity Levels |
ELA-5-M6: identifying and interpreting graphic organizers (e.g., flowcharts, timelines, tree diagrams) | 48. Interpret information from a variety of grade-appropriate sources, including timelines, charts, schedules, tables, diagrams, and maps (ELA-5-M6) 48. Interpret information from a variety of graphic organizers, including timelines, charts, schedules, tables, diagrams, and maps in grade-appropriate sources (ELA-5-M6) | ES-48/48: Locate information, including: * daily schedule * calendar | 3. Respond to a question regarding information on a calendar 2. Locate information on a calendar 1. Identify a calendar from other similar items (e.g., a list, a diagram) |
La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § CXLI-325