La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § CXLI-323

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section CXLI-323 - Third-Fourth Grade Span
A. Focus. Extended standards for grades three and four focus on students' development of reading, writing, and speaking and listening skills. Students also learn to access information in electronic and print sources.
B. Standards
1. Standard One. Students read, comprehend, and respond to a range of materials, using a variety of strategies for different purposes.

Grades 3-4

English Language Arts


Grade-Level Expectations

Extended Standards

Complexity Levels

ELA-1-E1: gaining meaning from print and building vocabulary using a full range of strategies (e.g., self-monitoring and correcting, searching, cross-checking), evidenced by reading behaviors using phonemic awareness, phonics, sentence structure, and meaning

1. Decode words using knowledge of base words, root words, and common prefixes and suffixes (ELA-1-E1)

1. Use understanding of base words, roots, prefixes, and suffixes to decode more complex words (ELA-1-E1)

ES-1/1: Determine the meaning of base/root words with affixes that indicate negation and plurals, i.e.:

* un-

* -s

* -es

3. Given a word with an affix, determine its meaning

2. Identify a second word with the same affix

1. Identify a word with an affix

ELA-1-E4: recognizing story elements (e.g., setting, plot, character, theme) and literary devices (e.g., simile, dialogue, personification) within a selection

8. Identify story elements, including:

* theme

* conflict

* character traits, feelings, and motivation (ELA-1-E4)

5. Identify a variety of story elements, including:

* the impact of setting on character

* multiple conflicts

* first- and third-person points of view

* development of theme (ELA-1-E4)

ES-8/5: Identify story elements, including: character

3. Identify the main character in a story

2. Identify two characters in a story

1. Identify one character in a story

2. Standard Seven. Students apply reasoning and problem-solving skills to reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and visually representing.

Grades 3-4

English Language Arts


Grade-Level Expectations

Extended Standards

Complexity Levels

ELA-7-E1: using comprehension strategies (e.g., sequencing, predicting, drawing conclusions, comparing and contrasting, making inferences, determining main ideas) to interpret oral, written, and visual texts

17. Demonstrate understanding of information in grade-appropriate texts using a variety of strategies, including:

* sequencing events

* making predictions using information from texts

* making simple inferences and drawing conclusions about information in texts

* comparing and contrasting, including story elements (e.g., theme, character, and conflicts) and main points or ideas in informational texts

* distinguishing between a main idea and a summary

* identifying main ideas of texts (ELA-7-E1)

14. Demonstrate understanding of information in grade-appropriate texts using a variety of strategies, such as:

* sequencing events and steps in a process

* explaining how the setting impacts other story elements, including the characters' traits and actions

* using specific evidence from a story to describe a character's traits, actions, relationships, and/or motivations

* confirming or denying a prediction about information in a text

* comparing and contrasting story elements or information within and across texts

* identifying stated main ideas and supporting details

* making simple inferences (ELA-7-E1)

ES-17/14: Demonstrate understanding of information in texts, including:

· identifying main idea

· sequencing events

A. Main Idea

3. Identify the main idea in texts

2. Identify two ideas in texts

1. Identify one idea in texts

B. Sequence of Events

3. Identify the beginning and end of texts

2. Identify the end of texts

1. Identify the beginning of texts

ELA-7-E4: using basic reasoning skills to distinguish fact from opinion, skim and scan for facts, determine cause and effect, generate inquiry, and make connections with real-life situations

21. Apply basic reasoning skills, including:

* identifying differences between fact and opinion

* skimming and scanning texts to locate specific information

* identifying multiple causes and/or effects in texts and life situations

* raising questions to obtain clarification and/or direct investigation

* connecting what is learned to real-life situations (ELA-7-E4)

19. Demonstrate understanding of information in grade-appropriate texts using a variety of strategies, including:

* supporting differences between fact and opinion with information from texts

* skimming and scanning texts for various purposes (e.g., locating information, verifying facts)

* identifying cause-effect relationships in texts and real-life situations

* generating questions to guide examination of topics in texts and real-life situations

* explaining connection between information from texts and real-life experiences (ELA-7-E4)

ES-21/19: Apply basic reasoning skills, including:

* skimming and scanning text for specific information

3. Locate, in a field of seven, the text that represents specific information

2. Locate, in a field of five, the text that represents specific information

1. Locate, in a field of three, the text that represents specific information

3. Standard 2. Students write competently for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Grades 3-4

English Language Arts


Grade-Level Expectations

Extended Standards

Complexity Levels

ELA-2-E1: drawing, dictating and writing compositions that clearly state or imply a central idea with supporting details in a logical, sequential order (beginning, middle, end)

22. Write compositions of two or more paragraphs that are organized with the following:

* a central idea

* a logical, sequential order

* supporting details that develop ideas

* transitional words within and between paragraphs (ELA-2-E1)

20. Write compositions of at least three paragraphs organized with the following:

* a clearly stated central idea

* an introduction and a conclusion

* a middle developed with supporting details

* a logical, sequential order

* transitional words and phrases that unify points and ideas (ELA-2-E1)

ES-22/20: Write a composition that is organized with:

* central idea

* logical, sequential order

Note that "write" may include drawing and dictating. See the corresponding benchmark.

3. Write a sentence or phrase that expresses a central idea and has a logical sequence

2. Write a central idea in a simple sentence or phrase

1. Identify the central idea in a simple sentence or phrase

ELA-2-E6: writing as a response to texts and life experiences (e.g., journals, letters, lists)

27. Write for various purposes, including:

* informal letters using appropriate letter format

* book reports and informational compositions that include main ideas and significant details from the text (ELA-2-E6)

26. Write for various purposes, including:

* formal and informal letters that follow a specific letter format, include relevant information, and use an appropriate closure

* informational reports that include facts and examples and that present important details in a logical order

* book reports that include an opinion and/or a persuasive viewpoint (ELA-2-E6)

ES-27/26: Write for various purposes, including:

· informal letters

· lists

Note that "write" may include drawing or dictating.

3. Write a letter

2. Write a list

1. Sign your name

4. Standard Four. Students demonstrate competence in speaking and listening as tools for learning and communicating.

Grades 3-4

English Language Arts


Grade Level Expectations

Extended Standards

Complexity Levels

ELA-4-E2: giving and following directions/procedures

38. Give and follow precise directions and instructions (ELA-4-E2)

35. Interpret, follow, and give multi-step directions (ELA-4-E2)

ES-38/35: Follow simple directions

3. Follow a two-step direction in familiar context

2. Follow a one-step direction in familiar context (e.g., Put on your coat.)

1. Follow a one-word command (e.g., stop, go)

ELA-4-E5: speaking and listening for a variety of audiences (e.g., classroom, real-life, workplace) and purposes (e.g., awareness, concentration, enjoyment, information, problem solving)

42. Use active listening strategies, including:

* asking questions and responding to ideas/opinions

* giving oral responses, such as explanations of written and/or spoken texts (ELA-4-E5)

37. Demonstrate active listening strategies, including asking questions, responding to cues, and making eye contact (ELA-4-E5)

ES-42/37: Use listening strategies

3. Respond with two or more words to a question

2. Respond with a one-word answer (other than "yes" or "no") to a question (e.g., "Is milk white or green?")

1. Respond to a "yes" or "no" question (e.g., "Is the window open?")

5. Standard 5. Students locate, select, and synthesize information from a variety of texts, media, references, and technological sources to acquire and communicate knowledge.

Grades 3-4

English Language Arts


Grade Level Expectations

Extended Standards

Complexity Levels

ELA-5-E6: recognizing and using graphic organizers (e.g., charts/graphs, tables/schedules, diagrams/maps)

52. Locate information found in graphic organizers such as timelines, charts, graphs, schedules, tables, diagrams, and maps (ELA-5-E6)

50. Read and interpret timelines, charts, graphs, schedules, tables, diagrams, and maps generated from grade-appropriate materials (ELA-5-E6)

ES-52/50: Locate information, including:

* daily schedule

3. Sequence all events on a daily schedule

2. Locate "What comes next?" on a daily schedule

1. Locate information on a daily schedule

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § CXLI-323

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 34:2343 (November 2008).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:24.4.