At least 30 days prior to the effective date of any declaration of Peak Period conditions, notice of such declaration, and the specification of the hours, days of the week, and months, of the Peak Period, shall be provided by the Chief Executive Officer to the FAA, to each Operator providing scheduled commercial air transportation services at BOS registered with the Office of the Aviation Director, and to each Fixed Base Operator; shall be posted in the General Aviation Terminal at BOS; and shall be published in the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald.
Advance notice of a potential expansion in the Peak Period shall be provided in the same manner as the advance notice of Over scheduling provided in 740 CMR 27.04 for the purpose of providing Operators an opportunity to modify schedules or other intended use of BOS in order to avoid an expansion of the Peak Period and to allow FAA, if it chooses, the opportunity to establish or participate in the process to examine, and if appropriate, implement such voluntary modification in flight levels. In the event the Chief Executive Officer determines that such action is necessary to avoid imminent occurrence, the Peak Period may be adjusted without the notice proof Over scheduling conditionsvided for in 740 CMR 27.05(2), but subject to the provision of notice as required in the ensuing paragraph.
At least 30 days prior to any adjustment to the Peak Period, notice of such adjustment shall be provided by the Chief Executive Officer to the FAA, to each Operator providing scheduled commercial air transportation services at BOS registered with the Office of the Aviation Director and to each Fixed Base Operator at BOS; shall be posted in the General Aviation Terminal at BOS; and shall be published in the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald.
740 CMR, § 27.05