The surcharge established under 740 CMR 27.06(1) shall be subject to adjustment in accordance with 740 CMR 27.06(2).
In making any adjustment in the Peak Period surcharge, the Authority shall take into account the mix of aircraft types operating during the Peak Period, the total number of projected Operations, airport costs, including opportunity costs during the Peak Period, the effects on Demand of imposing the additional costs associated with the Peak Period surcharge adjustment.
At least 30 days prior to each adjustment to the Peak Period surcharge, notice of such adjustment shall be provided by the Chief Executive Officer to the FAA, to each Operator providing scheduled commercial air transportation services at BOS registered with the Office of the Aviation Director, and to each Fixed Base Operator; shall be posted in the General Aviation Terminal at BOS; and shall be published in the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald.
740 CMR, § 27.06