The director of the department of agriculture shall administer and enforce the provisions of this act and regulations issued thereunder. The board of certification may issue regulations after a public hearing following due notice to all interested persons in conformance with the provisions of the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act to carry out the provisions of this act. Regulations may prescribe methods to be used in the application of pesticides, may prescribe standards for the classification and certification of applicators of pesticides, and may require certification, licensing, payment of reasonable fees for licensing or certification, submission of information, and passing of examinations by applicators of pesticides. Where the board of certification finds that regulations are necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this act, the regulations may relate to the time, place, manner, methods, materials, and amounts and concentrations, in connection with the application of the pesticide, and may restrict or prohibit use of pesticides in designated areas during specified periods of time and shall encompass all reasonable factors which the board deems necessary. The department may issue licenses. Notwithstanding the provisions of W.S. 35-7-354(e), the board of agriculture, by regulation, following a hearing and pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act, may declare a specific pesticide or pesticide use a "restricted use pesticide", but only following a recommendation of the board of certification, and a finding of fact, in a public hearing conducted by the board of certification, that unreasonable adverse effects on the environment, including man, pollinating insects, animals, crops, wildlife and lands, other than pests, may reasonably occur. The director of the department of agriculture may allow the registration, licensing, testing, inspection and reporting requirements of this article to be conducted electronically as provided by the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act, W.S. 40-21-101 through 40-21-119 and any applicable federal electronic requirements.
W.S. 35-7-355