Wyo. Stat. § 26-23-308

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 26-23-308 - Underwriting standards; record retention
(a) No title insurance policy as to property in this state shall be written unless it is based upon adequate evidence of the current condition of title certified in writing as of the date of the policy by a person duly authorized under W.S. 33-2-101 to act as a title abstractor in the county where the property is situated, or based upon the opinion of an attorney authorized to practice law in this state as to the condition of the title following a review by the attorney of pertinent title records or abstracts. Evidence of the examination of title and determination of insurability shall be preserved and retained in the files of the title insurer or its title agent for a period of not less than fifteen (15) years after the title insurance policy has been issued. Instead of retaining the original evidence, the title insurer or title agent, in the regular course of business, may establish a system whereby all or part of the evidence is recorded, copied or reproduced by any process that accurately and legibly reproduces or forms a durable medium for reproducing the contents of the original. This subsection does not apply to a title insurer:
(i) Assuming liability through a contract of reinsurance; or
(ii) Acting as coinsurer if one (1) of the other coinsuring title insurers has complied with this section.
(b) Except as allowed by regulations the commissioner promulgates, no title insurer or title agent shall knowingly issue any title insurance policy or commitment to insure without showing all outstanding, enforceable, recorded liens or other interests against the property, title to which is to be insured.

W.S. 26-23-308