N.D. Cent. Code § 34-07-16

Current through 2024 Legislative Session
Section 34-07-16 - Prohibited employments and occupations of minors

No minor fourteen or fifteen years of age may be employed or permitted to work in:

1. Any employment involving the use of any power-driven machinery; but this prohibition does not apply to the use of:
a. Office machines, such as adding machines or typewriters;
b. Tagging, pricing, or similar machines used in retail stores;
c. Domestic-type machines used in food service operations, such as toasters, coffee grinders, or milkshake blenders;
d. Machines used in service stations such as those in connection with car cleaning, washing, or polishing, or in the dispensing of gasoline or oil; provided, however, that no work may be done in connection with cars and trucks if such work involves the use of pits, racks, or lifting apparatus, or involving the inflation of any tire mounted on a rim equipped with a removable retaining ring; or
e. Lawnmowers.
2. Construction work other than cleaning, errand running, moving, stacking, loading, or unloading materials by hand.
3. Lumbering or logging operations.
4. Sawmills or planing mills.
5. The manufacture, disposition, or use of explosives.
6. The operation of any steam boiler, steam machinery, or other steam generating apparatus.
7. The operation or assisting in the operation of laundry machinery.
8. Preparing any composition in which dangerous or poisonous acids are used.
9. The manufacture of paints, colors, or white lead.
10. Operating or assisting in the operation of passenger or freight elevators.
11. Any mine or quarry.
12. The manufacture of goods for immoral purposes.
13. Any other employment not herein specifically enumerated that may be considered dangerous to life or limb or in which health may be injured or morals depraved.
14. Occupations which involve working on an elevated surface, with or without use of safety equipment, including ladders and scaffolds in which the work is performed higher than six feet from the ground surface.
15. Security positions or any such occupations that require the use of a firearm or other weapon.
16. Door-to-door sales of any kind.
17. Occupations involving the loading, handling, mixing, applying, or working around or near any fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, insecticides, or any other chemicals, toxins, or heavy metals.
18. Occupations in or in connection with medical or other dangerous wastes.
19. Occupations which involve the handling or storage of blood, blood products, body fluids, and body tissues.
20. Cooking, baking, grilling, or frying.
21. Warehouse or storage work of any kind in which the main objective of the operation is distribution.
22. Trucking or commercial driving of any kind.

Nothing contained in this section prohibits a minor from doing ordinary farm labor or from operating farm machinery. No person fourteen or fifteen years of age may be employed in any capacity if such employment compels the person to remain standing constantly. This section does not prevent the education of a minor in music nor the employment of a minor as a singer or musician in a church, school, or academy, or in any school or home talent exhibition given by the people of a local community.

N.D.C.C. § 34-07-16