Mich. Comp. Laws § 289.6107

Current through Public Act 190 of the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 289.6107 - Plans and specifications; review by director; revisions; approval; expiration; availability for inspection
(1) The director shall review plans and specifications received under section 6105 as soon as practicable after receipt to determine their completeness and adequacy. If a submission of complete plans and specifications is not reviewed within 30 business days of receipt, the plans and specifications shall be considered to have been determined to be complete and adequate. Thereafter, construction may proceed without the director's authorization. Approval of the plans and specifications by operation of law does not relieve the license applicant or license holder from compliance with other provisions of this act.
(2) If the director determines that plans and specifications are incomplete or inadequate, or both, he or she shall notify the license applicant or license holder in writing and shall request the submission of revised plans and specifications with appropriate corrections or additions. The director shall not approve the plans and specifications until he or she determines that the plans and specifications are complete and adequate and that the food establishment is designed in accordance with the food code and this act.
(3) Upon a determination that the plans and specifications are complete and adequate, the director shall mark the plans and specifications showing approval and the date of approval, shall notify the license applicant or license holder in writing of the approval, and shall authorize construction, conversion, alteration, or remodeling of the food establishment.
(4) Approval of plans and specifications by the director and authorization for construction pursuant to the food code, this act, and rules expire if construction, conversion, alteration, or remodeling has not commenced within 1 year from the date of approval or has been interrupted for 1 year or more since the date of approval. A license applicant or license holder may apply in writing to the director for an extension of the approval and construction authorization before the approval expires. The request for extension shall identify the project for which the approval and construction authorization were originally granted and the reason for requesting the extension. The director may require modification of the plans and specifications to incorporate updated food safety practices or requirements, where applicable, unless the license applicant or license holder has entered into binding agreements or contractual obligations which cannot be canceled or modified without substantial loss to the license applicant or license holder as determined by the director.
(5) The approved plans and specifications shall be kept on-site during construction and shall be available for inspection by the director.

MCL 289.6107

Amended by 2012, Act 178,s 30, eff. 10/1/2012.
2000, Act 92, Eff. 11/8/2000.