Browse as ListSearch Within- LA REV STAT Tit. 40, § 711. Permit for manufacture or sale
- LA REV STAT Tit. 40, § 712. Part inapplicable to persons selling soft drinks where manufactured
- LA REV STAT Tit. 40, § 713. Contents of application; fee
- LA REV STAT Tit. 40, § 714. Inspection; granting or refusing permit; grounds
- LA REV STAT Tit. 40, § 715. Term of permit; renewal
- LA REV STAT Tit. 40, § 716. Inspection of soft drinks manufactured outside state; fee
- LA REV STAT Tit. 40, § 717. Inspection of bottling plants and places for sale; fee
- LA REV STAT Tit. 40, § 718. Each separate plant subject to inspection or permit fee
- LA REV STAT Tit. 40, § 719. Revocation of permit
- LA REV STAT Tit. 40, § 720. Ingredients permitted in soft drinks
- LA REV STAT Tit. 40, § 721. Disposition of proceeds of fees
- LA REV STAT Tit. 40, § 722. Penalty for violations