P.R. Laws tit. 23, § 695h

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 695h. Annual report

Every year, within one hundred twenty (120) days after the close of the fiscal year, the Trust shall file a report with the Governor, the Office of the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Said report shall include the following:

(a) A financial statement audited by recognized certified public accountants and a complete report on the activities of the Trust for the preceding fiscal year.

(b) A complete itemized list of all contracts and transactions executed during the fiscal year corresponding to the report.

(c) All information concerning the status and progress of its activities as of the date of the last report.

(d) Information on new initiatives, special projects, and educational activities that promote the registration of copyrights.

(e) The work plan of the Trust for the next fiscal year.

History —Aug. 18, 2004, No. 214, § 10; Apr. 27, 2012, No. 67, § 2.