P.R. Laws tit. 23, § 695g

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 695g. Tax exemption

(a) It is hereby stated that the purpose for which the Trust is to be established and for which it shall exercise its powers are public purposes for the benefit of the People of Puerto Rico. The Trust shall be exempted from the payment of all taxes, license taxes, fees or excise taxes imposed by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or its municipalities.

(b) The Trust shall also be exempted from the payment of any type of internal revenue fees, stamps or vouchers, excise taxes or taxes of any nature required by law for transacting judicial procedures, issuing certificates from any office or dependency of the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and granting public documents and registering the same with any public registry of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

History —Aug. 18, 2004, No. 214, § 9.