(a) The buildings that house the Narciso Rabell Cabrero Community School, initially known as the Narciso Rabell Cabrero Junior High School, located in the municipality of San Sebastián, are hereby declared a historic monument.
(b) The Planning Board, in coordination and with the advice of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture and the Commonwealth Historic Preservation Office, shall take the necessary measures to give faithful compliance to the provisions of this section, and shall include the former Narciso Rabell Cabrero Junior High School, today the Narciso Rabell Cabrero Community School, on its list of Historic Sites and Places, pursuant to the provisions of the legislation in effect and Regulation No. 5 of Historic Zones or Sites.
(c) The Department of Education, with the advice of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture, shall install a commemorative plaque regarding such designation, no later than six (6) months after this act becomes effective.
History —June 7, 2000, No. 94, §§ 1—3.