Any person who incurs in discriminatory practices against a woman due to the fact that she is breastfeeding her child in any of the places specified by §§ 3518—3518b of this title, or who prohibits, prevents or otherwise limits or inhibits a woman from breastfeeding her child in such places, shall incur in misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be subject to a fine of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) at the discretion of the judge of the Court of First Instance of the General Court of Justice of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. In addition, the judge may order restitution according to § 4689 of Title 33.
Furthermore, a cause for civil action for damages is hereby established against any natural or juridical person who interferes with the exercise of the rights recognized by §§ 3518—3518b of this title.
History —Apr. 23, 2004, No. 95, § 2; Sept. 19, 2007, No. 121, § 2.