P.R. Laws tit. 24, § 61c

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 61c. Collecting and use of funds

The Secretary of Health in consultation with the Director of the Office of the Management and Budget and the Secretary of the Treasury shall implement the administrative procedures for the accounting, deposit and use of the funds collected in each health institution owned by the Commonwealth and its municipalities, by collecting the reasonable charges for the services offered to persons or families classified under § 61a of this title, as not eligible to receive these services chargeable to public funds. The funds collected in those diagnosis and treatment centers or in health centers administered through agreements entered into by the Secretary of Health and the municipal government shall be covered into the accounts corresponding to the municipal governments and to the Health Fund in proportion to the contribution of funds made by each one for the administration of the facility in question. The funds collected according to the provisions of §§ 61—61k of this title in other health institutions shall be covered into the Health Fund created under the provisions of §§ 337—337m of this title.

The funds collected under this section that are covered into the Health Fund shall be used, subject to the priorities that the Secretary of Health may establish, for the improvement of the salaries of the personnel and of the health services and the facilities in which they have been collected.

The Secretary may contract with the municipalities for their contribution to the payment of the services given to the residents of the municipality in the Commonwealth hospitals as well as in private hospitals; Provided, That in the case of private hospitals, the payment shall be made according to the costs of the audited hospital services. A proportional fraction of the sums collected within their territorial limits for services given in hospitals owned by the Commonwealth shall be accredited as a contribution of the municipality to the users who were able to pay for all or part of the service.

History —June 21, 1969, No. 56, p. 100, § 4; June 28, 1978, No. 82, p. 262, § 2; July 2, 1985, No. 52, p. 181, § 22.