P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 2812

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 2812. Licenses—Provisional

The Board may issue provisional licenses to practice as operator for the term of one year to any aspirant to obtaining a permanent license as operator who has applied for the corresponding examination and who, at the date of effectiveness of this act, is practicing the occupation of operator and has been practicing the same for a period of not less than one year in the corresponding class and category.

The provisional license shall be applied for by using the form and by enclosing the documents determined by the Board through regulations. The application shall also include the corresponding fees pursuant to what is established in the Service Fee Regulations of the Examining Boards attached to the Department of State. Provided, That the fees indicated herein shall be covered into the General Fund of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

Any person for whom a provisional license has been issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall bear it with him/her while he/she is working in the operation of a treatment plant and/or system, and the same shall be nontransferable. Provided, That a person holding a provisional license may only practice as operator in the plant and/or system in the class and category for which said license was issued and only under the direct supervision of a certified operator.

History —July 13, 1978, No. 53, p. 528, § 11; Jan. 16, 2002, No. 29, § 13.