P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 2713

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 2713. Complaints, investigation; procedure

The Board shall receive and investigate the complaints filed with respect to persons who have been authorized by this chapter to practice as apprentices, assistants or expert electricians. In the event that good cause is found, the corresponding procedure for suspension or revocation of the license may be instituted, which shall be in harmony with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, §§ 2101 et seq. of Title 3. The Board shall notify the College of Expert Electricians from the commencement of the proceeding, for whatever action it may deem pertinent.

History —June 2, 1976, No. 115, p. 334, § 13, renumbered as § 14 on Mar. 7, 1983, No. 4, p. 9, § 2; Nov. 6, 1992, No. 86, § 8.