P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 2617

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§ 2617. Board—Members; terms

Members of the first Board shall be appointed within the sixty (60) days following the effective date of this act. Members of the first Board shall be appointed as follows: one (1) for four (4) years, two (2) for three (3) years and two (2) for two (2) years. Upon expiration of the term of each, the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint a successor for a term of four (4) years, subject to the requirements prescribed herein. Each member shall hold office until his term expires and his successor has been duly appointed and qualifies, unless because of resignation or for other cause he has ceased before expiration of the term for which he was appointed, in which case the Governor shall appoint a person for the remainder of the term for which his predecessor was appointed. No member of the Board shall be appointed for more than two (2) consecutive terms. The Governor may remove any member of the Board upon preferment of charges, notice and hearing, for immoral conduct, negligence, incompetence or upon conviction of a felony or misdemeanor implying moral turpitude.

History —May 21, 1976, No. 54, p. 140, § 17, eff. 90 days after May 21, 1976.