P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 2554a

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 2554a. Examinations

The Board shall offer revalidation examinations in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico at least twice a year on the subjects it stipulates through regulations, and according to the standards established in coordination with the Department of Health. The Board shall determine in its first Regular Session of the month of January of each year the dates on which the examinations shall be given, and shall publish them. The examinations on subject matter shall be in writing and shall be offered in English and Spanish as selected by the aspirant. The Board shall seek professional advice on examination preparation techniques, in order to ensure the validity thereof as adequate instruments to measure knowledge and skills.

The Board shall establish, through regulations, everything concerning the overall grade point average needed to pass the examinations, which shall be informed to the aspirants thirty (30) working days prior to the date on which the examinations will be administered.

Any person who has taken the examination shall be granted a term of ninety (90) days by the Board, starting from the date he/she received notice of the examination results, to file any allegation in his/her favor concerning the examination grade. The examination papers of those who have passed shall be destroyed after the aforementioned ninety (90) days have elapsed. The Board shall keep the papers of those persons who have failed the examination for the time needed to comply with the regulations adopted thereby on examination makeups.

The Board shall provide the applicant with guidance to acquaint him/her with the examination procedure, the norms that apply, the method for the evaluation thereof, and any other pertinent information. The Board shall prepare and publish a handbook to such effects containing all the information regarding the revalidation examination, a copy of which shall be made available to any person who requests admission to the examination. The aforementioned handbook shall be available with the revisions corresponding to the upcoming examination, ninety (90) days prior to the administration date thereof. Said handbook shall be handed to aspirants upon presentation of an internal revenue voucher in the amount of ten dollars ($10). The Board may review the price of this handbook from time to time, based on the expense of preparing and publishing the same; but the amount to be charged shall never exceed the real cost such expenses represents.

History —July 3, 1975, No. 148, p. 455, added as § 6 on Dec. 20, 1991, No. 112, § 4.