The regulations shall contain such provisions that are not herein contained, including those concerning the functions, duties and procedures of all its bodies and officers; summons, dates, quorums, composition and requirements of the regular and special general conventions and the sessions of the Board of Directors; the election of the Directors and Officers; permanent committees; budgets; investment of funds and disposal of the properties of the Association; terms of all officers; creation of vacancies and manner of filling them; administrative, appellative and dismissal procedures.
The regulations shall also provide for the creation of a Joint Committee with the Institute of Engineers and Surveyors, created by §§ 731—743 of this title, with the purpose of regulating the interprofessional relationship between the members of the respective Associations and to formulate the basic principles to rule said committee.
History —July 6, 1978, No. 96, p. 284, § 7.