The Barbers and Hair Stylists Association shall have the following powers:
(a) Exist ad perpetuam under the name of the Barbers and Hair Stylists Association of Puerto Rico and to sue and be sued as a juridical person.
(b) Possess and use an official seal that can be altered at its volition pursuant to the association’s bylaws to be affixed to all its official documents.
(c) Acquire real and personal property by purchase, gift, bequest, foreclosure, contribution among its members or by any other legal manner, possess, mortgage, rent and otherwise dispose of them.
(d) Designate its director, officers and officials.
(e) Adopt its general regulations in harmony with the provisions of §§ 582—582i of this title which shall only be amended in its regular or special annual assembly, with the presence of not less than ten percent (10%) of the total of members of the Association, with notice given to them of the amendments to be considered, in the manner and the number of days prior to said assembly and the number of votes needed for its approval pursuant to the procedure and requirements provided therein; furthermore, said general regulations shall not be suspended in any of its parts, except when in conflict with the laws of Puerto Rico, and in said case, only that part shall be suspended in order to harmonize said provision with the act.
(f) Adopt a Code of Professional Ethics that shall govern the conduct of all of its members.
(g) Receive and investigate complaints filed with respect to the conduct of its members while in the exercise of the profession, which may be referred to the Governing Board of the Association, or to the committee or commission prescribed by the general regulations, so that action can be taken after a preliminary hearing in which the affected person is guaranteed the right to timely notice, to appear motu proprio or accompanied by counsel, present evidence, and examine the evidence presented against him/her, and if grounds are found, to file the corresponding action before the Barbers and Hair Stylists Examining Board.
(h) Protect its members through the creation of a fund for widows and orphans, insurance systems and special funds or in any other manner aid those who retire because of physical disability or advanced age and the heirs or beneficiaries of those members who die.
(i) Represent all barbers and hair stylists licensed as such in Puerto Rico pursuant to the terms of §§ 582—582i of this title and as provided in its general regulations.
(j) Carry out all the incidental powers that are necessary or convenient for purposes of its creation, provided they are not in conflict with the provisions of §§ 582—582i of this title.
History —July 1, 1988, No. 60, p. 272, § 3; Sept. 13, 1996, No. 231, § 1.