P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 55c

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 55c. Tutorial program—Candidates; requirements

(a) Those persons who hope to register in the Tutorial Program established in § 55 of this title shall meet the following requirements:

(1) To be of legal age and to have resided uninterruptedly in Puerto Rico for at least one (1) year prior to the date he applies to the Board of Medical Examiners for authorization to register in the Tutorial Program. Said period of residence shall not be deemed to be interrupted by sporadic departures from the country and for brief periods for medical, business or pleasure trips.

(2) To meet all the requirements established by Act No. 22 of April 22, 1931 for admission to take the medical validation examination.

(3) To have not been convicted for violations of §§ 2101 et seq. of Title 24, known as the “Puerto Rico Controlled Substances Act”, or for violations of Section 9 of Act No. 22 of April 22, 1931.

(4) To present an application to the Board of Medical Examiners on the form it determines, to be issued an authorization to register for the Tutorial Program, and in which he must state that he meets the above requirements.

(b) Every application shall be accompanied by such documents that are needed to ensure that the applicant meets the requirements established in this section and an internal revenue receipt in the amount of fifty dollars ($50).

(c) The Board shall issue its decision to grant or deny authorization for the aspirant to register in said medical education courses within thirty (30) days after receiving the application.

History —Dec. 30, 1986, No. 1, p. 855, § 4.