P.R. Laws tit. 28, § 526

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§ 526. Conveyance of property

The Secretary of Housing of Puerto Rico is hereby empowered and authorized to assign, donate, sell, lease, exchange or otherwise alienate in the name and in behalf of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the lands and other property devoted to the ends and purposes of the Housing Development and Improvements Administration or any of the programs thereof, when such action may be necessary to carry out and enforce the functions of the said Housing Development and Improvements Administration; Provided, That the listing of powers, duties and faculties made in this act shall in no wise be understood as a limitation thereof. The Secretary of Housing of Puerto Rico is also hereby empowered and authorized to lease, when not in use, the equipment, machinery and facilities that the Housing Development and Improvements Administration may have available to the usufructuaries of parcels under Titles V and VI of the Land Law of Puerto Rico to other farmers and to the municipalities, to carry out and enforce the ends and purposes for which said Administration was created. The farmers to whom reference is made should be those who have no equipment, machinery and/or similar facilities or who have them in inoperable condition or those farmers who are affected by an emergency situation which forces them to lease equipment, machinery and/or additional facilities. The Secretary of Housing shall impose as an essential condition for the lease that the equipment, machinery and/or facilities so leased, may not be subleased and such other conditions that may assure the due use of same. When the lease of the equipment, machinery or facilities is made in behalf of the usufructuaries of parcels under Titles V and VI of the Land Law, to be used in the construction of houses with materials supplied by said Administration, the corresponding rentals shall be added to the sale price of such construction materials and shall be paid under the same conditions established for the payment of same.

History —Dec. 12, 1950, No. 2, p. 332, § 4; June 19, 1965, No. 56, p. 106.