P.R. Laws tit. 28, § 75

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§ 75. Condemnation of property

At the request of the Authority, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico shall be empowered to acquire by condemnation, in the manner provided by the Commonwealth laws on condemnation, title to any real and personal property, or any interest thereon, that is necessary or advisable to acquire land that is to be reclaimed by irrigation, and thus carry out the program established by §§ 71—73, 75, 76 and 78 of this title, and the Authority shall pay for all said real or personal property from its own funds.

History —June 9, 1948, No. 40, p. 110, § 5; June 20, 1957, No. 79, p. 411, § 2; Dec. 24, 1998, No. 317, § 4.