P.R. Laws tit. 3, § 341v
A Commission is hereby created composed of the Secretary of Consumer Affairs, the Secretary of Justice, the Chairman of the Planning Board and two persons representing the public interest designated by the Governor of Puerto Rico which, in the term of one year from the effective date of this act, shall make a study in which shall be determined the functions and programs of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico which must be transferred to the Department of Consumer Affairs by reason of their close relationship to the problems and affairs of the consumer.
Based on these recommendations the Governor shall submit to the Legislature, not later than thirty (30) days after a regular session starts or ten (10) days after a special session convenes, the transfers or programs he may deem necessary. If the Legislature adjourns without any of the Houses rejecting any proposed transfer, the latter shall automatically be approved, and shall take effect on the day following the adjournment of the Legislature.
History —Apr. 23, 1973, No. 5, p. 15, § 24.