P.R. Laws tit. 33, § 4860

2019-02-21 00:00:00+00
§ 4860. Demand for payment

No person shall commit the crimes established in the §§ 4857 and 4858 of this title unless it is shown that the holder of the check, money order, draft or note, or the agent thereof has notified either in person or by certified letter with return receipt requested from the drawer or endorser at his last known address demanding the payment to the holder or the agent thereof at the address stated in the notice of the amount of the check, money order, draft or note within a term of not less than ten (10) days if the drawer or endorser to whom the notice is addressed is domiciled in the area of the holder and not less than fifteen (15) days if domiciled in another municipality or out of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Said term is calculated from the date of the notice to the drawer or endorser of the unpaid check, money order, draft or note.

If the address provided by the drawer or endorser is false, or if he refused to provide a physical address together with the mailing address at the time of issuing the check, money order, draft or note, it shall be understood that the notice from the bank or depository stating that the check, money order, draft or note had insufficient funds constitutes sufficient notice pursuant to the first paragraph of this section.

History —June 18, 2004, No. 149, § 232, eff. May 1, 2005.