The purpose of the Property Registry is the registration of transactions and contracts relating to real property through a public record system of titles containing the acquisitions, modifications and extinctions of domain and other real rights on said property, and the recordable rights on same, and those judicial opinions which may affect the legal capacity of the owners of record.
All sections of the Property Registry shall remain within the territorial demarcations where they are presently established.
The titles of real properties located within the territorial demarcation of each section shall be registered in that section. If a real property is located within the demarcation of two or more sections or demarcations, the first registry shall be made in all of the sections, describing the total area of the property and the part thereof corresponding to each section or demarcation, continuing its registration record in the section in which the largest area is located. In the event that the area in each demarcation is the same, the registration record shall be continued in the section requested by the titleholder. This fact shall be annotated in each of the sections in which the real property is registered.
The entries in the Register, inasmuch as they refer to recorded rights, are safeguarded by the Courts of Justice and have all corresponding legal effects as long as said Courts make no statement to the contrary.
History —Mortgage Law, 1979, § 7.