P.R. Laws tit. 34, § 1724

2019-02-21 00:00:00+00
§ 1724. Forfeiture Board

The Forfeiture Board is hereby created attached to the Department of Justice. The duty of the Board shall be to maintain custody, preserve, control, and dispose of property seized by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico through forfeiture proceedings.

The Board shall be composed of the Secretary of Justice who shall be its Chair, the Superintendent of the Puerto Rico Police, the Secretary of the Treasury, or their authorized representatives. It shall be the responsibility of the Chair of the Board, as the appointing authority, to appoint any other officials and employees as are necessary to achieve the purposes of this chapter, subject to §§ 291-295 of Title 3, known as the “Department of Justice Organic Act”, and §§ 1461 et seq. of Title 3, known as the “Public Service Human Resources Administration Act of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico”, or any successor law thereof. In order to make appointments and facilitate compliance with this chapter the Chair of the Board shall avail him/herself of the personnel and administration systems of the Department of Justice insofar as it does not affect the operations of said Department.

The Board shall hold at least one (1) regular meeting every six (6) months for the purpose of overseeing the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, and delegating to the Administrative Director of the Board any duties deemed pertinent. The Board shall hold special meetings when deemed necessary, at the call of the Chair.

The Chair may also summon to board meetings any Secretary, Head, or Director of government departments, agencies, offices, or instrumentalities of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico that he/she believes may assist in forfeiture proceedings or in the seizure or disposal of property.

Any expenses incurred by the Department of Justice in discharging the aforesaid duties shall be defrayed from the Special Fund created under this chapter. Board employees shall have the same rights and duties, and shall enjoy the same benefits as the employees of the Department of Justice.

History —July 12, 2011, No. 119, § 3.